A lot of men and women experience infertility problems. Although it affects many couples, overcoming the difficulties on this journey is not impossible.
In most cases, treatments exist to reduce the symptoms. Meditation for infertility is one of them.
Meditation for infertility helps release hormones, but it also strengthens your willpower. Despite the many difficulties on this journey, meditation allows you to draw upon your inner energy so as to remain positive and stress-free as you work to find a solution.
Understanding the cause of your problem – which we will get into later – allows you to figure out an efficient approach. During this period, it’s crucial that you and your partner keep working on your communication to contribute towards emotional wellness.
The longer it lasts, the more physical and mental barriers pop up. As such, the simple act of being there for each other inspires you to push on.
Dealing with worry and anxiety is important, because it’s precisely stress and anxiety that can actually be the cause.
Furthermore, the more stressed you are, the harder it get to maintain a healthy sex drive, which adds additional complication into the mix.
The question still stands: can meditation for infertility help with conception? Well, this practice can be beneficial in multiple ways.
Before we dive into the details of how meditation can be used as a tool to help with fertility, it’s crucial that we understand what exactly causes infertility in adults.
Understanding the Causes of Infertility

The first thing to keep in mind is that you’re not alone.
This problem affects a lot of couples, but what exactly is it?
In general, it’s described as the inability to conceive a child after one year of trying. Figuring out the cause may take some time, because infertility can also be caused by a combination of symptoms.
Some of the most common causes include genetic disorders, hormonal imbalances, environmental factors, medicine and drugs, abnormal semen, damage related to cancer, ejaculation disorders, and sometimes it can even be caused in an unexplained way.
Understanding the cause allows you to seek out and practice effective treatment options. In some instances, meditation for infertility can prove a helpful tool because one of the most common causes of infertility is, in fact, hormonal imbalances in both men and women.
For women, hormonal imbalance affects ovulation. For men, it affects the production of sperm.
Meditation for infertility contributes by helping release stress and anxiety.
Besides hormonal imbalances, certain genetic disorders can disrupt conception or make it impossible altogether. Not to mention that they also increase the risk of a miscarriage.
Another often neglected cause includes environmental factors. Industrial chemicals, for example, have been proven to contribute to infertility and numerous health risks.
Therefore, work on keeping yourself safe from occupational chemicals.
Consider your lifestyle, too.
Do you keep yourself physically active?
Are you consuming anything harmful, like energy drinks or smoking cigarettes?
All of these harmful and unhealthy habits can increase the likelihood of sterility in both males and females.
Certain conditions may prevent the sperm from reaching the egg, as well. With so much to consider, the wisest choice is to consult a medical professional for guidance and necessary treatments – primarily if nothing works and the issue persists.
Depending on the cause, treatments exist to help you find a solution.
Guided meditation for pregnancy has been proven to have many benefits when it comes to alleviating the cause and helping couples conceive. So, let’s take a few moments to see how guided meditation for pregnancy can help you and how to actually practice it.
From Stress to Conception

Mastering meditation allows you to reduce stress and to get a hold of your anxiety. For couples that struggle with infertility, practicing meditation daily implies a positive and open-minded step in the right direction as you and your partner attempt to conceive.
This journey is oftentimes very stressful.
The longer the journey lasts, the more worry and disappointment you have to endure. As such, taking the time to master meditation can have a positive impact on your fertility.
The thing about meditation for fertility is that it positively impacts every aspect of your life. Overall, it improves your physical, mental and emotional states.
While practicing meditation lowers stress hormones, it simultaneously increases reproductive hormones.
Although meditation for fertility is a powerful and often life-changing tool, what kind of meditation is best suited for you?
First of all, it helps to remember that meditation is a personal journey. That means that there’s no go-to guide as to how to meditate correctly.
Even so, guided meditation for pregnancy can help you get started on the right foot.
When you’re trying to conceive, fertility meditation prepares your mind and body in a powerful way. Getting pregnant gets a lot easier after you have successfully emptied your mind of distress and anxiety.
Here’s a few meditation practices for you to explore:
- Mindfulness meditation helps you overcome the stress of yesterday, the fear of tomorrow and makes you feel grounded and appreciative of the present moment.
- Guided imagery stimulates your imagination and reduces stress.
- Breathing exercises purify your body of wasteful energies.
- Yoga improves your physical health and well-being.
By practicing these meditations, mixing them up and including them into your daily life, you will quickly see a betterment to your physical and mental health and well-being.
Meditation for Fertility: Mindfulness

Mindfulness opens your eyes to the present moment and gets you in touch with your true self. When you’re trying to conceive, this type of meditation for infertility allows you to overcome the emotional barriers and the mental exhaustion of failing to get pregnant.
As always, it’s best to start with guided meditation for pregnancy until you learn how to practice it on your own. Many people make the mistake of assuming that the mind should be blank when you’re practicing mindfulness.
On the contrary, it’s all about letting go.
Whatever thoughts come, observe them. Choose not to interact with them directly.
Most importantly, don’t be too harsh on yourself. Thoughts may swarm you in an uncomfortable way, but you have to let them pass and remain invulnerable to harm.
“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
– Lao Tzu
First, find a comfortable position. Whether seated or lying down, make sure that you’re fully comfortable before you begin.
Let go.
Be present.
Remind yourself that you’re in control.
Use that control to focus on your breathing and bring your attention to the now.
When you feel ready, you can also focus on your body. For example, consider the end of your fingertips. Consider the surface on which you’re sitting or lying down. You can also focus on external elements.
What sounds can you hear? Listen carefully and with intent.
Guided meditation for pregnancy can be practiced in multiple ways, but mindfulness teaches you how to concentrate on the present moment.
When you and your partner are trying to conceive, it’s entirely natural to overthink and overstress the future.
By practicing mindfulness, you remind yourself to be appreciative of what you already have, to let go of distracting thoughts and to focus on working and finding a solution.
That’s why meditation for infertility can be life-saving. These thoughts and fears add up over time, which we’re sure you’re well aware off, but by meditating mindfully every day, you can help yourself regain control over the situation and better your mental health.
Meditation for Fertility: Guided Imagery

With the help of guided imagery, you can set yourself in a good mood by using the power of your mind to visualize relaxing and enjoyable environments and scenarios. Imagination is a powerful tool that can be utilized to improve the chances of conception.
How exactly can you use guided imagery to free yourself from anxiety?
You can start by visualizing healthy outcomes and desires. For example, imagine yourself pregnant and how joyful it feels. Let it remind you to persevere and to keep looking for solutions.
Using imagery to better your mental well-being is one of the best meditations for infertility. Start by listening to guided meditations for pregnancy so that you can get a feel for doing it on your own.
You can use relaxing distraction-free music to help you.
When practicing guided imagery, you can start by focusing on your body and breath before diving completely into your imagination. This type of practice does wonders for your physical and mental health, and can help you naturally boost your fertility.
How often should you practice it?
The best way to incorporate guided meditation for pregnancy into your day-to-day life is to practice it daily. Multiple sessions yield better results, but you’re certain to see a betterment to your overall health regardless.
Make sure that you and your partner practice guided imagery together. Whether at home or a class specifically suited for couples experiencing difficulties trying to conceive, doing it together increases the likelihood of conception as well as bettering your life in general.
Meditation for Fertility: Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises have a positive effect towards reducing stress and anxiety, which is responsible for a lot of mental distress as you and your partner struggle to conceive.
By focusing on your breath and using various breathing techniques, you exercise control over your physical ability and better your mental well-being. Breathing helps you relax and increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, which leads to inner nourishment.
While exercising breathing, learn to trust your body.
Whether seated or flat on your back, find a position that’s comfortable and choose a guided meditation for pregnancy. From diaphragmatic breathing to yoga breathing, there’s a lot of variety, but all of these breathing exercises improve your fertility.
Not to mention all the other positive effects they have on your body.
Ever heard of Wim Hof, the world-famous Ice Man who revolutionized biology and medicine with his breathing technique? His practices are free for you try out and lead to an euphoric sensation, aside from all the additional benefits that they provide.
It’s important to remember that guided meditation for pregnancy certainly does better your odds of getting pregnant, but it’s best used in combination with other treatments.
Nevertheless, meditation for infertility changes your life in a powerful way. It restores that fleeting sense of control over your body and mind. Especially if the problem persists, you want to make sure that you and your partner support each other and stay healthy.
Meditation for Fertility: Yoga

Yoga is actually more than a guided meditation for pregnancy because it also implies physical workouts.
Yoga, in fact, combines flexibility, stretching, posture, breathing exercises and a sense of meditation that, when combined, improves your fertility.
Besides the fact that yoga strengthens your tone and muscles, it inevitably helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Overall, practicing yoga daily enhances your vitality and leads to a better and healthier lifestyle, regardless of whether or not you’re trying to conceive.
A single yoga session boosts your cardio and circularly health and improves athletic performance, which reignites your sex life and makes you feel more desirable.
After all, it’s not unusual for the passion to dwindle after prolonged failure to get pregnant.
When practicing yoga, you have to be mindful of yoga postures and positions. All of them have benefits, but they vary.
If you’re experiencing fertility issues, forward bends and inversions have been proven to have a positive effect on hormonal imbalances.
On top of that, you feel more relaxed during and after practicing yoga, which helps to make you less tense. As the stress adds up, you want to make sure that you and your partner remain equally positive, persistent and motivated with your treatment plan.
In Conclusion

Enduring constant disappointment can be extremely frustrating. As such, it’s important that you and your partner stay optimistic. Consulting with a healthcare professional should be your number one priority, but guided meditation for pregnancy helps, too.
In fact, meditating can significantly help protect you against mental difficulties that you and your partner have to face and overcome while trying and failing to get pregnant.
Everything that works to impact your fertility negatively can be lessened, if not entirely resolved, by incorporating meditation into your day-to-day routine. Although the benefits become apparent instantaneously, these practices demand a great degree of devotion.
Therefore, by practicing meditation, you incorporate a natural approach towards improving fertility and bettering your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Mother of three and a primary school teacher. I’ve always loved being around children and helping them, so I chose my path as a teacher. It is sometimes hectic with three children, but I am 100 percent into it and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.
Edna Tingler
Thursday 30th of March 2023
This is very helpful thank you 😊 🤲🏼🫶🏼
Mama Bean
Thursday 30th of March 2023
Hi Edna! We are glad to help. <3
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