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Foods To Help Implantation

Foods To Help Implantation

It’s good to eat certain foods to help the implantation process.

If you’re someone who’s struggling with getting pregnant, there are many things you can do to make it happen.

Our bodies are amazing and everything we eat, drink and do affects everything. Of course, sometimes we can’t help ourselves no matter what.

If you’re eager to get pregnant, you’re probably searching for ways how to make it happen. Many women do their research on foods to eat to improve fertility, but they forget about the implantation period.

It’s important to nourish your body with the right nutrients if you want a successful implantation.

There are many foods that help the implantation process, so I am sure you will find something you like.

Besides, even if you don’t like a certain food, I am sure you’re willing to make it work.

Foods To Help Implantation Process

This article will give you a list of the best foods to help implantation. Also, you will learn some additional things about getting pregnant, a healthy diet, and much more.

Fresh Fruit

Everybody knows that fruit is amazing for our health. It’s delicious and filled with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

It’s good for many body functions, and it truly regenerates your body cells. Eating fruit is not a difficult task, but I suggest making an effort to eat more fruit than usual.

Fruit contains healthy sugars that will keep your insulin on the right level. Blood sugar and blood pressure are very important for a successful pregnancy.

Fruit also contains a lot of water, and water is essential for the healthy function of reproductive organs. Increase your vitamin intake by eating fruit. Fruit is a delicious way to enrich your diet.

Citrus fruit is the best food to help the implantation process. Oranges, grapefruit, and lemons are very refreshing and beneficial because of vitamin C.

Pineapple is also quite popular when it comes to improving your chances of pregnancy.


Many people think that vegetables are healthier than fruit since they usually contain less sugar and more protein.

Fruit is something many people enjoy, but vegetables can be tricky to eat. Personally, I am not a fan of them and it’s hard for me to eat them.

Luckily, there are ways to make them more delicious. There are plenty of recipes to incorporate them into your meal.

Vegetables contain healthy carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They’re filled with fiber and they will make you feel energized and strong.

I would suggest focusing on leafy greens – spinach, kale, lettuce, and similar. They have a lot of calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamin C.

Folic acid is very important for implantation, fertility, and pregnancy. Many women who are going through IVF treatments are consuming folic acid to prepare their bodies and uterus for pregnancy.

Even during pregnancy, it’s important to take folic acid because it’s essential for the baby’s development. It would be wise to implement foods with folic acid into your diet.

Protein Rich Food

Chicken, meat, and fish are filled with lean protein that will give you strength. Protein is essential for our bodies since it’s responsible for many things.

If you’re not a fan of meat, you can always reach for some beans, eggs, tofu, or chickpeas.

There are many options when it comes to protein. Eating protein is an important part of everyone’s diet. It’s one of the best foods that help implantation.

Seeds And Nuts

Seeds and nuts are delicious and they’re great because you don’t have to spend time cooking and preparing them.

Seeds and nuts contain healthy fats like omega – 3 fatty acids and omega – 6 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E. So, sunflowers, peanuts, brazil nuts, or almonds are a great choice of food to help implantation.


Berries are filled with vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. They’re great for your blood flow and iron levels, which is essential for implantation.

Besides, berries are delicious and you can make some delicious pregnancy juices using them.

If you want a good recommendation, I suggest goji berries. They have anti-inflammatory properties.


Beetroot is a superfood filled with vitamins, antioxidants, and folic acid. Many health professionals recommend beetroot for people who’re struggling to get pregnant.

Beetroot is also great for the immune system and stronger blood. It promotes better blood flow and it’s great for creating a stronger uterine lining.

Healthy Recipes

Tracking your menstrual cycle, ovulation, and implantation can be complicated and time-consuming. This is even harder if you’re going through IVF treatment.

If you want to consume the foods to help implantation, you might feel too lazy to prepare them.

Maybe you’re used to eating unhealthy, and you have no idea how to prepare healthy food that tastes good. I will give you a few recipes that will amaze you.

Lemon Salmon

Fish is very healthy. Of course, everyone, especially women who’re trying to get pregnant should avoid high-mercury fish and raw fish.

Salmon is very healthy and delicious. It’s cooked in no time and it contains healthy fats and proteins.

Clean your salmon, and season it with some sea salt and pepper. Add some olive oil, a few slices of lemon and wrap the salmon in baking paper, and put it on a baking sheet.

Bake it on medium heat in your oven for 20-30 minutes. I suggest using a larger piece of baking paper and putting some vegetables together with salmon.

Asparagus, cherry tomatoes, and carrots go great with this. When you’re done baking, carefully take everything out, and add some lemon juice to consume even more vitamins. This is very delicious, juicy, and healthy.

Fruit Salad

Fruit salad is something we can all make. There are tons of combinations, but I like it because fruit salad makes you eat more different fruits at once.

The best fruit salad that can even replace candy, is made from strawberries, kiwis, and bananas.

Slice one banana, two kiwis, and 10-15 strawberries. Mix everything together, and a few drops of honey and lemon juice.

This salad is also great with pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice is also recommended for women trying to get pregnant.

Green Smoothie

I’ve mentioned that I am not a fan of vegetables. However, they’re good for our health, especially leafy greens. They have anti-inflammatory properties and they can increase the chances of successful implantation.

To be honest, I am not a fan of meals that contain them, but smoothies and juices are the way to go.

It’s also much easier to consume a larger amount of vegetables when you juice them or blend them. There are many great recipes for green smoothies, but this one is great for implantation.

You will need a cup of spinach, a cup of kale, one banana, two cups of pineapple, and one cup of mango.

Blend everything together and enjoy. You will make this smoothie frequently once you try it.

Goji Bombs

Goji berries are very healthy and powerful. You can combine them with other healthy foods and create a nutritious explosion.

You will need a cup of goji berries, a cup of brazil nuts, a cup of dates, and ½ cup of cocoa bits.

Blend this ingredient and make a compact mixture. If it’s hard to shape the mixture into little balls, you can add a little bit of honey and lemon juice.

Lave them to cool in the fridge and you can enjoy this healthy dessert.

Beet Salad

Beetroot can be strong and unusual for many people. For that reason, most people use beetroot in smoothies and juices.

It’s a good way to go if you don’t like the taste of beetroot. But, if you’re a fan of beet, make this amazing salad.

You will need 3 medium-sized beets, ½ cup of walnuts, some olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. Clean and cut the beets and walnuts and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well, and season it with some sea salt or herbs.

Some people like to add a few slices of feta cheese or goat cheese.

Nutty Butter

It’s easy to buy peanut butter or almond butter, but I suggest making your own. You will need a good blender and a little bit of patience.

Just blend the nuts of your choice, until you get a buttery mixture. It takes some time, but that’s the best organic butter you will ever try.

This is a great way to consume more omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

What  To Avoid?

I think you already know that it’s important to have a healthy diet. This is even more important when your body is doing something important.

In general, it’s important to eat healthy. All the foods that help implantation are regular foods you eat, and they’re known to be healthy and nutritious.

I just gave you a few examples, so you can know which food to have in the house. When it comes to avoiding certain foods, it’s quite simple. Avoid unhealthy foods.

Fast food, candy, soda, processed food, deli meats, unpasteurized food, and similar are not good for your body. They can’t help you with anything. They can’t nourish your body. You won’t be hungry, but that’s it.

The implantation period is short, so it’s possible to stay away from unhealthy food.

I would also like to mention caffeine as something to avoid. It’s proven that 300mg of caffeine is the limit for pregnant women.

Even though you’re still not pregnant, it’s wise to avoid caffeine. It’s a stimulant, and you can find energy in something else.

Alcohol and cigarettes are also not good for you. There are some studies that show the negative effects of alcohol. Only a few glasses of alcohol per week could negatively affect the implantation.

Medications are also something to be careful with it. You should always consult with your doctor. It’s okay to take certain supplements your doctor approved, but avoid anything stronger.

This is an important period in your life. If you’re here reading about foods to help implantation, then you should stay away from anything unhealthy.

What Is Implantation?

If you’re still confused about the whole process of getting pregnant, it’s good to refresh your memory.

As you know, pregnancy happens when a sperm fertilizes an egg. After fertilization, your fertilized egg also called an embryo, has to attach itself to the wall of your uterus – uterine wall.

That process of attaching the embryo to the uterine lining is called implantation.

If you have certain problems with reproductive organs, uterine abnormalities, hormone problems, infections, thrombophilia, or some other disease, it’s possible that the implantation process will fail.

If you’re tracking your ovulation, and other fertility factors, you’re probably someone who’s having a hard time getting pregnant.

Maybe you went through an embryo transfer, and you’re looking for positive signs after that embryo transfer and IVF treatment – in vitro fertilization.

Maybe you’re trying to conceive naturally, but still following what’s happening with your body.

Symptoms Of Unsuccessful Implantation

Symptoms of unsuccessful implantation are:

  • Vaginal bleeding, cramps, stomach pain, and other symptoms similar to menstrual symptoms
  • Negative pregnancy test
  • Negative ultrasound test

Sometimes you can have the first two symptoms even though the implantation was successful. Some women bleed and have stomach pain when the fertilized egg- the embryo is attaching to the uterus (uterine wall).

When it comes to a negative pregnancy test, it’s possible that you took it too early.

Implantation lasts for about 10 to 14 days, and sometimes it takes time for hCG levels to grow.

Since everybody wants to avoid this negative outcome, no wonder you’re searching for foods to increase chances of successful implantation

What Helps Implantation?

Now that you know which foods help implantation, it’s good to learn other useful tips and tricks about what helps implantation.

Food and implantation are connected because you are what you eat. The better you eat, the healthier you are.

If you’re having problems with getting pregnant, I am sure you already know what’s good and what isn’t.

To positively affect your fertility, you can use Dong Quai. Other Chinese herbs for fertility are also a great choice

Many women are using different natural methods to boost their chances of success.

If you’re seeing an IVF specialist, it would be wise to consult with your doctor before trying the things that can affect your reproductive health.

Most women who have certain diagnoses receive certain therapy. Besides medications, the doctor usually advises using prenatal vitamins and supplements.

Many women think that prenatal vitamins should be used only when you’re pregnant. However, it’s actually desirable to use them when you’re trying to get pregnant.

Your body needs all those amazing nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Once again, consult with your doctor about taking some supplements.

Healthy Lifestyle

You might think that it’s enough to choose the best foods to help implantation, but there are some other things.

You should prepare your body for pregnancy. Even if you’re not having problems with fertility, your body needs to be strong.

Pregnancy is a stressful period for both your body and mind, and you have to make good choices even before you get pregnant.

Off course, if you do have problems with getting pregnant, then living a healthy life is a must.

A healthy diet with healthy food to help implantation and fertility, in general, is great. Your body needs good fuel to work properly.

Using certain supplements or remedies is also good if you want to ensure successful implantation.

However, physical activity is also important. When you exercise regularly, your body is healthier and stronger.

Your blood flow and circulation are better. Your digestive system works better and your hormones are balanced.

As you know, many women have problems getting pregnant because they have hormonal problems. Eating right and exercising is the best way to manage these conditions.

Good blood circulation and a healthy diet are essential for a healthy uterus. If you’re waiting to see if the implantation is successful, keep exercising, just make sure not to hurt yourself.

If you’re in a good shape, you can continue with exercising during pregnancy. Be safe and don’t push yourself too hard.

Exercise is good for your blood pressure, blood sugar, and normal body functioning.


There is so much information about foods and drinks that are good for pregnant women, breastfeeding moms, or women who’re trying to get pregnant.

It’s good to know what helps, and what’s forbidden. However, water is one of your best friends. Hydration is beneficial for every organ in your body and every function.

Water will help implantation and it will nourish your reproductive organs. You will feel better, and you will have a better chance of getting pregnant.

When you drink enough water, the benefits of everything else are highlighted. Without enough water, everything else is in vain.

Avoid Stress

If you want to be a mom but you’re not so lucky at the moment, you have to understand that stress is your biggest enemy.

As I’ve mentioned, exercising is great for your health. Exercising is also an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety.

There are some things that you can do to help yourself, but sometimes none of them work.

Sometimes it doesn’t matter what food you eat to help implantation. It doesn’t matter if are you living a healthy lifestyle.

It doesn’t matter if you consume something that’s not recommended. Sometimes you do everything that’s against rules and you still get pregnant.

Unfortunately, sometimes you do everything in your power, but there is no pregnancy. Sometimes your health condition is stronger than everything you’re using to get pregnant.

But, most of the time stress is the one stopping you. I’ve talked about stress in many articles.

Many people are aware that stress is too present in our lives. Many people are joking about it and trying to live with it.

I get that because stress can’t be banished from our lives. However, you can fight against it.

You can work hard to avoid it most of the time. So many people know that stress is not just about mental health. It’s also about physical health.

Yet, people were never stressed this much. We worry about everything. We obsess over little things. We care too much about the details. To be honest, your stress is not in this category.

You’re stressed because you want to have a baby so badly, but it’s not working. Your stress is justified.

Just because it’s justified doesn’t mean you can’t fight against it. Your stress can control everything in your body.

You can’t allow being a loser. You have to wake up and stop worrying. There are ways to have children and everything will be fine.

You have to learn to be happy at the moment. Be grateful for your life and health. Do everything in your power to get pregnant, but remove stress from your life.

Many women have been practicing meditation for infertility.

It might sound too spiritual for some people, but it’s about finding peace and stability. It’s about connecting with your mind and controlling it.

You are the master of your destiny and your body. Your mind is powerful and you should do everything to learn how to control it.

If you do learn to meditate, it will be useful to you forever. Meditation is powerful and it will help to face other hardships in the future.

So, exercise, meditate, eat right, read a book, listen to music, or watch a good movie. Do those things that make you feel happy and peaceful.

When you defeat stress, everything else will fall into its place. You will get pregnant and life will be beautiful.

Fertility problems are common these days and IVF treatments are quite popular. Many women are going through a lot, and they’re looking into everything that could help.


There are many foods to help implantation, but this article gave you a simple list to follow.

There are also certain foods to avoid in your diet, so make sure to do that. We all know what a healthy diet is, but a small percentage of people eat healthy.

I suggest you educate yourself about this. It’s not just about implantation, it’s also about a possible pregnancy.

One day, you will get pregnant and you will have to take care of your diet and lifestyle.

This is a great moment to learn more about healthy eating habits and healthy lifestyle.

After all, you and your baby will be sharing your body. Pregnancy comes with some challenges, especially when it comes to your diet.

This is why it’s good to educate yourself now. If the implantation failed in the past, no wonder you’re here to learn these things.

You’re trying to conceive and you’re out here soaking up all the information. It’s not easy, but one day, all of your hard work and dedication will pay off. One day, all of this will seem funny and unreal.

You will succeed and you will get what you want. Even though you’re not a mom yet, you’re here trying your best to make it happens.

That makes you a great future mom. Your knowledge will help you to achieve your goal and you will be proud of yourself.

Keep learning and keep believing that it will happen for you too. Many other women were in the same situation, and they won. You will win this too.

food to help implantation