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Postpartum Herbs

Postpartum Herbs

Postpartum herbs are something that’s not so famous among new mothers.

Luckily, that trend is changing. Women all over the world are starting to explore the world of postpartum herbs.

Our bodies are amazing and they go through so much during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Women are strong enough to endure all the changes and pain. However, just like our body is amazing, nature is also magnificent.

Nature gives so many things for healing. We just have to be interested in those things and we have to use them.

Postpartum herbs will speed up your recovery and they will help you to be yourself again.

Because of this, keep reading this informative article. It will change your perspective on the postpartum period and herbs. You will be interested to explore the nature.

Postpartum Herbs

Postpartum herbs are plants that have a positive effect on a woman’s body during her postpartum healing.

They can help with various things. Some of the postpartum herbs work as uterine tonics.

Some of them promote faster healing. Certain postpartum herbs are great for lactation. They can also affect your hormonal balance and water retention. Some of them can even help with your mental health.

The point is – postpartum herbs are magical when it comes to healing and rejuvenating. There are so many herbs that can be helpful for different things.

I will try to mention the most useful postpartum herbs that will solve at least one problem that affects a woman during her postpartum recovery.


Fenugreek is great for increasing breast milk supply. It usually comes in the form of tea, and because it affects milk production, it’s marked as a galactagogue – lactation inducer.

This postpartum herb was popular even in ancient times, and many moms are using fenugreek seed to boost their milk supply.


Schisandra is a Chinese herb famous for its powerful properties. This herb is used during the postpartum period to prevent possible infections.

After the delivery, the woman’s body is sensitive and fragile. This is why it’s recommended to rest for at least 6 weeks after birth.

Bodies need time to recover and heal. Since it’s normal to bleed a few weeks after delivery, there is a higher chance of infection if you’re not careful.

Schisandra is filled with antioxidants and polyphenols. Because of this using Schisandra will protect you from possible infections, and it will make your body stronger and more resistant.

This is one of the postpartum herbs that is considered an adaptogen. Adaptogens are substances that make our bodies more resilient to any sort of damage and disease.

People use Schisandra for boosting their immune system and energy levels in other cases too. For example, this herb will protect you from respiratory diseases and it will energize you.

These are some great reasons to use Schisandra. It will not protect only your reproductive organs, it will protect your whole body.


Chamomile is easy to find and most of us have it in our homes. This amazing postpartum herb is great for many things.

Firstly, chamomile tea is a great postpartum tea because it is beneficial for drinking and herbal postpartum bath.

When you drink chamomile tea regularly, it will calm you down and help you sleep better. It’s also good for digestion and other stomach issues.

When it comes to the herbal postpartum bath, sitting in warm chamomile tea will do wonders. It will speed up the healing down there and it will help with the pain.


Sage is one of the most interesting postpartum herbs because it can affect your mood and mental health.

It is proven that sage has a positive effect on new moms because it works as a mood supporter.

There are even medications for treating postpartum depression based on sage. As a new mom, you don’t have to be in a bad mental condition to use this tea.

Your hormones and emotions are probably going wild, and it’s good to consume something that could prevent any undesirable outcomes.

This postpartum herb is filled with antioxidants which makes it a great immunity booster.

Herbal postpartum bath with sage is one of the best postpartum baths you will try. You’ve probably heard that sage tea is great for rinsing out wounds and cuts.

Manu dentists recommend sage tea after certain procedures that leave wounds in the mouth. This tea has strong healing properties.

Therefore, the postpartum sage bath is a great way to heal if you had an episiotomy or if you have stitches.

Even if you don’t, it will soothe the area. Sage postpartum bath is also good for moms who’re dealing with painful, bleeding hemorrhoids.

This herb will take the pain away, stop the bleeding, and significantly decrease the size of hemorrhoids. Many doctors recommend a sage sitz bath after vaginal or rectal procedures because it helps with the healing. As you can see, sage tea has powerful effects on our bodies.


Moringa is a well-known galactagogue. It will boost your milk production and it will energize you.

The easiest way to consume moringa is to purchase a moringa powder. Make the drink following the instructions and enjoy the benefits.

This is one of those postpartum herbs that are effective for successful breastfeeding, but it’s also great for your immunity and energy.

Moringa is filled with vitamins and minerals, and it will heal your whole body. It’s normal to feel exhausted after delivery. Even if you had an easy childbirth, you lost a lot of blood.

Blood loss is the main reason for using products, medicines, and remedies that will nourish your whole body. It’s also the reason why new moms have to wear postpartum diapers.

You need to become strong again, and moringa is a great postpartum herb that will help you in that process.

Holy Basil

Holy basil is similar to sage in the terms of reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.

This tea is packed with antioxidants that will protect your body from infections, and inflammation. Holy basil is also good for improving digestion which is often a problem during the postpartum period.


Nettle postpartum baths and nettle tea were used in the past by midwives to reduce bleeding.

This tea has a lot of iron, which is important when your body is dealing with blood loss.

It also has other ingredients that will help with your digestion and water retention. Many women have digestive problems and nettle tea is a great natural laxative.

Many women are bloated and swollen after birth due to water retention. Since nettle tea is a natural diuretic, it will help with this postpartum problem too.

Many women use nettle to fight hair loss after giving birth. A woman’s hair is usually thriving during pregnancy due to prenatal vitamins and hormones in our body that are important for a child’s growth.

After the delivery, our hormones are usually imbalanced. Additionally, we lose a lot of blood, and breastfeeding is also not helpful.

We have to nourish our bodies with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. We have to eat well and use natural remedies to help ourselves.

Nettle tea is a great thing for hair loss. You can drink it, and you can rinse your hair with it. Either way, it will stop hair loss and it will promote hair growth.


Lavender is a postpartum herb with a great smell, and it has antibacterial properties. It can be used as a postpartum sitz bath, but it’s also good to drink lavender tea.

Many people think that lavender is the best thing for treating insomnia naturally. It helps with stress and anxiety.

This plant is so powerful that sometimes you don’t even need to drink lavender tea to calm down. Sometimes, just smelling the lavender is calming enough.

Lavender oil is popular for treating perineal issues after birth. Some women find it strong, but this oil should always be diluted.

It has antibacterial, healing, and antiseptic properties. It will speed up the process of wound healing, which is great for women who had episiotomies.

Red Raspberry Leaf

Red raspberry leaf is quite famous among pregnant women and new moms. This tea has a strong effect on a woman’s uterus.

It should not be consumed in early pregnancy, but consuming it in the last few weeks will help your body prepare for labor and contractions.

Drinking red raspberry leaf tea after giving birth will boost your lactation, and it will help you heal faster.

This tea can cause uterine contractions, which are necessary for giving birth. Uterine contractions are also crucial after birth to get rid of blood and tissues left behind.

Postpartum Herbal Baths

I’ve mentioned that some herbs can be used for making postpartum baths. Postpartum baths are an important part of postpartum recovery.

They will take away the pain, relax your pelvic area, and they will speed up your recovery.

Every herb that can be used as tea, can also be used as a postpartum sitz bath. When it comes to these baths, if you have a bathtub, you can use it. However, you have to clean it well and disinfect it before making your bath and sitting in it.

An easier solution is purchasing a sitz bath for a toilet seat. It looks like a big, plastic bowl with a flushing hose.

They fit over every toilet, and they’re much easier to clean. A flushing hose is also a very helpful gadget.

The postpartum herbal bath should be a must after vaginal birth. It’s usually okay to have these baths after a C-section, but you should still check with your doctor.

There are many teas that are healing, but you can also find a tea blend for a sitz bath. Wishgarden Herbs make their own tea blend for herbal baths, and they also have many uterine tonics and other postpartum remedies, so check them out.

Many mothers praise their Rebalance Postpartum Hormonal tincture.

Sitz bath should always be warm, not hot. You should sit in them for at least minutes, and you should do it whenever you have the time.

It’s necessary to clean the bathtub or the sitz-bath tub that goes over your toilet. It’s also necessary to clean your private area.

Herbal baths during postpartum recovery will help you heal, but they will also dissolve your stitches faster – if there are any, and reduce inflammation in that area.

Many women used herbal postpartum baths just because they had major problems with inflamed hemorrhoids and it helped them a lot.

The point is, herbal baths are much more helpful and efficient than people think. There are so many precious herbs that will speed up postpartum healing, but they’re not only made for oral use.

Don’t be afraid to explore the world of nature. You will find so many things that will help your body to move on.

Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum recovery lasts for months. The first few weeks are crucial, and in those first weeks, we feel everything that’s happening.

However, our bodies need months to recover completely. After all, during pregnancy, your internal organs were repositioned to make room for the baby.

You grew a new human being inside you, and it will take some time for everything to get back in its place.

Since a woman’s pelvic area is affected by pregnancy and childbirth the most, this is the area of everyone’s attention.

It takes about 6 weeks for your reproductive organs to heal. But, this recovery is the bare minimum. You will recover after some time.

Our bodies are made to go through this, and many women don’t use anything to speed up their postpartum recovery.

To be honest, it’s not so much about speeding up the process. It’s about feeling good. You’ve just had a baby.

You want to be there and feed your child. You want to enjoy every moment. You want to take care of your baby.

It’s not about a speedy recovery, it’s about not being in pain. We have so many educational resources, so many herbal products, gadgets, and other things than can help a lot.

Every woman should use them. If you don’t take your postpartum healing seriously, you might suffer the consequences in the future.

Herbal remedies and herbal teas are natural. They won’t be harmful in any way, and there is nothing wrong with trying them out.

Maybe some of them won’t be helpful for you, but others will. I’ve heard so many women who are against these things.

They don’t believe in these things and they just wait for their bodies to do their things. And they will recover too. But isn’t it better to recover faster and easier?

I know so many women who had trouble going to the bathroom after delivery. It’s not just about bowel movement – they couldn’t even pee because it’s painful.

When I told them to simply pour some warm water down there while peeing to take the pain away, they wouldn’t believe it. Of course, when some of them tried it, they were extremely grateful.

Remember, drinking some herbal teas, using herbal products to make a bath, or using warm water to alleviate the pain when going to the bathroom is simple and cheap.

Don’t be lazy and do it. Prepare yourself for postpartum healing even before childbirth. Besides using natural herbal remedies for self-care, you should also pay attention to your diet and mental well-being.

Some of these herbs are great for your mood, anxiety, and sleep. You just have to use them regularly.

A good diet is also crucial because you need nutrients to recover from delivery. You need healthy food to recover from blood loss. Your postpartum diet is even more important if you’re breastfeeding.

You’re exhausted from pregnancy and childbirth, and now you have to feed your baby without even gaining back your strength.

You have to eat well, and you have to be open to natural assistants if you want to make a good memory of this part of your life.

Another important part of postpartum healing is resting. If you had a C-section, the doctors will urge you to take frequent, light walks.

These are also good if you had a vaginal delivery. However, resting is sometimes harder, but you have to push through it.

I know that it’s almost impossible for some moms who don’t have anyone to help them but try to organize your space and time well, so you don’t have to get up all the time.

Most new moms are following the 5-5-5 postpartum rule – 5 days in bed, 5 days in bed, and 5 days near the bed.

This is a good rule. You need some light activity after the first two weeks. Our bodies need to move in order to recover. Listen to your body, and try to heal it as soon as possible. Do your research and try out these tips and tricks to recover faster.

Going To The Doctor’s Office

All these herbal products and remedies are great for solving postpartum problems. Some women have more of those problems and they’re in more pain, and others have it easier.

Maybe you’re here looking for postpartum herbs because you’re bleeding a lot, or you’re in a lot of pain.

In some cases, that’s normal because it’s your body’s response. However, when you’re feeling bad, you should go to the doctor’s office.

Postpartum complications are not rare, and sometimes that excessive bleeding is a sign of something serious.

Sometimes the pain is too much. Whatever it is, it’s important to be responsible. No matter how powerful certain remedies are, sometimes a visit to the doctor’s office is the only solution.


One of the most important of postpartum healing is staying hydrated. A healthy diet and postpartum herbs will definitely help, but you have to drink enough water.

As always, your number one should be plain water. Teas and other postpartum drinks are good, but plain water is the best choice.

Besides water, it’s good to incorporate other drinks. For example, a red raspberry leaf tea is great for boosting milk supply.

Body Armor drink while breastfeeding is a great way to stay energized. Plain water is crucial, but it’s good to drink something that has some additional electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals.

When it comes to diet, eating a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables is a great way to nourish your body. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, and they’re great for immunity, metabolism, and energy.


Postpartum herbs are very important natural remedies. Nature gives a solution to every problem, we just have to take use of it.

New moms are especially fragile. They’ve been strong for so long, they’ve endured pregnancy and delivery.

Now they need something to help them get back on their feet. They need something that will help them heal better and faster.

Postpartum herbs are easy to find, and all you have to do is be consistent. Even though these herbs are strong enough to help even after one use, you should be persistent.

When you feel the positive effect of natural remedies, you will be motivated to keep using them. Your body is amazing and it will heal on its own. But why not help it?

These herbs are a great way to support your body in this recovery mission. Giving birth is natural and normal, but it’s not easy.

Anyone who tells you that it is is wrong. We have so many possibilities nowadays. We learn new things every day and we should use that knowledge to make our lives easier and our health better.

postpartum herbs

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Tuesday 21st of March 2023

[…] is one of the best postpartum herbs. It’s good for many things, but it’s also good when you have painful […]

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