Grandmother proves that it’s never too late for education and inspires many other people to stay persistent. This is her story.
This is her story about dedication and dreaming. Life is always filled with options and it’s never too late to become an improved individual. It’s never too late to pursue your passions. This grandmother will teach a lesson about not giving up.
Grandmother Proves That It’s Never Too Late For Education

Image Source – USA TODAY
Patricia Presberry is a 66-year-old grandmother from Milwaukee. Her life was a roller coaster, and she didn’t finish high school.
However, she wants to obtain her GED. She’s been trying to do it for many years, but something bad always happens.
Not having a diploma didn’t stop her from working. She changed a lot of jobs, and she was always a hard-working woman.
When she got older, she realized that she wanted to finish what she started. Patricia tried a few programs for adults who wanted to obtain their GED, but she couldn’t keep up with the pace.
Finally, she found the Adult Learning Center. This center was opened in 1979, and it helped a lot of people. Unfortunately, due to financial reasons, this center closed a few months ago. Patricia didn’t get her GED, but she is determined to get it.
She already passed a few exams, and she believes in herself. Besides, she wants to set a good example for her kids and grandkids.
I feel like I have won because now I help my great-grandkids with their reading, and I’m not intimidated when someone asks me to read or stand in front of a group. I know I’m going to get there and get my degree. Just watch me.
Patricia planned to finish with all this a long time ago. However, bad luck was always present in her life. Her mom died giving birth, and she lost her stepmom when she was 16 years old. Patricia also overcame drug addiction.
As a teenager, she attended high school in Chicago, until she got pregnant and became a teen mom. She wanted to go back, but she got pregnant again.
She went through two teen pregnancies, and it seemed impossible to get back to school. On top of everything she lived in a housing project.
Patricia kept working hard, but she always wanted to finish her education. She knew that she was good enough and smart enough. She knew that her mistakes didn’t define her.
Patricia wanted another chance and she got it. She is heartbroken because the Adult Learning Center is closing. They were always there for her.
She wanted to finish her education much faster, but many things made that impossible. She suffered an aneurysm which caused a lot of damage
Patricia had to learn how to walk and talk again. She lost a lot of her memory and she struggled with memorizing and learning new things.
But, even with all these issues, Patricia kept going to school. They were very supportive and understanding. They’ve helped her by adjusting a learning plan.
All these problems weren’t enough. A few months ago she was hit by a car. It was a hit-and-run accident, and she had to recover from that too.
This woman had so many obstacles in her life. She survived so many hardships. Her mental and emotional state was damaged. She lost her loved ones. She was an addict. She was a teen mom.
Her physical health also suffered. All these obstacles were in Patricia’s life but she kept going and kept pushing. She was a hard worker and she was true to herself. She didn’t want to give up on her dreams.
I do not doubt that Patricia will obtain her GED. I also believe that she will continue with her education. She is hungry for knowledge and she wants to use every opportunity to enrich her knowledge.
I’m a grandmother now, so I’m not doing this for myself; I’m doing this for my grandchildren, too. I want them to know that you need to ask God for a way around any obstacle that gets in your way. – Patricia Presberry
The Adult Learning Center is permanently closed, but they still want people to learn and get an education. They’re proud of their students and they hope that other people will help them to blossom.
A lot of attention is on the literacy of children, but we have to also care about the literacy of adults because they are the ones who fill many of these job openings. – Jon Gilgenbach
Overcoming Obstacles
Patricia and her story will inspire many people to pursue their dreams. Education is truly essential and amazing. People struggle with different problems every day, but, sadly, they don’t know the power of knowledge.
Being educated and knowledgeable can change everything. Many people believe that confidence and a positive mindset are the key to success.
When you feel smart and informed, you’re confident enough to overcome every obstacle in your life. When you have a goal, you’re strong enough to endure every hardship on your path. Being focused and devoted can bring you miracles.
Age Is Just A Number
Every person in this world can achieve anything. Every person can accomplish grand things. Age is just a number. Patricia is proof that things can be done even when you’re a bit older.
Younger people are faster and more focused, but older people also have some valuable skills. Wisdom and experience are always useful in everyone’s life.
If you truly want something, it’s never too late to get it. If you feel like you can succeed, don’t be scared. There will be ups and downs, and some things are a lot harder when you’re older, but you’re always in control.
Your energy is responsible for everything. If you’re hard-working and persistent, everything will work out for you.
If you believe that you’re capable of grand things, you will accomplish them. It’s very important to be brave when you want to pursue your dreams.
You have to prepare yourself for many problems and complications. Also, you have to realize that some people will judge. Some people will make fun of you, but you have to ignore this.
Just because someone else thinks that age is an obstacle doesn’t mean it is. If you truly know that you want and need something, stop paying attention to negative people.
You never know what could happen. You never know what kind of things will become a part of your life when you decide to enrich your knowledge later in life.
Finding A Community
If you want to succeed, you have to ignore negative people and obstacles. But, if you want to succeed, you also have to find people who will support you.
You have to find a community, group, or organization that will cheer for you. You have to choose a place where you will feel comfortable and motivated.
Patricia found her happy place, and her path will be more complicated from now on. Her center is closed, and she has to find another way to push herself.
You will have to deal with a lot of things, but everything is easier when you’re surrounded by people who understand you.
Everything is easier when you know that it’s okay if you fail. You won’t be alone and people will be proud of you no matter what. Additionally, you have to find something that works for you. You have to find something that’s simple and challenging at the same time.
All these things sound too complicated even though they’re not. I just want you to know that starting over is possible, but make sure to do it right.
Don’t make some small mistakes that will be disappointing and demotivating. If you truly want to make your dreams come true, you need a plan that will keep you strong no matter what happens along the way.
In Conclusion
Patricia is a grandmother, but she has the spirit of a teenager. She is a definition of a strong woman who doesn’t surrender easily. She is a definition of a woman who doesn’t give up no matter what happens.
It’s not easy for her to accept the fact that the Adult Learning Center is closed, but she still wants to keep going.
Patricia went through a lot, and she is an inspiration to every person. If you’re young, just imagine how easy it is for you. It’s much easier to educate yourself when you’re younger. You’re more focused and you’re healthier.
If you’re older, but you have some dreams connected to school and education, this lady should be your role model.
If she can do it after everything she experienced, so can you. Every beginning and every change is difficult, but women are so powerful.
Women are strong and resilient. Don’t wait for too long to go after your dreams. If you feel that it’s time to fulfill your purpose, don’t think about your age.
Think about your motives and ambitions. Patricia is our hero and she will succeed one day. She is already a winner. Her persistence and strength are admirable.
Source – USA TODAY
Hi all, I am Sidney, an accountant, a hobbyist photographer, and a mother to two sweet girls who are my motivation. I love sharing the tips and tricks I gained all these years I’ve been a mother. I hope it will help you!