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Can You Feed A Baby In A Car Seat?

Can You Feed A Baby In A Car Seat?

Can you feed a baby in a car seat?

This is a question that many people don’t ask.

Many parents just assume that it’s okay to feed the baby wherever they can and whenever the baby is hungry.

However, just like everything else connected to kids and parenting, this is also a little bit more complicated.

Being a parent is difficult because we have to think about every little detail that could endanger our child. We often do things that we don’t understand just because someone told us that we should do them.

When it comes to feeding a baby in a car, I will try to explain this topic completely. After reading this article, you will know and you will understand the complexity of this situation.

You will be more confident and you will be able to give other parents some useful advice. Just keep reading if you want to enrich your knowledge.

Can You Feed A Baby In A Car Seat?

If you’re wondering if you can feed a baby in a car seat, the answer is simple and straightforward – no.

Of course, there are some exceptions I will talk about, but in general, you can’t feed your baby in a car seat.

The main reason for this is simple – security reasons. Just like it’s not recommended for anyone else to eat in the car, it’s not recommended for your baby to be fed in a car seat.

The first reason why this should be avoided is possible choking. When the car is moving, everything becomes a choking hazard.

If you’re giving your child a bottle, it can hurt him or her if a car accident happens.

Solid foods are even more dangerous choking hazards. A baby can easily start choking, especially during a car ride.

If you think that all of this is a little exaggerated, just imagine the worst-case scenario in your head.

You’re giving your baby a bottle or some solid food. Something suddenly appears on the road, and the car must be stopped immediately to avoid a car crash.

Sudden breaking will shake up every person, especially a little baby. If a baby is eating at this moment, choking is highly possible.

The baby can start choking even with milk. The bottle could fly away and break a window, or hit the baby in the face.

There are many possibilities, and for your child’s safety, you shouldn’t feed a baby in a car seat.

Another reason for not doing this is not so serious, but it matters, and that is hygiene. We all know that babies are usually messy while eating.

Even if it’s a bottle, they can easily drop it and spill the milk all over. Solid foods are even worse since it’s almost impossible for a baby to eat solids without being messy.

There are babies who are quite skilled when it comes to eating on their own, or maybe you’re the one who’s always in the back with the baby. However, driving can always move someone and make you drop and spill things.

Even though most car seats nowadays are easily washable, you shouldn’t risk getting stains that can’t be removed. It often happens that we don’t even see where the stain or dirt is, and it just starts smelling bad.

Invisible food leftovers can often attract ants, bugs, flies, and similar tiny animals. This can be dangerous and it’s very unsanitary.

Besides, even if you check the car seat and everything around it in detail, washing and cleaning it all the time is not convenient.

Your baby will also get dirty, and even though we’re used to changing their clothes, why do it when it’s not necessary? Simply don’t feed the baby in the car seat and don’t give your baby food in the car seat.

Babies often get nauseous or get motion sickness. If you feed the baby in a car seat, you will increase the chances of digestive problems.

If your baby starts vomiting, you’re in trouble in many different ways.

I Have To Feed My Baby

If you’re traveling somewhere far away with a baby, the baby has to eat. If this is the case, then simply pull over somewhere and feed your baby in a car seat.

This way, there is no risk of getting hurt, and there is no risk of spilling things in the car.

When the car is not moving, you can even protect the car seat with something to prevent stains and food spills.

If you have to feed your baby in the car seat, and you can’t stop the car for some reason, then I don’t have the right suggestion for you.

It’s risky to feed your baby in a car seat, and it has to be your decision that you will stand by.

Try to be careful, move slowly, and make sure that the car is going as slowly as possible. Don’t leave the baby to eat on their own. You have to feed the child. This way you will avoid possible complications.

You be the person that’s holding the food or a bottle. If you’re feeding a baby in a car seat with solid foods, give them very small bites.

Bottle feeding is more difficult since you can’t control it that well. You could take frequent breaks during bottle feed.

One thing I haven’t mentioned is breastfeeding. I think it’s quite obvious that breastfeeding while the car is moving is off the limits.

You would have to take your baby in your arms, and that could lead to fatal consequences if something happens. You simply can’t feed the child whether it’s in a regular car seat or an infant seat.

If the trip is longer, and you know that baby has to be fed every 1,5 to 2 hours, then simply plan your trip.

While you’re still at home, look at the map and figure out the best stops for breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or regular feeding.

Additionally, make sure to burp the baby after the feeding. This will prevent vomiting and nausea during a car ride.

Even their own vomit is one of the possible choking hazards. You have to plan your road trip in a way that your baby is safe.

Motion Sickness And Babies

Giving your child food while you’re all driving in the car can only aggravate this condition. However, some parents had a positive experience when they gave their kids some food.

This can certainly happen, but it’s risky to do it. There is a chance that it will help a little bit, but there is a bigger chance that your baby will feel even worse.

Since you want to do something that will make it easier for your child to be in the car, then follow some of the best tips and tricks for babies that suffer from travel sickness.

Feeding The Child Before The Trip

It’s uncommon for babies that are only breastfeeding or being bottle-fed to have travel sickness. It’s possible, but it rarely happens.

If this is the case, you should feed your baby before the trip. However, don’t feed the too much. Give them just enough.

When their tummies are too full, vomiting is inevitable during any kind of movement.

If the baby is eating solid foods, prepare a small meal before the trip. Once again, don’t give them too much food, and give them neutral food.

Bread, bananas, oatmeal, yogurt, and crackers are great options. If you give them something too sweet, sour, or acidic, that will worsen their travel sickness later.

Only Drinking Water

Most kids like drinking some juice, but if they’re sensitive to movements, you should only give them water on the day you’re traveling.

Even if you have some natural, homemade juice, choose water. Water is neutral, it has no sugars, and it’s the best drink for hydration.

If your child is older, you might consider giving it some cold, peppermint tea. This will have a calming effect on the stomach.

Once again, feeding the baby with a baby bottle is also one of the choking hazards, but fluids are essential.

Choosing Light Clothing

If your child is prone to getting sick in the car, you should think about every little detail. Wearing thick clothes makes everyone feel trapped and hot.

So, try to dress your child in light, comfortable clothes, from breathable materials. If it’s cold, then simply layer it up.

This way you can take off a few layers if your child gets fussy. Breathable clothes help when the baby is nauseous.

Looking Out The Window

It’s important to try and get your baby to look out the window. When the baby is looking somewhere else, or playing with something, the chances of getting sick are much higher.

The body knows that there is some kind of motion. But, since the brain and eyes are focused on something else, this can lead to travel sickness.

Try to put something fun on the window, or choose a rear-facing position if possible.

Taking Breaks

I’ve already mentioned that taking breaks is important during long trips if you want to feed your baby in the car.

However, breaks are also important if you have a nauseous kid. When you stop, open the windows, lay down your child, and put a damp cloth over its head.

If possible, take your child outside to breathe in some fresh air. Staying hydrated and taking breaks will alleviate the symptoms of travel nausea.

Avoiding Strong Scents

As adults, we like to get that strong car scent that will make us feel like we’re not even in the car.

This is something that should be avoided if your child has issues with driving and nausea. Strong smells can worsen the symptoms.

Additionally, avoid strong body scents and perfumes. The car is a small space and everyone can smell everything.

Keep your car clean, ventilate it when it’s not in motion, and don’t use artificial and strong scents.

Avoid Traveling At Night

Traveling at night is a great option to avoid car jams and to get somewhere faster. It’s also convenient when you want to get somewhere early in the morning so that the whole day is in front of you.

If your baby is very little, traveling at night might not be so problematic, since the baby is already waking up often.

Still, it’s better to teach your baby that nighttime is bedtime. If your child is bigger, it is exhausting to travel at night.

You’re messing with their natural biorhythm, metabolism, sleeping patterns, and digestion.

It’s normal for kids to feel nauseous, weak, and confused. Simply choose to travel during the day.

Some people say that their kids sleep the whole time when they’re traveling at night. If this is the case, then it’s okay to consider this option.

If you need some tips and tricks on how to put a baby to sleep fast, then get to exploring.

If you’re in that confusing period when your child is sometimes sleeping and sometimes not, it can be complicated to predict the situation.

For example, 3 to 2 nap transitions are always stressful for parents.

But, traveling at night could also have a negative effect on you. Even though you’re an adult, you should always get some rest before traveling. If you switch day and night, it’s going to be hard to stay alert and fresh.

Music And Sounds For Nausea

Every day, people are finding different ways to stop or prevent something. Even though listening to music or some sound effects sound a bit silly, many people had positive experiences with this.

You could try standard white noise, but you could also explore something a little bit more musical. Apparently, this has a positive effect on the brain and it can prevent nausea, vomiting, headaches, and similar symptoms.


If you’re often traveling and you’re struggling with your baby’s travel nausea, it’s a good thing to consult with your doctor.

There are medications for travel sickness appropriate for that age. Even if you don’t travel often, this is a good thing to explore.

It’s not just about preventing nausea in the car. It’s also about preventing things that come after. Most babies that have a hard time while driving in the car will be fussy at least a day after that experience.

This can be frustrating if you’re on vacation or you went to visit some family. Therefore, it’s good to explore this option too.

Keeping The Baby Safe In The Car

Feeding a baby in a car seat is just one of the things that could become a question.

Even though it’s essential to drive a car with your baby in it, there are some things that should be taken care of. Car accidents can always surprise us.

No matter how good of a driver you are or how carefully you’re driving, something can always happen.

It doesn’t have to be your fault. It simply happens. This is why it’s important to have a safe car for the baby.

If you’re driving a car without seat belts or enough airbags, think about this. I know that it’s a big investment to get another car, but if your child will be riding it all the time, it’s worth it.

If it’s possible to install these things in your existing car, then don’t think about it for a second; just do it.

Auto reverse windows are also a great thing when you have kids. If your window is open, and your child touches it, it will automatically go down, to prevent any injuries.

Safe locks exist for a long time, and they’re a great way to prevent kids from opening the door. Some newer cars don’t have them, and in this case, you should lock all doors when the child is inside the car.

Choosing a good car seat for a baby is also essential.

There are so many options to choose from. You have cheaper and more expensive choices. However, the most important thing is choosing a high-quality car seat.

This car seat should have all the safety options possible. It should be easy to use, and it should have a warranty. Find something that is stable and durable.

Another great thing to keep your baby safe in the car is a rear-view camera. You can buy these in every online shop and they’re not even expensive. This will prevent many things that you don’t want to happen.

If your child is bigger, try to keep your back seat tidy. It’s okay to have a bag or something like that back there.

But, all the smaller objects should be moved. If your baby is old enough to reach out for something, then make sure there isn’t anything around the child that could be dangerous.

It’s also important to follow the rules of traffic. Driving slow sounds great, but in certain areas, you could easily have a car crash because of this.

If the speed limit is high, other people will drive faster and they could hit your car if you’re driving too slow.

So, try to follow the rules, respect the speed limit, and be careful and alert all the time. Traffic these days can get messy, and with a baby, in the car, you have to be careful.

Don’t ever leave your baby alone in the car. This doesn’t just apply to summer and high temperatures.

This should never be done. You never know what will happen. Something could stop you from going back to your car.

I am sure you’ve heard of many tragic accidents that happened because of this. Many parents didn’t even know that the baby was in the car.

So, for the child’s safety, be there. Be present. Get some rest and ask for help. Maybe you would never leave your child alone on purpose, but if your mind is too occupied, you could forget about the baby.

The Baby’s safety is guaranteed when the parent is focused and attentive.

Another important fact connected to this topic is that you should always avoid longer trips with newborns, young babies, and preemies.

You should also avoid longer trips if your baby is sick. There are some studies that show a higher percentage of SIDS- sudden infant death syndrome if the baby is spending a lot of time in a car seat position.

There is a small chance for something like this, but wait a few months until your baby is stronger. If you really have to go somewhere, then plan a trip with a lot of longer stops.

Finally, try to find a car seat with an option for longer rear driving. Rear-faced driving is a much safer option for children.

If there is an accident, your child will be more protected if they’re riding the car rear-faced.

Luckily, many car seats offer this option. Some of them will allow you to put your child in rear-facing positions for a few years.

All these things will certainly help you to keep your child safe when driving. Some things can’t be avoided, but it still feels better when you know you’ve done everything in your power to prevent something.

When you have a child, it doesn’t matter how old they are. You’re responsible for them, and you must try to protect them.


If you want to know if you can feed a baby in a car seat, you have your answer now.

This action is not recommended because it has a few risks. When traveling with a baby, there are certain things you should know and plan ahead.

Even the smallest things can have a negative effect on your child, so take every precaution seriously.

Besides feeding the baby in a car seat, this article will help you to learn more about other things that are connected with babies and cars.

As a parent, you have to take care of every little thing. Nowadays, we all use cars for everything, and it’s important to protect our children.

As I’ve mentioned, keep your child safe, but keep yourself safe too. Always wear a seat belt, follow traffic rules, and be focused.

Don’t sit behind the wheel if you didn’t sleep last night, or if you’re hungry. Just imagine what could happen if you fall asleep or become light-headed while driving.

You could jeopardize your life and your baby’s life. Sometimes it’s okay to take the bus.

All these rules might sound too strict, and I am sure nobody does all of this every single time when they want to drive their children somewhere.

Just do your best and at least try to do it every time. These things are far more important for longer trips, but bad things can happen while you’re getting out of your garage.

can you feed baby in car seat

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