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The Extravagance Of Kid’s Birthday Parties – Is It Time To Stop?

The Extravagance Of Kid’s Birthday Parties – Is It Time To Stop?

We all love our children and we want to give them the best of the world. We want their birthdays to feel like holidays. That’s why we want to organize those unforgettable kid’s birthday parties.

We want to show others how much we care about our kids. But, let’s take a step back. Are we ruining our kids?

Kid’s Birthday Parties Are Insane And You Can’t Change My Mind

Modern times come with modern problems. Back in the day, birthdays were a simple cake and some presents.

Having a birthday party meant having a meal with some friends and family.

Our backyards were good enough, and our children were grateful for some simple things.

Nowadays, things are insane. Birthday parties look like a celebrity event.

It all started when we wanted to switch things up, so we started taking our kids to McDonald’s or Chuck E. Cheese.

We started taking them to playrooms and parks. But, it was still cheap, and simple, and there weren’t a lot of people.

Since we all got hooked on social media platforms, we started to see celebrities and their kids at their birthday parties.

Somebody thought: “Well I could do something similar for my kid. I could organize a party with amazing decorations, costumes, and clowns. We could invite a lot of people to get more presents. Also, it would be cool to brag about it.”

And one simple thought and a wish of a parent who had the money for a big, extravagant party became normal to all of us.

Our kids are used to these parties, and the fact that they’re also using social media and other online platforms isn’t helpful.

They want to have a party like they’re Kim Kardashian’s kid. They see all the luxury and they want it to.

My kid also wants it, and she is asking for the best outfit and the best DJ. She wants a big Cinderella cake, and having a birthday party at home is not something she wants.

When she stated her demands, I realized that she was being a snob. I am creating a snob, and it doesn’t even matter can I afford her birthday wishes.

What matters is that she has to come back to the real life. She is my princess, and I love her, but I must stop fulfilling every one of her wishes.

She doesn’t appreciate it, she expects everything to be on her terms, and I am over it.

All Of It Needs To Stop

This trend of extravagant and expensive parties needs to stop, and there are a few reasons for that.

First of all, we don’t have the money to organize it. It’s expensive, glamorous, and unnecessary.

Things are so pricey, people are losing their jobs, and those parties are useless.

Second of all, our kids are getting too spoiled and selfish.

My kid doesn’t have to be like me when I was a little girl, but she also doesn’t need a birthday party that requires a lot of money, time, and energy.

My mother didn’t do anything crazy for us, and we still had a good time and our birthday mattered.

Why am I teaching my kid that she needs all these things to feel happy on her birthday? I know that I am not doing her any favors.

Last but not least, we should focus on more important things.

Our kids need our time and love. They need us to raise them well. Organizing a party and spending a lot of money is not the solution.

We have to teach our children to be humble and grateful. We have to teach them what truly matters.

A bunch of people and crazy parties with celebrities and singers will just teach them that they can get anything they want.

It’s nice to give your kids what they want. It feels good when you can do something fantastic, but sometimes it’s wrong.

We’re teaching our kids that life is spectacular and that some foolish things are modern.

These grand parties need to stop. We have to change something. We have to do better as parents.

Staying Strong – How To Do It?

Well, this all sounds realistic and great. I had an epiphany and you probably had it too.

Our kids are spoiled and we’re responsible for it. We know it all, and we know what the right thing to do is, but how to do it?

Honestly, nobody is perfect, and I won’t try to be perfect either. All I know is that my kid’s birthday parties will become simpler and cheaper.

She will have her birthday at home. I will make her a cake, and I will make some pizza at home.

I will invite my closest family members and her closest friends, and we will all watch a movie.

Maybe later we will turn on some music and dance. A karaoke night also sounds fun.

She will get some simple presents. She won’t be getting a phone or a new tablet because she doesn’t need it.

The point is, I will not book a DJ for a kid’s birthday party. I will not order an expensive cake and burgers from Chipotle. She won’t get another princess dress and one hundred guests.

I wish I was smarter before because I wouldn’t have to deal with all this now. But, it’s still not too late to teach our kids some important values. I know that I will change things from now on.

In Conclusion

In the end, we’re all guilty. This whole birthday culture is insane, and we’re the generation that should stop the madness.

Our kids deserve everything, but they also deserve to become good people who know the real value of birthdays.

One step at a time and maybe we will insert something important into our children’s minds.