Now, that your lovely family is expanded (welcome little one), you can no longer buy just about anything and this refers to yogurt as well. Although it’s considered that this beverage is generally healthy, you still have to consider purchasing the best yogurt for the baby.
There’s no doubt that cow’s yogurt is an excellent baby food, due to the fact that it’s loaded with nutrients our youngsters require, like calcium, vitamins (vitamin d for instance), protein, and probiotics.
Plus, let’s not forget to accentuate the fact that it’s very simple to eat, and you can combine it with a variety of different things, both sweet and savory.
But then, you’re aware of the fact that the yogurt aisle is filled with various options, and not every plain yogurt is best for the baby, so how then can you hunt down the best yogurt for the baby (the refers to best yogurt for toddlers too)?
All of this can cause some serious confusion, however, if you stay tuned, I’ll carefully explain everything!
What Type of Yogurt Is Best For The Baby?
Even though everything is relatively new and complex to you when it comes to this whole baby & yogurt topic, the truth is, it’s actually a lot simpler than it appears to be at first glance.
So, the question is what to look for if you want to find the best yogurt for the baby & best yogurt for toddlers.
1. First and foremost, it has to be made with whole milk
2. Although kids adore yogurts that come in different flavors, it would be advisable to buy your baby yogurt that is plain, and with no flavor
3. Creamy texture is a must because that’s much more visually appealing to children, not to mention that creamy versions are also very tasty.
4. Do not acquire your baby yogurt that’s high in sugar (opt for unsweetened yogurt, rather than the one that contains added sugars)
5. If you can afford it, purchase your baby yogurt that’s organic
6. Both Greek yogurt and traditional one are great options!
Now, that you’re on this exciting journey of finding the best yogurt for the baby (and at some point, the best yogurt for toddlers), bear in mind that if by any chance your little angel dislikes a particular flavor, don’t stress over it too much, since there’s a wide range of flavors that he/she will adore!
When Is the Best Time to Introduce Your Baby to Yogurt?
It’s safe to give your baby yogurt as soon as he/she is 6 months old, or whenever you decide to welcome solid foods.
But just like with any other food item, it would be advisable to first consult with a healthcare provider, to see whether it is truly a good time for the baby to start consuming it.
Fortunately, yogurt (including unsweetened yogurt as well) is generally pretty easy to digest, unlike milk.
Plus, as I previously stated (when I was discussing the best yogurt for the baby) it’s packed with probiotics which are a great thing for the baby’s sensitive tummy.
Various Health Benefits of Yogurt
Now, that you’re yearning to buy the best yogurt for the baby, let’s dive into the world of numerous health benefits it provides.
First of all, this delicious drink is an amazing source of fats that can positively impact brain development.
Babies generally need a substantial amount of fat and precisely this beverage is a good way to meet their needs.
You have probably heard a bunch of times that many kids are allergic to milk. So if you want to see if that’s the case with your little one, it would be much better to first offer yogurt instead of milk.
And here’s a fact that I mentioned earlier, but I must again.
Namely, yogurt is a huge source of probiotics, containing various sorts of live cultures and precisely these cultures are going to help your baby have a healthy GI tract.
Things to Focus On When Obtaining the Best Yogurt for the Baby
If you want to acquire the best yogurt for toddlers, and babies, then you simply must opt for whole-milk yogurt, which includes whole-milk unsweetened yogurt too!
That’s something that should be your number one priority!
So what do I mean by that?
It means that if you cast your eyes on the label, it should be written that it contains somewhere between 3 to 4 % fat content.
And don’t be afraid of the fat content. It’s actually a much better option than buying a low-fat yogurt.
As I previously stated, babies need fat to aid with brain development; hence full-fat yogurt (even if it’s unsweetened yogurt) is always a great idea!
Traditional Yogurt VS Greek Yogurt
Here, there’s no need to complicate things too much, because, at the end of the day, it all comes down to the preferences of your little one.
Generally speaking, most children prefer Greek yogurt because it’s much creamier and goes perfectly well with different fruits and other sweet things.
But on the other hand, if you truly want to hunt down the best yogurt for toddlers, and babies, then you should steer clear of the Greek yogurt that’s packed with milk protein.
A certain amount of milk protein is permissible; however, too much protein is not a good idea.
But just like with everything else, if your baby is not addicted to it, meaning he/she eats like 2-3 cups of greek yogurt per day, there’s no need to beat yourself up if you obtained it. It’s going to be okay!
Flavored Yogurt or Unsweetened Yogurt?
This is one of the most common questions when it comes to this topic. You want to acquire the best yogurt for the baby, however, you’re unsure which of these two is a better option.
If you ask me, for starters, it would be much better if you fed your little angel with unsweetened yogurt.
Yes, I know that you probably think that your kid would rather consume something that’s loaded with different flavors, but that actually doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.
How come?
Well, that’s because every single food item is new to these adorable beings, and most of them are open to a variety of different foods and drinks (this doesn’t refer to wine or vodka, of course).
So this just goes to show that it’s highly likely that your baby will love a plain, and simple yogurt that doesn’t contain any particular flavor.
Of course, once your child is older (older than one), you can experiment with various flavors, but for now, it would be advisable to stick with unsweetened yogurt because added sugar is currently (or ever) not the most welcome.
Can Babies Choke on Yogurt?
What a lovely thing to ask! Joking aside, no, yogurt doesn’t pose a risk for babies (maybe for clumsy adults?).
I mean, yes, everyone can choke on literally anything (including water), however, if you do everything that’s in your power to create a safe space for your little one while he/she is eating, then everything is going to be a-okay!
Yogurt as an Allergen
Somewhere at the beginning, I mentioned that many babies are prone to cow’s milk allergies.
And there’s no need to remind you that yogurt is oftentimes made from it. Of course, these days, you can stumble upon yogurts that are plant-based, or made from different ruminants, like buffalo, goat, and sheep.
Even yogurt for babies (not referring to plant-based ones) can cause a similar allergic reaction to cow’s yogurt or any other dairy product (even plain milk) for that matter.
But on a more positive note, in most cases, this type of allergy usually disappears at some point.
According to various studies, that’s something that occurs around the age of 5 or 6 months, or even if the allergy doesn’t disappear entirely, it’s going to be much milder.
But what about kids who are lactose intolerant?
Here’s an occurrence that’s actually quite common among children. However, if by any chance your baby is lactose intolerant, don’t worry.
It has been proven before that yogurt is actually tolerated much better by those suffering from lactose intolerance.
How come?
Well, that’s because it contains smaller amounts of lactose, unlike milk, plus, it’s filled with probiotics that are capable of breaking down the lactose.
Now, if you (or any other family member) have/had issues with milk (particularly with milk allergies), then it would be advisable to first consult with a pediatrician and allergist before you introduce yogurt to your child.
In these instances, you will most likely have two options at your disposal.
You will most likely be advised to first try out making your own yogurt at home or to give your baby yogurt under medical supervision at a particular clinic. This is known as an oral food challenge.
If none of these alternatives are suitable for you, then for starters, begin with small amounts of this beverage, just to see how your little one will react.
And then, if you notice that everything is fine, you can gradually increase the quantity.
Is Fruit Yogurt Good For Babies?
Even though when you see the term fruit yogurt, the first thing that crosses your mind is that it’s something healthy.
However, as stated above, if your baby is very young, then it would be wise to focus on plain yogurt solely.
Luckily, there are lots of amazing options out there and I’m positively sure that you’ll easily find something that your little angel is going to love.
Therefore, if you want to buy the best yogurt for the baby, then you should purchase from these dairy companies:
1. Siggi’s – creates delicious yogurts that do not contain any added sugars. Plus they also make yogurt tubes that are not high in added sugars
2. Stonyfield – They make both a plain version of baby yogurt, plus baby yogurt that isn’t loaded with added sugars
3. Happy family – You have to give this one a try! Namely, they make whole milk yogurt that contains either both fruits and vegetables or fruits only
4. Green Valley – If your kid is lactose intolerant, then you should definitely opt for this one because the taste of it is out-of-this-world!
5. Redwood Farms – If you’re in the mood to try out (both you and your baby) a goat milk yogurt, then give this one a chance. After all, goat milk yogurt is easier to digest.
What About Our Beloved Toddlers?
Now, that you know what’s the best yogurt for the baby, let’s talk about a baby toddler.
So the question is, what is the best yogurt for a baby toddler?
Well, the situation is actually quite the same. Plain whole milk yogurt is perfectly safe for babies to eat because it provides the aforementioned benefits to them.
If there’s some picky eating involved, and you’re not sure if your kiddo will eat yogurt solely, then feel free to jazz things up by adding some peanut butter, fruit, maple syrup, honey and generally eating your little one adores.
Since your toddler is not a baby anymore, and you started with baby-led-weaning, feel free to serve yogurt that comes in different flavors.
And don’t worry, it’s not going to negatively affect his/her health and overall nutrition, because, after all, that’s not going to be the only item on the menu.
Keep in mind that if you serve yogurt that contains added sugar, it’s still going to provide a variety of different benefits to your child.
Let’s Discuss Homemade Flavors
If by any chance you have a demanding kiddo, who doesn’t like yogurt as much, yet you would still love to make sure he/she eats yogurt, then the best thing that you can do is to add some interesting flavors at home.
As I previously mentioned, adding some peanut butter, or frozen/fresh fruits is always a great idea. On the other hand, if you notice that your child is not too thrilled with it, then add a jar of baby food fruit purees.
That’s both tasty, and healthy!
Generally speaking, what’s spectacular about yogurt is the fact that you can practically combine it with anything to get some of the best homemade yogurts in the world!
It’s only up to you (and your baby) to decide what your little angel loves. If you haven’t figured it out yet, then just let imagination and creativity run wild by putting different food items (if you’re starting solids). Eventually, you’ll conclude what piques your baby’s interest when it comes to this.
Regular Yogurt VS Organic Yogurt
Now, here’s a topic that’s always “current” when it comes to new parents and their kiddos. Most parents think that only organic is officially “approved”.
Although there’s no denying that organic foods are superb, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you must solely obtain them.
At the end of the day, if you don’t have the means to acquire organic food, there’s no point in breaking the bank unnecessarily.
Nothing bad is going to happen if you purchase conventional yogurt, as long as it contains the right amount of milk fat.
On the flip side, if money is not an issue for you, then yes, you should definitely opt for the organic version because there is a slight difference (in terms of nutrition) between a traditional one and organic yogurt.
So what’s the main difference then?
For example, in most cases, when someone says organic dairy products, it is usually referred to as cows that have been raised on a pasture for a certain amount of time.
And it is widely known that pastured cows produced milk that has a slightly better fat profile in comparison to the ones that have been grain fed.
But to remind you once again, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be hurting your child in any way by feeding him/her a conventional yogurt (and dairy products in general).
So do not let anyone convince you otherwise!
Is It Okay for Your Toddler to Eat Yogurt With a Spoon?
Most definitely yes (if you’re about, to begin with, baby-led-weaning)! And that’s perfectly fine when your little one is 10 to 12 months old. Earlier than that is not exactly advisable because such a young baby is not able to self-feed.
Just don’t beat yourself up if you notice that your kid isn’t using the spoon properly right off the bat. At the end of the day, your baby is still very young and it’s going to take some time for him/her to learn how to get yogurt into the mouth.
Just like with everything else in life, it’s all about honing your skills. All you have to do is to be there with your child while he/she is practicing, and in a blink of an eye, he/she will get there, don’t doubt it!
In the beginning, your baby will most likely rely on their tiny hands, and that’s totally fine. It’s something babies got used to, but at some point, the spoon is going to become their best friend.
What About Nondairy Yogurts?
If your child isn’t too fond of dairy yogurt or is allergic to milk (which is a common allergen), then dairy-free yogurt is for sure another great option.
Fortunately, there are so many spectacular things at your disposal when it comes to this, such as almond milk, soy, coconut milk, etc.
And what’s great about nondairy yogurts for babies, is the fact that they can also be mixed with many delicious things to make the yogurt even more flavorful!
There you go! Can’t you see that finding the best yogurt for your baby isn’t as intimidating as you thought it was going to be?
With so many high-quality, delicious options that are at your disposal, you do not have to face the hassle of wandering around like crazy, trying to figure out what’s good for your little one and what isn’t.
Yogurtland is packed with spectacular things, and all you have to do is pick the one that’s going to stimulate your baby to smack his/her lips like never before!

Well, hello there!
My name is Jennifer. Besides being an orthodontist, I am a mother to 3 playful boys. In this motherhood journey, I can say I will never know everything. That’s why I always strive to read a lot, and that’s why I started writing about all the smithereens I came across so that you can have everything in one place! Enjoy and stay positive; you’ve got this!
Potty Training One Year Old - Where to Begin? • Mama Bean Parenting
Wednesday 8th of February 2023
[…] negative, it would be so much better if you offered some encouragement or even give a small reward (such as a glass of his favorite yogurt) to your kiddo so he can be proud of […]