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Baby’s Poop Smells Like Vinegar: The Reasons Behind It

Baby’s Poop Smells Like Vinegar: The Reasons Behind It

If your baby’s poop smells like vinegar, you’re probably worried and you’re looking for answers.

It can be difficult to know what is normal and what isn’t. Babies are built differently, and their digestive systems can seem unusual to us.

As a new mom, you should explore all these things that seem weird or unusual to you. Some of them are normal, but some of them aren’t.

A stool can be a sign of many things. It’s important to pay attention to your child’s stool, so you can notice if something is wrong.

Why Does My Baby’s Poop Smell Like Vinegar?

If your baby’s poop smells like vinegar, it’s possible that he or she is not digesting food well.

It can be a temporary issue, but it can last for some time. If your child is healthy, but the stool has smelled like vinegar for a while now, please see a doctor.

If the baby’s poop smells like vinegar, it could also mean that the baby is sick. It’s usually a cold or stomach issue.

It can be a stomach virus. Also, maybe milk or food caused its poop to smell like vinegar.

Another quite unique reason for this condition is teething. Some moms have noticed that their baby’s poop smells like vinegar during the teething period.

The teething period is always full of unusual things. Some babies even grind their teeth.

These are the main reasons for poop that smells like vinegar. None of them are too dangerous and serious.

Pay attention to your child’s condition and stool. Take care of its diet. Increase the intake of healthy nutrients and vitamins and it should go away.

Of course, if it doesn’t go away, you should see a doctor. A stool can indicate many serious health conditions, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Besides these common reasons for vinegar-smelling poop, some other factors are rare, but possible.

Lactose Intolerance

If your baby started consuming regular milk, the vinegar-smelling poop may be caused by that.

Your baby might be lactose intolerant, and for that reason, the digestive system is not processing the food so well and there are issues with the stool.

To be sure that this is the reason, try replacing the milk with a dairy-free option.

Many great plant-based kinds of milk are very beneficial for your baby.

For example, hemp milk for babies is a great choice.

Of course, don’t forget about other dairy products that might be the cause of this unusual stool smell.

Yogurts, cheese, smoothies, and everything that contains lactose should be off the limits if your baby is lactose intolerant.

If your baby is truly lactose intolerant, and you don’t notice it on time, that could cause malabsorption.


Malabsorption is a condition that happens because the body is not able to digest and use nutrients from food.

Symptoms of malabsorption can be different, but when it comes to children it’s hard to determine if the children aren’t able to communicate well.

This is why it’s important to check your baby’s stool. If your baby’s poop smells like vinegar, it’s possible that it’s a case of malabsorption.

Some other symptoms are stomach pain and cramping, bloating, diarrhea, and weight loss.

Malabsorption quickly shows on the child’s body. The baby won’t only lose weight.

It will seem like something has stopped the growth and development.

As soon as you notice that baby’s poop smells like vinegar for a longer time, and you see some of the other symptoms I’ve mentioned, go to the doctor’s office.

At the doctor’s office, they will do a few tests, scan, and stool examination to determine what it is.

It’s also possible that malabsorption is a side effect of some other medical condition. For example, celiac disease could lead to malabsorption.

Celiac disease is a gluten allergy, and if not managed, it stops the body from using and processing essential nutrients from food.

Other conditions that could cause this are digestive illnesses like Crohn’s disease and short bowel syndrome.

Pancreatitis, liver disease, cancer, cystic fibrosis, and certain types of anemia can also cause malabsorption.

When it comes to treating this condition, it all depends what’s the reason behind it.

If there is another medical condition, the doctor will treat both at the same time with appropriate medications.

However, it’s essential to give the child essential vitamins and minerals to boost recovery.

Food Allergies

It’s possible that your baby is allergic to certain food and that’s why its poop smells like vinegar.

Allergies usually have some other symptoms, so pay attention to your child’s health.

If you notice anything like skin rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing, go straight to the doctor. You will get medicine for allergic reactions, and your baby will have to take some tests so that the doctors know which food allergy it is.

Food Sensitivity

Food allergies and food sensitivity are not the same things. Allergic reaction is dangerous for the human body, and they can cause shock or even death.

Food sensitivity won’t cause anything serious, it will just affect your baby’s general condition, digestion, and stool.

Try to write down what your baby is giving to see if there is a pattern. We all have foods that we can eat, but they make us feel bad.


Rotavirus is the most common virus that causes digestive issues among babies. There are 9 species of this virus, and it’s not so common among adults.

This virus infects most babies at some point in their life. It’s possible to get infected a few times.

However, the first time is the hardest. Every other time, rotavirus is easier to fight because the body has antibodies to defend itself.

This virus causes digestive problems and gastroenteritis. Simply said, it causes stomach flu.

Rotavirus can cause severe diarrhea that can lead to severe dehydration. This can be lethal, so it’s important to take every symptom seriously.

If your baby’s poop smells like vinegar, if the baby has a fever, and if the diarrhea is present, you have to go to the doctor’s.

Besides medications, your baby will receive oral rehydration. There are also rotavirus vaccines, so some immune-compromised babies are good candidates for them.

Many countries have added this vaccine to their obligatory vaccines for babies to prevent this disease.

If a parent doesn’t notice the severity of this condition on time, severe dehydration might cause other conditions.

Baby’s Poop Smells Like Vinegar, But Everything Is Fine

Just because it’s possible that the baby’s poop smells like vinegar because of some health conditions and problems, it doesn’t mean this is a rule.

In most cases, the baby is probably sensitive to some food, or you’ve just incorporated something new into your baby’s diet.

It’s normal for everyone, including babies to have a stool that smells bad and to have a few loose stools.

If this problem continues, then you should worry and ask for medical help. In the meantime, hydrate your baby and feed it with nutritious, healthy food.

Water Is Essential For Digestive Problems

The importance of water is immense. In every situation, water will make everything better. Our bodies are mostly made of water and we need water to stay healthy and strong.

If your baby’s poop smells like vinegar, if the baby has diarrhea, or if the baby is constipated, water is always a good choice.

Of course, some other things should be used, but without enough water, the recovery will be slow.

If you have a formula fed or a breastfed baby, try to feed it more often but with less milk. This will be better for the baby’s digestive system.

Breastfed babies usually recover fast since breast milk has all the amazing nutrients that are essential for a healthy gut.

The Color Of Baby Poop

The color and the smell of a baby’s poop can be an indicator of many things. The vinegar smell is not pleasant, but sometimes a baby’s poop can smell like rotten eggs too.

There are different things to look out for when inspecting a baby’s poop. This article will help you to learn what is normal and what isn’t.

Baby’s bowel movements are important and just like you’re taking care of your digestive tract, you should also take care of your baby’s digestive system.

If you don’t pay attention, you will miss that your baby’s stool has a strong, vinegar smell. You will miss that your baby might be lactose intolerant.

It doesn’t matter if you have a breastfed baby or a formula-fed baby. Babies poop a lot, so you have many opportunities throughout the day to notice changes.

If the baby is eating solid foods, the number of bowel movements will decrease over time, but you should still look out for odd signs.

Green–Black Poop

For newborn babies, it’s normal to have a green or black stool.

In the first few days, the baby’s digestive tract removes materials swallowed inside the uterus – amniotic fluids, cells, mucus, bile, water…

This is why this kind of still is very sticky and hard to clean. I wouldn’t recommend smelling the poop of a newborn.

Baby’s first stool is called meconium. Also, the baby’s poop should be green or black only for the first few days.

If you notice this color of the poop after a while, you have to go to the doctor since this can be a sign of some serious condition. A black stool can be a sign of bleeding.

If your baby is eating solids, it’s possible that certain food affects the color of the poop.

Green stole among older babies who started eating solid food is quite normal. The food has a strong effect on the appearance and smell of the poop.

Yellow Stool

Yellow stool is normal for a breastfed baby. If the baby is not breastfeeding, it’s possible that it has diarrhea.

If there are some other symptoms, you should visit a doctor. Sometimes a pale yellow stool among older babies can be assigned to liver disease.

A bottle-fed baby usually has a darker stool than a breastfed baby.

White – Pale Stool

The white stool can be a sign of liver condition or gallbladder disease. It’s not uncommon for babies to get biliary atresia.

Biliary atresia is a congenital medical condition that doesn’t always show when the baby’s born.

It happens when bile ducts aren’t developed normally. Therefore, bile flow from the liver to the gallbladder is not possible.

After a few weeks, you might notice white, floating stools and jaundice. Additionally, a baby can have dark urine and foul-smelling stool.

Red Stool

Red stool can be like that because of certain food your baby ate, but it can also be a sign of bleeding.

If your baby hasn’t been eating anything red, you should visit a doctor to determine what could be a problem.

Normal Bowel Movements

Normal and regular bowel movements are crucial for good health. When babies start to eat solid foods, it’s not unusual for them to have digestive issues.

Sometimes it just takes time for everything to settle in, but in most cases, your baby is not eating enough fiber and drinking enough water.

I am not saying you should force your child to eat something, but try to limit sweets, candy, and sugary juices.

Find ways to give them fresh fruit, make them smoothies, and give them water in a fun bottle or a cup.

This kind of diet will ensure normal and regular bowel movements, and there will be less chance of stool problems.


Baby’s poop that smells like vinegar is not unusual and is not something to worry about too much.

Babies are tiny humans. They will get sick from time to time. They might be sensitive to certain foods, or even allergic. It’s possible for them to be lactose intolerant.

Sometimes the smell or the color of a baby’s poop can be a sign of something serious, but this rarely happens.

Just like with everyone else – be cautious. You’re the one who has to take care of these things.

This is one of the main reasons why I always encourage you to learn things about health. It could save you and your loved ones in many situations.

baby's poop smells like vinegar

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Thursday 23rd of March 2023

[…] your baby’s poop can smell off, too, like vinegar or rotten eggs. You may even witness peanut butter-colored […]