You’re snuggled up under a cozy blanket and ready for a good night’s sleep. Everything is nice, warm, and cozy, but what about your baby? Are they just as comfortable as you are?
As a parent, it’s your responsibility to make sure that your baby stays warm.
Well, sometimes that’s easier said than done. That’s why many parents wonder how to keep baby hands warm at night, especially during those cold and harsh winter nights.
It goes without saying but if your baby is chilly, they will find it harder to fall asleep, just like grownups. But, what viable options do you have to warm up your little baby’s hands?
Don’t worry. There are many must-know tips, tricks and strategies that can help you keep your baby warm and comfortable without transforming your house into a sauna.
So, grab a cup of coffee, curl up, and get ready to take notes.
Why Your Baby’s Hands Are Cold at Night
So, your baby has traded in their cute little fingers for a set of icicles. They could be just like Elsa from Frozen, or maybe there’s an actual reason why their hands get so chilly.
Rest assured that we’ll get to the bottom of this in no time. We’ll help you figure out how to keep your baby’s hands warm at night, but first, we have to explain why this happens.
You probably already know this, but babies, especially newborns, have a harder time regulating their body temperature. Unlike adults, they are more sensitive to changes.
While your baby’s room temperature may seem perfectly fine to you, there’s a good possibility that it may not be warm enough for your baby’s tiny toes and fingers.
If so, you have to learn how to keep baby hands warm at night.
As if babies didn’t have it hard already, they also struggle with poor blood circulation. As a result, those fingers get really chilly. You’ve got to find a way to warm them up properly.
Unfortunately, that’s not all. The fact that your baby doesn’t move much while they sleep also contributes to colder hands and feet. They’re lying still. So they generate less heat.
Being aware of why your baby’s hand gets extra cold is crucial in order to find and apply an efficient strategy that could help you learn how to keep your baby warm at night.
That said, it’s best to start from the basics.
Keeping Your Baby’s Sleeping Area Warm
If you’re wondering how to keep baby hands warm at night, the first thing you must know is what room temperature is comfortable for young babies and infants.
The room temperature should range between 68 to 72°F.
If the room temperature is below 68°F, your baby will likely get cold. That will make it difficult for them to fall asleep and get their rest, sometimes even impossible.
The obvious solution to this problem is to stabilize the temperature in your baby’s room.
If your baby’s toes and fingers are cold, you might be tempted to raise the temperature to over 72°F. This will lead to another problem, and you may end up overheating your baby.
So, find the sweet spot and make sure it remains unchanged throughout the night.
Now, another thing you have to consider is how you dress your baby. If it’s the middle of the winter, you obviously have to dress your baby appropriately in warm clothing.
What does that mean? Extra layers and warmer clothes. You might think that adding a blanket inside your baby’s crib can help, but it only contributes to the risk of suffocation.
Avoid placing any unnecessary items inside the crib. Prioritize your baby’s safety.
Covering your baby’s hands with hand mittens is also possible. While covering your baby’s hands is unnecessary, it’s a viable solution on particularly chilly nights.
If you can avoid using hand mittens – then that’s your safest bet. They seem useful at first, but they actually pose a safety concern because they increase the risk of suffocation.
And if it’s not that cold, they could potentially overheat your baby.
Cold feet and hands are just a normal part of your baby’s development.
Another thing that you can do to help your baby stay warm during the night is to add some extra layers to your baby’s bedding, such as a well-insulated cotton or fleece sheet.
You can even layer sheets to get better results, but make sure to do so safely.
Keeping your baby warm shouldn’t compromise the safety of their sleeping environment.
Remember that you can also warm up your baby yourself. Using your body heat or touch, you can gently rub their hands and feet, which can also help them relax.
So, you have a few efficient strategies to keep your baby’s room nice and warm.
Let’s summarize:
- Keep the room temperature between 68 to 72°F.
- Dress your baby appropriately for the weather.
- Add some extra layers of sheets.
- Use your own body heat.
How to Choose the Right Clothing
Having sorted the environment, the next thing to focus on is clothing.
How you dress your baby plays an important part in keeping them warm.
So, how do you choose the right clothing? First, consider the materials. You want to make sure that the clothes you put on your little one are soft. Babies have sensitive skin.
The clothes should also be breathable in order to keep your baby comfortable.
Cotton, cotton muslin, and bamboo can do an efficient job, but fleece fabric is probably the best wintery material for your baby. It’s every parent’s go-to material for the cold.
However, fleece fabric is usually used for outerwear or blankets. But, there are some fleece onesies that you can use to keep your baby warm, cozy and comfy all night long.
Just make sure that it doesn’t lead to your baby overheating, because this material is so efficient at trapping heat. You don’t want to heat your baby like a burrito accidentally.
If you’re going for a fleece onesie, find a more lightweight option.
Now, if you want to learn how to keep your baby’s hands warm at night, it’s essential to know how to layer clothes properly. Try not to bundle your baby up in a million layers.
Too many layers are actually counter-intuitive, and it leads to overheating.
So, if you’re going to layer clothes, you want to choose a few lightweight layers that you can easily add or remove as needed. This makes it easier to change clothes if necessary.
That’s all there is to it. Using the right materials and learning how to layer clothes properly will keep your bundle of joy warm, safe, and comfortable throughout the chilly season.
Tips and Tricks on Keeping Your Baby Warm
If you’ve already regulated the room temperature and dressed your baby appropriately, then you have nothing to worry about since cold hands are normal for young babies.
However, if you want to take a few extra steps to learn how to keep your baby’s hands warm at night, these tips and tricks can help you ensure that your baby is snug and cozy.
Have you considered the crib mattress? It may sound unimportant, but a crib mattress actually plays a crucial part in keeping your baby warm throughout cold, chilly nights.
How? Well, a soft, thin mattress is not only dangerous for your baby but also does very little to retain heat. You want to make sure that the mattress you use is firm and thick.
A firmer mattress helps insulate your baby from the cold.
If it’s really cold and you’re panicking, don’t resort to using electric blankets or heating pads. While this may sound like a good idea in theory, it’s actually risky for your baby.
You can try warming up the bed with warm water bottles instead.
If your baby’s hands are cold at night, consider the placement of the crib. Is it near a drafty window or a cold wall? If so, relocating the crib to a warmer spot is necessary.
You wouldn’t exactly place your own bed next to a drafty window, either.
Another neat little trick is to prewarm the baby’s bed before bedtime. Preheating the crib with an electric blanket or a heating pad is fine so long as you don’t forget to remove it.
Placing your baby in a preheated bed is certain to show immediate improvement.
It’s common sense because your baby’s body will spend less energy trying to warm up due to the cold sheets. You’re making it easier for your baby to maintain their temperature.
It’s a simple trick, but it makes a world of difference.
But what about sleep sacks? Yes, we haven’t mentioned them earlier, but sleep sacks are a great option during cold weather because they provide a warm and cozy sleep setting.
A sleep sack is basically a wearable blanket. Now, you have to take into account the few risks associated with wearing sleep sacks in order to make sure that your baby stays safe.
They’re generally considered safe, but you have to get the size right.
Don’t forget to change your baby’s diapers often, too. A wet diaper is a cold diaper and needs to be changed at least once every night in order to keep your baby perfectly dry.
Make sure you have enough diapers on hand to react in case of emergencies. A little effort goes a long way, and you can also use diapers for blowouts for that extra bit of comfort.
If you’re really worried about how to keep your baby’s hands warm at night, there’s a lot of clothing options that can give you peace of mind, such as a sleepsuit with hand covers.
The reason why sleepsuits with hand covers are considered a better and safer choice than hand mittens is because hand mittens can be accidentally removed when worn in the crib.
If removed, they pose a safety concern. On the other hand, a sleepsuit with hand covers poses no safety risks, comes in a variety of styles and materials, and is very convenient.
If you’re wondering how to keep your baby warm at night, it’s all about ensuring the right room temperature and dressing your baby appropriately – but there’s always more to do.
These tips and tricks can help you learn how to keep baby hands warm at night, but keep in mind that you don’t have to overstress it. Babies have cold hands – and that’s normal.
As long as you follow these tips and use common sense, your baby will be just fine.
Now, let’s turn this blob of text into a clear and organized list:
- Use a firm, thick mattress.
- Preheat the sleeping environment.
- Consider the crib’s placement.
- Consider using sleep sacks.
- Change your baby’s diaper regularly.
- Consider using a sleepsuit with hand covers.
How Your Baby Tells You When They’re Cold
If you’re not sure whether your baby is cold, don’t sweat it – they’ve got ways to tell you.
When it comes to being cold, your little one will let you know. However, it’s not always easy to decipher their language, especially if you’re not familiar with their subtle cues.
Obviously, the best way to figure out if your baby is cold is to use your sense of touch.
Place your hand on their belly or back and see if they feel like a popsicle. On the other hand, if your baby’s hands are cold at night, it might not be the most reliable signal.
If you want to learn how to keep baby hands warm at night, you have to read your baby’s cues. Otherwise, you will have to guess. So, pay attention to your baby’s body language.
Does your little one seem more fussy than usual?
If they feel cold, babies get irritable.
When your baby suddenly fusses for seemingly no reason, it might be because they’re cold. That’s precisely why parents need to know how to keep baby hands warm at night.
Not just their hands and feet, mind you – but their whole body.
When your baby starts shivering, it’s the clearest sign that your baby is freezing. If this happens, you need to respond immediately and warm up your baby as soon as possible.
Another thing you should pay attention to is your baby’s breathing pattern.
Is it more rapid and shallow than usual? Are they coughing?
If so, your baby’s body is working overtime to keep warm.
When you notice these signals, it could indicate that your baby is chilly. As a result, you have to warm them up by providing extra layers and adjusting the room temperature.
Remember: your goal is to keep your baby comfortable, not to cook them. When you’re learning how to keep your baby warm at night, it’s just as important not to overdo it.
Find the sweet spot that will keep your baby warm without overheating them.
So, let’s sum up the signals that your baby might be feeling chilly:
- Cold to the touch.
- More fussy than usual.
- Baby is shivering.
- Rapid and shallow breathing pattern.
- Coughing.
Are Cold Hands Bad for Your Baby?
When you find out that babies have cold hands, you’re surely going to wonder if that’s dangerous for them. You will also want to learn how to keep baby hands warm at night.
To answer your question: no, cold hands are usually not a cause for concern. But, that doesn’t mean that you should ignore the issue if it’s making your baby uncomfortable.
Still, it’s good to know that babies have colder hands and feet than grownups. That’s just how their cute little bodies operate, and there’s usually no real reason to be concerned.
However, if your baby’s hands are freezing all the time, it’s best to take action to warm them up. Besides, it could point to the possibility that your baby is, in fact, underdressed.
Since babies have a harder time regulating their body temperature, you want to make sure to keep your little one’s hands warm throughout the night to ensure safe sleep.
So, cold hands aren’t technically a reason to ring the alarms, but it helps parents to know how to keep baby hands warm at night, because it can significantly improve their sleep.
What about the other side of the problem? What if your baby’s hands are warm? Well, it depends on the severity of the issue. If babies start to sweat, then they’re overheated.
But, now we’re entering a whole new world of trouble.
As a responsible parent, it’s your job to monitor your baby’s temperature. Check to see if their hands and feet are chilly. Try our tips and tricks to help your little one stay warm.
While chilly hands aren’t necessarily dangerous, it’s still useful to know how to keep baby hands warm at night because doing so improves your baby’s sleep and keeps them comfy.
There’s No Real Cause for Concern
As a new parent, you’re bound to overthink everything, from the color of their poop to how they sleep. It’s like every new day is an adventure filled with many question marks.
However, you can ease all your worries by staying informed. In fact, it’s very important that you do that because parenthood is a stressful journey, and you need composure.
By taking the time to learn how to keep baby hands warm at night, you’re alleviating a great deal of your concerns, and even more so after you learn that it’s not a big deal.
Keep in mind that your baby is more prone to temperature changes. One moment they’re cold; the next, they’re hot. That’s normal because their cute little bodies are still adapting.
Getting used to life outside of the womb’s comfort takes time.
Even though babies have poor blood circulation and struggle to regulate temperature, that doesn’t mean that they’re helpless. In fact, they have a few defense mechanisms in place.
While their hands or feet might be a bit chilly, the rest of their body remains at a comfortable temperature. So, there’s no real reason for you to panic or freak out.
It’s just one of those things that new parents tend to worry about.
Yes, knowing how to keep baby hands warm at night is useful, but now that you know there’s no real cause for concern, you can focus on other, more important things.
For example, you can work on helping your baby sleep better.
You can focus on helping yourself sleep better.
As a new parent, it’s easy to get wrapped up in taking care of your little one to the point where you neglect practicing self-care. A well-rested parent makes for a happy baby.
Don’t Overheat Your Baby
Now that you’re equipped with must-know tips and tricks on how to keep baby hands warm at night, it’s important that you remain careful so as not to overheat your baby.
Keep in mind that you’re not supposed to dress your little one for the weather outside. Instead, you’re supposed to dress them appropriately for the temperature in the room.
So, you need to dress your baby smartly. Instead of using mittens or a blanket, you have to know how to keep your baby warm at night by layering their clothes in an organized way.
Avoid anything thick or heavy. Instead, choose breathable, lightweight materials.
If your baby gets too hot, it might be due to the fact that you’ve overdressed them. When that happens, adjust by removing layers and redressing your little one in suitable clothes.
Or, you can go with something else entirely and just use a sleep sack.
It’s natural to want to do everything in your power to keep your baby comfortable, but knowing how to keep baby hands warm at night shouldn’t make your baby get too hot.
Whether it’s a sleep sack or layers of baby clothes, remember never to cover your baby’s face or head. Especially if you’re using a sleep sack, check that it’s not too tight or loose.
Covering your baby’s face endangers them because it could possibly restrict breathing.
In case you’re not certain if your baby’s too hot, observe them. Are they fussy? Are they sweating? Does their skin feel hot to the touch? If so, you’ve probably overdone things.
Also, be careful if you’re using a space heater. A space heater may sound like a suitable solution to your problem, but it also presents its own set of risks. So, be very careful.
All in all, finding the right balance is key if you want to help your baby sleep better.
In Conclusion
To help your baby sleep better, you need to keep them comfortable. However, there’s no need to panic if your baby’s hands are slightly cold. It’s not dangerous for them at all.
As a matter of fact, all babies have poor blood circulation and, as a result, chilly hands and feet.
Still, knowing how to keep your baby warm at night can help you practice safe sleep.
It may feel overwhelming when you enter the world of parenthood for the first time, but so long as you stay positive, flexible and willing to learn – you’ve got nothing to fear.
Remember to dress your baby appropriately, with layers or a sleep sack, and keep the temperature in your baby’s room comfortable. Doing this ensures safe sleep.
At the end of the day, it’s all about doing your research and staying informed.
So, it’s a good thing you’re here.
Don’t be afraid to seek advice and guidance whenever you feel uncertain.
You get to help your baby sleep better by being in the know.
With our tips and tricks, you won’t have to worry about your baby’s little icicles anymore.

Mother of three and a primary school teacher. I’ve always loved being around children and helping them, so I chose my path as a teacher. It is sometimes hectic with three children, but I am 100 percent into it and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.