What the hell are you doing?
Honestly, I’m really curious to know what your excuse is? How do you justify giving birth to children and then abandoning them?
No child deserves to have their heart broken by a physically or emotionally absent parent. I don’t understand this. I don’t understand how you can look at yourself in the mirror.
How on earth can you wake up in the morning and go about your business knowing that half of you is running through the world without you being there to embrace it?
How on earth can you smile knowing that you’re actually one of the most disgusting humans on the planet?
You’ve helped create a life, a single human life that’s unique and different from all the others. The sickest thing about all this is that you don’t care.
You have no interest in your child’s love. But still, you smile as if nothing had happened.
You smile from ear to ear, knowing you’ve escaped the hardest job a human being can do on this planet.

Wipe that smile off your face because you’re scum. Only scum let other scum raise their children.
I hope that the day you’re finally ready to spend some time with your children, they’ll walk away from you the way you walked away from them.
No child deserves to be abandoned. No child deserves to live in the confusion of loneliness. You’ve ruined the life of someone you didn’t even take the time to love.
You don’t deserve to be a parent. You don’t even deserve the privilege of looking at the photos of the lives you’ve created. In fact, you have no right to call yourself a parent.
After all, you’re completely absent from your children’s lives, so why should you have the right to brag about having them?
There are many ways to disappoint a child.

One thing should be clear: just because you live with your child doesn’t mean you have the right to consider yourself a good parent. Yes, fathers and mothers who literally abandon their children are the worst.
Those who turn their backs on their offspring to live an ostentatious single life are selfish, toxic people. And if you’re one of these people, I sincerely pity you.
Careful! I’m not talking about parents who have been forced to abandon their children because of financial or medical problems. Of course, in some situations, the best thing to do for a child is to allow him or her to live a better life with someone else.
No, here I’m talking about parents who voluntarily turn their backs on their children to party, escape their obligations and not have to take care of them.
But parents who physically abandon their children aren’t the only cowards. Those who abandon them emotionally are no better.
You live with your children, but do you take care of them?

Being under the same roof as your children doesn’t make you a good parent. How many times have I seen dads come home from work to slump on the sofa and watch TV!
Their children play around them, call out to them and demand their attention, but nothing… They don’t even get a kind word. Emotionally absent parents neglect their children’s psychological well-being.
They don’t support them, they don’t give them any proof of love, and they don’t encourage them to learn, grow and make their own decisions.
And I dare not even mention the abuse that is unfortunately far too prevalent in our society. Physical and psychological violence against children is the scourge of our society.
And if the current pandemic has proved anything, it’s that abuse is far more widespread than we think. Indeed, being confined has exacerbated everyone’s worst character traits.
Your children simply need your love.

Emotionally absent or abusive moms exist too. Oh yes… take my word for it. The other day at the park, I watched a woman give her son a monumental spanking. Why did she do it?
Because he’d soiled his pants playing in the grass. I was shocked by the violence of her behavior and the furious look on her face. The worst part was that the child had literally done nothing.
He hadn’t been playing, he’d just been walking on the grass and his pants had turned a little green. The fear in his eyes was terrifying.
As a mom, you need to hold your children and assure them that you’re there to protect them. They need to feel safe with you. And they need to know that you have their back, no matter what.
Yesterday, my neighbor came to visit me with her son. When I asked the 10-year-old what he wanted to be when he grew up, he replied “a pilot”.
His mother burst out laughing and said: “You’re as stupid as your father, so you’ll never be a pilot”. Really? Without shame or embarrassment, she threw these words at him.
Parents consciously destroy their children.

Your physical or emotional absence, your abuse and indifference are the building blocks of your children’s lives. By behaving in this way, you ensure that you create toxic or emotionally unstable adults.
And you can live with that? I don’t understand how a parent can consciously harm a child. Why have children if you don’t intend to cherish and love them?
Perhaps you had a difficult childhood yourself, but that doesn’t justify anything. On the contrary, you should have learned from your parents’ mistakes so as not to repeat them.
This innocent being didn’t ask to be born. You made the choice to have children, so take care of them. If you feel you’re in over your head, ask for help out of pity.
It’s never too late to put things right. You can change and provide a warm, loving home for your child. Ask friends or a professional for help.
For your own sake, but above all for the sake of your children.
And if you don’t want to change and think that your way of raising children is the best, because your children will be “warriors” who can get by no matter what, you’re a lost cause.
I hope your children leave your home as soon as possible, without looking back or worrying about you. Hopefully, they’ll manage to build a healthy life.
If they do, I hope the world ends up screwing you up like you screwed up your own children’s lives.

Mother of three and a primary school teacher. I’ve always loved being around children and helping them, so I chose my path as a teacher. It is sometimes hectic with three children, but I am 100 percent into it and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.