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Caviar While Pregnant – Yes or No?

Caviar While Pregnant – Yes or No?

There’s no denying that pregnancy comes with numerous questions. One of them is “Can you eat caviar while pregnant?”

I know that for a lot of pregnant ladies, this isn’t the most important food item on their list. However, there’s no doubt that caviar is a true delicacy that deserves to be consumed by them.

At the end of the day, there are so many things that need to be navigated during this period of time, so if you’re wondering if women can indulge in caviar while pregnant, today, I’ll make things a bit simpler for you.

Let’s see the answer!

Is It Safe to Consume Caviar While Pregnant?

If you’ve been tossing and turning lately because the thought of not being able to consume caviar while pregnant keeps you up at night (this happens to me a lot), then let’s uncover the answer to this (“can you eat caviar while pregnant?”) complex question very quickly!

Generally speaking, yes, pregnant women can eat caviar, however, it would be advisable to take some things into account before you start devouring it.

First things first, you need to be very cautious during your purchase. After all, pregnant women should avoid caviar from someone who isn’t quite trustworthy.

Why should you prioritize this?

Bear in mind that caviar that comes from a particular fish can be packed with mercury which isn’t the safest thing in the world for you and your baby and can potentially be damaging.

In time, mercury can build up in your body; hence it would be advisable to steer clear of foods that are loaded with it at least while you’re pregnant.

Fish that are high in it are swordfish, sharks, king mackerel, and tilefish.

So does it mean you cannot eat caviar while pregnant that’s derived from these fish above?

The answer is yes.

Pregnant ladies can eat caviar, but not the one that comes from the aforementioned fish.

I mean, it’s not going to be the end of the world if they do, but since you have to be extra careful (in terms of the foods you consume during pregnancy) it would be advisable to avoid it for a while.

Another thing that’s pivotal when it comes to eating caviar while pregnant is the allergens inside caviar.

Before you obtain any, just make sure to first read the label so you can see whether any allergens that can potentially harm you and your baby.

Even though now you know you can eat caviar while pregnant, be sure not to binge on it (yes, yes, I know it’s hard). In the end, you need to remember that caviar is high in sodium and you do not want your legs to be even more swollen than they already are.

Different Types of Caviar, Fish Roe & Fish Eggs

Since it’s been concluded that you can occasionally eat caviar while pregnant, it’s time to get down to specifics, because some pregnant ladies are not one hundred percent sure what all these terms mean.

Believe me, you are not the only one. It took me some time to distinguish these things; hence I know your struggle. These are the most common ones:

1. Caviar (any type- black, sturgeon, Beluga, osetra, etc.)

2. Salmon eggs or salmon roe

3. Trout Roe or Trout Eggs

4. Smelt roe or smelt eggs

5. Flying Fish roe

Now you’re probably asking yourself if pregnant women can eat the caviar that I listed above. And the answer is yes.

However, I advise you to perceive it as a treat, something that you’re not going to consume on a regular basis.

And keep in mind one thing.  You can eat caviar while pregnant as long as it’s cooked/pasteurized and stored under the fridge.

How come?

Although you can consume caviar while pregnant, this rule doesn’t apply to the raw version and raw fish eggs.

In case you didn’t know,  caviar, along with other fish eggs, is frequently served raw because that’s one of the most popular ways of consuming it.

But keep in mind that, in your case, popular doesn’t necessarily mean safe as well. On the contrary.

Raw fish eggs are susceptible to bacterial contamination, which is one of the main reasons why you shouldn’t consider eating them while pregnant.

Several years ago, some countries decided to conduct a study that’s going to help them conclude whether it’s safe to eat roe, fish eggs, and caviar when cooked, raw, pasteurized, stored, and salted.

So what happened then?

Japanese people randomly tested raw fish eggs and minced tuna from a store, and out of more than 200 samples, ten contained listeria bacteria, seven of the fish eggs, and three from minced tuna. That’s definitely not good news!

Later, another study concentrated on testing different foods, such as raw fish roe.

So what was concluded?

Sadly, listeria was found in almost six percent of the 123 samples of the tested salmon roe, and in over nine percent of 164 cod roe samples.

This just goes to show that pregnant women can eat caviar as long as it’s not unpasteurized and this refers to fish roe and fish eggs too!

What to Do if You Unintentionally Ate Raw Fish Eggs/Roe While Pregnant?

Although it’s completely understandable if you’re panicking right now because of it, I want to remind you that the risk of consuming contaminated fish eggs that contain a large number of bacteria is shallow.

The best thing that you can do, for the time being, is to try to calm down because you already know how stress can negatively affect you and your baby, and do your homework regarding the symptoms that may arise if something like this ever occurs.

In case you didn’t know, symptoms associated with listeria can appear up to thirty days after consuming contaminated food.

However, you’ll usually have them sooner.

So what are the most common symptoms?

You’ll most likely feel like you are having the flu (fever, nausea, chills, maybe diarrhea, and vomiting) and potentially pain in your muscles.

Now, since nausea and many other symptoms that I mentioned can be part of a standard, typical pregnancy, you shouldn’t immediately think that listeria caused them.

In these instances, the best thing that you can do is to call your doctor, let him/her know what happened and wait for further instructions.

How Will You Know if Caviar Is Pasteurized?

Can you eat caviar while pregnant that isn’t pasteurized? I think that both of us determined that you cannot.

So how will you be able to tell if it is?

The easiest way to figure this out is to cast your eyes on the label. During pregnancy, caviar should be eaten with caution. Consequently, if you check out the label and there’s no indication that it is pasteurized, then it most likely isn’t.

Caviar usually (referring to the pasteurized one) has a pretty firm texture in comparison to the unpasteurized version and caviar eggs are typically evenly shaped and sized.

What about the color?

It is normally consistent, meaning that you won’t notice any discoloration. Oh, and let’s not forget to mention the fact that pasteurized caviar doesn’t have high levels of salt unlike pasteurized one.

Is Black Caviar Pasteurized?

Can women eat black caviar while pregnant? Well, the answer is going to be exactly the same as before.

If you do not see the label on the package that states that it is, then it’s highly likely it hasn’t gone through the pasteurization process.

Are Fish Eggs on Sushi Allowed?

The answer is yes, you can consume fish eggs while pregnant, however, don’t forget that there’s raw fish on sushi, which isn’t the safest option in these instances due to foodborne illnesses and potentially food poisoning.

However, if shellfish and fish are properly cooked, then I’m giving you the green light when it comes to this, particularly due to the fact that fish is generally known for its omega-3 fatty acids, which are very healthy.

Fish eggs (also known as roe) are normally cooked before being put in sushi, which makes them safe to eat while pregnant. 

But still, if you’re unsure whether you should eat it during pregnancy, feel free to talk to your physician.

Can Women Eat Canned Caviar While Pregnant?

Can pregnant women eat caviar that’s canned? That’s another topic that needs to be discussed.

What do we know about it?

Namely, canned caviar is known to be pasteurized. However, compared to a fresh one, it tends to have vast amounts of salt and a much firmer texture.

So does it mean you can eat caviar while pregnant that’s canned?

Well, according to the experts, yes, canned caviar is a relatively safe option because the entire canning process involves sterilization and/or pasteurization.

Just don’t forget that roe and caviar (even when pasteurized in a can, tin, or jar) must still be kept in the fridge if you want them to stay fresh.

Fortunately, this is something that a vast majority of restaurants are aware of. Therefore, they store things like caviar, and different types of fish and seafood safely in the refrigerator or on ice.

Steps To Take When Purchasing Fish Eggs, Caviar, or Roe to Consume at Home

Since all of these things are great sources of protein (for instance, caviar contains 25g of it), it’s certainly an awesome idea to eat them at home, but with several precautions:

1. If you’re planning on eating caviar while pregnant, ensure it’s not raw but pasteurized

2. Don’t forget to ask the vendor whether it’s been kept in the fridge. If it has, then you are good to go.

3. When bringing it home, employ a pack or cooler bag to keep it cool for as long as necessary.

4. Bear in mind that it must always be stored in the refrigerator, even if you didn’t open it!

5. Pay attention to the shelf life!

As previously stated (when I was discussing if you can eat caviar while pregnant), you shouldn’t be consuming fish eggs, caviar, and roe if they aren’t pasteurized or if they are raw. Otherwise, you may jeopardize the health of you and your baby.

Is Caviar Permitted When Trying to Conceive?

Since pregnant ladies are allowed to consume caviar while pregnant, let’s not forget the ones who are trying to conceive.

Are they in the same boat?

The answer is YES! (take a deep breath now). But just like with pregnant women, you still have to be very careful when it comes to this.

On a more positive note, caviar is loaded with amazing things, like vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals which are all extremely beneficial for fertility.

However, just like with any other type of food, if you’re binging on it, or buying it from someone who isn’t reputable, then you are increasing your chances of negatively impacting your overall well-being.

That’s precisely one of the reasons why you should eat it in moderation.

In terms of purchase, make sure to obtain (this refers to any food you’ll be eating while you are trying to conceive) caviar that is organic (pay attention to the certification) and tagged with a sand eel barcode to be sure it is raised on a farm and traceable.

So how much are you allowed to eat caviar while trying to conceive?

From what I know, you shouldn’t eat it more than once or twice each month. Exaggeration is never recommendable, no matter what you consume.

However, if you’re still having some doubts when it comes to this, then simply contact your healthcare provider to see what he or she has to say.


I’m relieved knowing my beloved ladies can eat caviar while pregnant because they deserve to treat themselves to delicious sea things such as caviar and clam chowder.

If you are one of them and you are ready to add this exquisiteness to your menu, then don’t forget to share some alluring caviar recipes with me!

caviar while pregnant

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Thursday 19th of September 2024

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Friday 5th of January 2024

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