An exotic grape-like fruit, acai is well known in the world of health and wellness. With the baby now on the way, you must be wondering about any potential risks. Is it safe to eat acai during pregnancy? Well, if you prepare it properly, it’s perfectly safe and healthy.
With so many health benefits to eating it, it’s practically been named a superfruit.
Nevertheless, some berries can be dangerous to eat while you’re pregnant. As such, it’s important to mind the risks, not only the benefits. Yes, it’s perfectly safe to eat acai during pregnancy, but there are certain things and dietary tips that you have to take into account.
Above all, it helps to know what that fruit actually is.
Is it really as healthy as everyone says, or does its exotic nature appeal to us more? As a parent-to-be, you must be brimming with questions. We’re here to help solve the mystery of that fruit, to list the many benefits of eating it, as well as to outline any potential risks.
On top of all of that, it also comes in many shapes and forms.
It’s also important that we note that there’s not much clinical research about acai. What does that mean? Well, it means that its effectiveness is still up for discussion. As usual, when it doubt, it’s always the most reasonable thing to consult with your doctor first.
That said, let’s dive right into this grape-like deliciousness.
What is Acai, Actually?
It is basically a dark purple fruit that comes from the palm tree.
These trees can only be found in Central and South America.
Even though there isn’t much concrete research as of yet, newer studies claim that this fruit has many health benefits, including richer antioxidants as opposed to its alternatives, such as cranberries, raspberries, blackberries and other kinds, as well.
In reality, however, this superfruit has similar benefits as its counterparts.
Nevertheless, that doesn’t make it any less healthy or tastier.
Of course, there are many ways to prepare acai. Traditionally prepared by the Ribeirinhos people, the acai bowl (or, as they call it, Açaí na tigela) is an excellent healthy dessert with a creamy and earthy taste all the numerous benefits of it.
Yet, the main question still stands. Is acai safe to eat while you’re pregnant and does it help you at all?
Having not been studied extensively, you must be worried about potential risks and dangers of eating it. After all, your safety during pregnancy is the first thing you should be concerned about. That’s why we’re here to explain everything, step by step, just like we did with the banana in one article.
Is It Safe to Eat Acai During Pregnancy?
In short, eating acai is perfectly safe while pregnant, so long as you don’t have any allergies. However, the way you prepare it matters, too. It has many great and healthy benefits, so consuming it in moderation can have a positive impact on your health.
Positive, yes, but it’s not going to give you any superpowers.
As far as current research stands, it has similar benefits to other berries.
We will go through these benefits in a moment. For now, you have to remember to purchase your smoothies and fruits from well reviewed places, because acai fruit has to be pasteurized. You want to make sure that the fruits you buy are always fresh and clean.
After all, what you eat, your baby eats, too. You’re their source of nourishment.
Everyone needs fruits in their daily diet. Acai adds wonderful benefits to your health, and it’s perfectly safe to eat it while you’re pregnant. So, if you love the richness and the exoticness of its taste, feel free to introduce acai to your daily diet, in moderation.
That said, let’s take a moment to go over the health benefits of eating it while pregnant.
What Are the Health Benefits of Eating Acai?
The lack of study in regards to acai has led to some outlandish claims.
As such, we’re going to look into proven benefits of eating acai, as well as examine how nutritious it really is. Acai is perfectly safe to be included in your diet, but what exactly are you getting out of it? Let’s take a few moments to go over the key benefits of this food.
Studies have shown that eating acai has the following positive effects:
- Rich in antioxidants, acai boosts and stimulates cognitive functions.
- Anthocyanin helps reduce the risk of heart attacks.
- Notably helps improve blood circulation.
- Often used in cosmetic brands, acai hydrates and nourishes the skin.
- Smaller studies have noted that anthocyanins possess anti-cancerous properties.
- Acai contains more antioxidants than other types of berries.
- Due to its fiber richness, acai helps with digestion.
- Because of its skin nourishment, it helps with an anti-aging effect.
- High in vitamins, acai sharpens mental functions.
- Helps boost your immune system.
Acai contains unsaturated fat, as well, considered to be healthier. As a result, eating an acai bowl or drinking an acai smoothie is certain not only to be tasty, but to leave you feeling full for a reasonable amount of time. That makes acai ideal for breakfast.
Keep in mind that what you make at home is always healthier than what you get at the restaurant. As such, every acai bowl, for example, differs depending on where it’s made.
Not only is acai safe to eat during pregnancy, it has amazing benefits, too.
Since the most common way you will encounter acai is as a smoothie or an acai bowl, keep in mind that they can often be sugar bombs in disguise, especially acai bowls.
There’s nothing wrong with sugar being a part of your diet, so long as it’s in moderation.
Whatever is good for you during pregnancy is also good for the baby. Rich in minerals and vitamins, acai contributes healthily to the development of your unborn baby. Besides the fact that it’s safe to eat during pregnancy, it has no lack of healthy benefits, as well.
If you want to be extra safe, learn to prepare acai bowls and smoothies at home.
The uniqueness of this fruit raises many questions, but there’s no doubt about two things. First, the benefits it provides make it a healthy addition not only during pregnancy, but generally. Second, there are many unique and clever recipes that utilize acai.
The more you explore this food, the more richness you find.
Just because acai has only recently gained western traction doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been consumed for a long time. After all, acai is a traditional fruit in Central and South America that has been prepared and eaten safely and healthily by millions of people.
Nevertheless, now that it has made its appearance in every local store, it helps to educate yourself on acai, especially if you’re pregnant and worried about any potential risks.
With that in mind, acai is used not only in recipes, but in beauty products, as well. So, let’s dive further in as we explore the exotic nature of this fascinating purple-colored fruit.
What’s an Acai Bowl?
Perhaps the most traditional dish, the acai bowl has the benefit of preference. By making it at home, you get to choose what goes into it, meaning that you can opt for healthy pregnancy-safe options while also making sure that it tastes just as incredible.
It uses frozen acai berries that you can get practically anywhere nowadays.
However, it also uses acai puree as the base. Be careful with acai puree when it comes to the acai bowl, because some restaurants and smoothie shops use bacteria-contaminated machines to create it, which isn’t healthy for anyone, let alone a pregnant woman.
Keep in mind that they often have loads of sugar, too.
That’s why we advise preparing the it at home, so that you can regulate the amount of sugar you consume. After all, that’s the best part of the acai bowl, the fact that you get to choose your ingredients and toppings, the fact that it’s totally customizable.
In regards to the acai bowl, try to avoid adding sweetener.
It needs a little bit of sugar, which in moderation, can be great. Overall, you don’t need any additional sweetener because it has plenty of it as it is.
So, is acai safe to eat when prepared as a bowl? It certainly can be, so long as you mind the ingredients and, ideally, make sure you make your own at home.
What’s Acai Powder?
What about acai powder?
Well, acai powder is made through freeze-drying processes.
In other words, the berries are dried and finely grounded.
By way of these processes, acai loses a few minerals, but it still remains a healthy option. During pregnancy, however, it’s generally advised that you shouldn’t go overboard with acai powder as a supplement. As always, consume in moderation, once a day tops.
Acai powder is also a more expensive option.
Acai powder is more nutrient-dense than its alternatives, with practically all the moisture gone by way of freeze-drying processes. Keep in mind that the superpowers of acai powder are likely overadvertised. Do well to consider more healthier choices, instead.
Especially during pregnancy, it’s best to consume fresh whole fruits. It helps your health and your diet.
While acai powder has antioxidants which have their certain benefits, recent studies have shown that you should probably take these types of information with a grain of salt.
What About Acai Oil?
Even though acai oil isn’t as widely known as acai fruit, it is used in beauty products since its properties nourish the skin. Also, this oil has been used in hair products, as well, with claims that its antioxidants work wonders to repair split ends and restore moisture.
Since there’s so much limited research regarding acai oil, it goes without saying that you should be extra careful not to digest any acai oil during pregnancy. Using it for your skin and hair can have positive effects, especially for dry skin and damaged hair.
Besides its many benefits, acai oil provides color protection, as well.
Since it’s an antioxidant-rich formula, this oil offers a layer of protection that not only protects your hair, but keeps it bright and shiny, too. As far as we known, using acai oil doesn’t have any negative side effects in regards to pregnancy. Still, exercise precaution.
Make sure to read the labels first and to purchase your oil from reputable stores to see how it can help you.
Is Acai Juice Safe During Pregnancy?
You may have stumbled upon acai juice while browsing your local store.
Looks fresh, tasty and exotic, but what exactly is it? Most importantly, is it safe to drink when you’re pregnant? Well, with so much variety out there, it helps to exercise a certain degree of caution. For example, you should definitely avoid unpasteurized juice.
While pregnant, there are risks involved in consuming unpasteurized dairy products. As such, it’s also unsafe and dangerous to drink unpasteurized acai juice. Yes, the risk may be low, but every parent should aspire to minimize any risks as much as possible.
However, some acai drinks are safe and tasty, and it helps boost your immune system!
Most acai drinks are perfectly healthy and have quite a few benefits, but some juices are caffeinated. So, don’t just pick any acai juice off the shelf. Make sure to read the labels and to make sure that the drink of your choice is pregnancy-safe and risk-free.
Are There Any Risks to Eating Acai?
Eating acai has its benefits, but what about risks?
Especially if you’re pregnant, you have to be careful about what you consume. We know how much parents-to-be worry about what they eat and drink. As such, we have compiled a list of certain risks about eating acai that may potentially complicate your health.
For example, some people are allergic to berries altogether.
If you have a berry allergy, then acai is a no-go. In the case of a berry allergy, what happens is that your body sees berries as toxin. Thus, your immune system reacts in order to protect itself. Common symptoms include rashes, swelling and gastrointestinal issues.
Eating too much acai, especially if you consume it as an acai juice, can cause a significant spike in your blood sugar. Some acai bowls possess high qualities of sugar, as well. So, you have to be careful when it comes to acai if you’re on a strict no-sugar diet.
Consuming acai berries in moderation has some positive effects.
However, eat too much of it and you may experience appetite suppression. For that reason, these berries have been mentioned regarding weight loss. Due to acai being rich in fiber and fats, it can significantly lower your appetite and decrease your calorie intake.
Keep in mind that being pregnant, you essentially have to eat for two. Therefore, the last thing you want is acai berries to curb your appetite. Though, you probably won’t experience any serious oscillations so long as you consume acai berries in moderation.
While pregnant, try to avoid acai as a juice or a supplement. It will not help you. It gives the opposite of help.
Acai berries are highly caloric and sugary. If you feel any negative symptoms, consult your doctor for guidance as soon as possible. In fact, we suggest doing so regardless since there’s so little proper scientific research and studies about this purple-colored berry.
It’s also important to note that if you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes that you should avoid acai berries, especially if you’re eating it in the form of an acai bowl.
Proceed with caution. This mysterious berry can be tasty, but it certainly comes with its own risks. Make sure that you do your homework before including acai berries into your diet. You want to ensure that you and your baby enjoy only the healthiest food options.
So, Is Acai Really a Superberry?
Well, the short answer is no. You won’t get any superpowers, unfortunately.
However, eating berries, any kind of berries actually, provides a rich and stable source of minerals and vitamins. On top of that, they’re also highly nutritious and taste delicious, too. Also, berries are naturally rich with antioxidants, which helps protect your cells.
Therefore, if you don’t have any berry allergies, there are many health benefits to eating berries during pregnancy. Just remember, like with all things, do so in moderation.
Acai berries have recently become very trendy.
Everyone’s talking about this exotic thing and why you should incorporate it into your diet. However, as mentioned already, there is a notable lack of scientific research about these berries, naturally making them excellent for exaggeration, buzz, and advertisement.
So, don’t be fooled by all the noise about it. Yes, they’re healthy and can help you, but there are risks involved. Don’t fall into the marketing trap that advertises them as superberries. Acai has great qualities and health benefits, but they’re not going to improve your life magically.
Is Acai Good For Your Baby?
First of all, it helps to remind ourselves that the best way to eat an acai is to prepare it at home. That’s the only way that you can have complete control over all the ingredients and how it’s made. More so, be careful around acai juices and especially supplements.
Like all berries, they’re healthy not just for you, but for your baby, too. So, what are some key health benefits to eating acai while you’re pregnant? Well, it’s rich in folic acid, which helps prevent birth defects that we recognize as neural tube defects that affect the spine.
After all, the neural tube forms your baby’s spine and brain.
Folic acid, therefore, significantly lowers the risk of such defects.
Additionally, acai’s richness of calcium helps develop your baby’s body. Dairy products provide the best doses of calcium, but acai berries contain some, too, depending on the serving. As your baby’s skeleton grows and develops, regulate your calcium intake.
The same antioxidants that work to protect your cells do so for your baby, too.
So, there’s a lot of benefits of eating this tropical berry when you’re pregnant.
However, as previously mentioned, it’s best to proceed with caution due to a serious lack of scientific study. As usual, it’s always the safest option to consult with your doctor first.
In Conclusion
All in all, acai berries provide a powerful health boost during pregnancy.
Yet, these purple-colored berries have their own risks, too. Many parents-to-be choose to stay away from acai berries precisely because of the fact that proper research is lacking.
That’s entirely fine, too. After all, if there’s one sure way to protect your health and safety during pregnancy, it’s to stay away from things that make you feel even slightly uncertain.
Nevertheless, acai berries require some finesse when you’re pregnant. It’s best to make homemade acai however you see fit, because that way you know what you’re eating.
We have outlined all the benefits and risks, but it’s up to you to make up your mind.
With all the acai craze going on, it might be a good idea, after all, to wait a while for proper research to be done. On the other hand, there’s a lot of women eating them carefully during pregnancy while minding all the risks and getting all the benefits from it.
So, it’s your choice. Consider everything you’ve learned thus far and, if you still have doubts, make sure to consult with your doctor for further safety tips and guidance.

Mother of three and a primary school teacher. I’ve always loved being around children and helping them, so I chose my path as a teacher. It is sometimes hectic with three children, but I am 100 percent into it and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.
Goji Berries During Pregnancy? 7 Key Benefits • Mama Bean Parenting
Wednesday 8th of February 2023
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