All moms experience fatigue and sleep deprivation, which then affect their daily activities.
Having children is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, but it’s also the most intense.
There are times (or days) when my lack of sleep catches up with me and I do things that don’t really make sense.
For example, I put my toothbrush away in the fridge.
Or I turn on the tumble-dryer for the second time instead of starting a dirty washing machine.
In short, I’m a mess!
Becoming a mom hasn’t just been a shock in terms of responsibilities and fatigue.
Sometimes I lose my sense of priorities.
For example, I forget to take my vitamins or shower.
But I don’t forget to change my child three times a day, even if he’s not dirty.
I know that many mothers understand what I mean.
This experience is certainly the most beautiful of my life, but it has changed the way I think, the way I work and the way I function.
And when I’m exhausted, there’s nothing worse than hearing someone criticize me or judge my choices.
I never allow myself to criticize other moms or give them advice they never asked for.
So why should I be tolerant, calm and patient when others look at me sideways?
I make mistakes and I admit it!
I may make decisions that don’t seem logical.
But so what?
It’s my life and I do my best to raise my children.
Who can cast the first stone?
I’m tired of being judged!
So, please, stop!
Here are the things I do on a regular basis for which other moms give me the stink eye.
1. I didn’t shower today

Honestly, I’m pretty sure I took a shower yesterday!
Well, the chances of this statement being true are 50% because I can’t really remember what I did yesterday.
But I don’t stink, so I guess I’m clean.
I have two children under the age of two who follow me everywhere.
I can’t afford to leave them alone for ten minutes to take a hot shower.
It would be dangerous and irresponsible.
So I have to wait until my husband gets home to wash.
If he arrives late, I’m far too tired for a shower, so I go straight to bed.
2. I put my son’s shoes on backwards

Actually, three days ago, this happened twice in one day.
The first time, I didn’t notice until he stumbled while running.
The second time, it only took me a couple of minutes to notice because he was walking in front of me.
Fortunately, it didn’t happen a third time.
When you’re tired, your brain doesn’t work in the best way.
Plus, when you’re dressing your kids, you’re thinking about the million other things you have to do.
So your concentration isn’t at its best!
3. I can only hear half of most conversations

Unfortunately, this isn’t just because the other half of my attention is focused on my children.
It even happens when they’re not with me.
I try so hard to listen attentively, but when I’m tired, my attention and thoughts wander.
Or I involuntarily start making to-do lists in my head.
My list of responsibilities is long, so if a subject isn’t vital, it goes by the wayside.
Sometimes I even find myself disconnecting completely.
I’m not thinking about anything, my brain just stops.
As if taking a well-deserved break.
Used to the hubbub, it switches off when there’s no more shouting or crying.
4. Sometimes I kick my husband in the middle of the night and pretend to do it by accident.

My husband is a wonderful father, but he lacks something important enough to meet my daughter’s needs during the night (i.e. the breast).
Plus, he gets up early and goes to work the next day, where he has to be there most of the day.
But, there are those really horrible nights when I stay awake for so long that I want to make him understand my pain.
I know he has to work, but my work never stops.
Even if I don’t sleep, I still have to be functional the next day, because my children don’t understand that Mom is tired.
They don’t know they need to sleep a little longer because they’ve made the night a nightmare.
5. I’ve got snot on my sleeve and I’m pretty sure it’s not mine.
In fact, I’m 100% sure it’s my son’s!
I try to be organized and have tissues with me.
But it doesn’t always work like that, so I have to improvise.
My tired brain doesn’t necessarily come up with the best solutions.
It gives me the easiest option and I don’t have the strength to counter it!
So, yes, I wipe my kids’ snot with whatever I have on hand.
6. I told three different people that something very important was happening on April 14, but I can’t remember what.

Honestly, I spent a lot of time trying to remember!
I was too ashamed to ask these people why this date was so important.
Finally, something clicked: it’s the date I go out to dinner with my childless friends.
It’s my first official outing (alone) since becoming a mom.
Of course, to you, this doesn’t seem important.
Of course, it’s not as important as a birthday or Christmas.
Besides, Christmas is always on December 25, isn’t it?
But for me, it’s crucial!
I need this outing to get out of my role as mom.
Even if I’m exhausted…
Even if I don’t know what I’m going to wear…
So please, stop judging me!
Mind your own business!