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Here Are The 8 Most Effective Discipline Rules According To Children

Here Are The 8 Most Effective Discipline Rules According To Children

Before you became a parent, you probably made a long list of everything you would and wouldn’t accept once your child was born.

That list most likely contained things like:

  • I won’t let my child waste his time on a screen.
  • My child will only eat organic produce.
  • I will cook every day.
  • I will never punish my child.
  • Our parenting style will be positive education.
  • Etc.

But once you became a parent, things changed.

You realized that you were far too tired to cook homemade meals every day.

You gave your child the phone just so you could fold the laundry in peace.

And you started screaming and punishing your child because your stress level was through the roof.

In short, over time, you became the parent you promised yourself you wouldn’t be.

The biggest difference between your pretense and reality lies in discipline.

After all, all children are different.

Some are calmer than others.

Some have incredible energy and want to discover every facet of life, while others are more withdrawn.

In short, things haven’t turned out the way you’d hoped.

Your child doesn’t respond to your style of discipline.

So, little by little, you’ve become more vocal, perhaps more aggressive.

But in the end, this method doesn’t work either.

In fact, as a parent, you’ve probably experienced countless times when none of the promising methods of discipline work.

So what can you do?

Well, today we’ve decided to ask the kids directly how you should behave in such cases.

Even if you don’t think the tips are of any use, remember them anyway, because if you find yourself in one of the following situations, they can at least make you smile.

1. What should a parent do if their child throws a tantrum?

Some children will scream about anything and everything.

Mom refuses to buy them their favorite candy because they haven’t had breakfast yet.

Dad can’t take them to the park because he has to fix the car.

Big brother stole their favorite toy.

And so on…

As soon as something goes wrong, these kids scream, throw themselves on the floor and make a big fuss.

What should parents do?

In my opinion, Mom and Dad should let him be hysterical until he stops, and then talk to him.

Manon, age 6

2. What should a parent do if a child refuses to sleep?

You know the situation…

You spend all day playing, singing, drawing and jumping around with your child.

Around 6 p.m., you see his eyes closing and he looks exhausted!

So you prepare dinner and start your evening routine.

But once in bed, your child’s energy is restored.

He refuses to go to bed, jumps on his bed and asks for a glass of water every two minutes.

What should parents do?

Mom or Dad can sing him a beautiful lullaby, give him a glass of milk…

Or they can simply let him tire himself out.

Karim, 5 years old

3. How should parents react if their child refuses to help with household chores?

Mom cooks and asks her son to set the table.

Dad does the dishes and asks his child to bring him the rest of the dirty dishes.

But the child refuses!

In fact, as soon as he’s asked to help with anything around the house, he disappears.

No matter how much you talk to him to explain that he’s part of this family and should help out, nothing happens.

What should parents do?

Simply pay the children for household chores.

For example, 10 euros a day.

Hélène, 7 years old

A little shocked by this answer, we asked Hélène if it wasn’t too much.


5 euros is enough!

She was dead serious!

4. What should parents do if their children lie?

There comes an age when children discover the power of lies.

If they want to look better, they embellish the truth.

If they want to avoid punishment, they hide their misdeeds.

This is a natural process in a child’s development.

But the role of parents is to explain why it’s wrong, so that it doesn’t become a habit.

What should parents do?

In fact, the answer we got was aimed at moms.

Mom shouldn’t explain to the child that his nose will grow like Pinocchio’s, because that story is completely unrealistic.

But the child also needs to know that mom will always find out the truth, because moms always know the truth.

This will scare the child.

Jérémy, 8 years old

5. How should a parent behave if their child is always asking them to buy something?

Right away, we got this response from Marine, age 4:

Okay, I’ll buy you that toy.

And she really has to do it!

But when we explained that Mum and Dad can’t buy everything a child wants, some of them remained doubtful.

Why not?

Quite simply, children already have a lot of toys.

And toys are expensive.

Besides, it’s not the role of parents to satisfy their children’s every desire.

Children must have limits and respect them.

So what should parents do?

Well, they have to say what you’ve just said.

They have to explain over and over again to children that money doesn’t fall from the sky.

And that they don’t really need all those toys.

Over time, children will understand.

Sophie, 11 years old

6. What should a parent do if a child breaks something, but doesn’t say he broke it?

77 Citations sur le bonheur de la famille unie et heureuse

We’re back to the lie.

For fear of punishment, the child doesn’t want to admit he’s made a mistake.

So they refuse to admit what they’ve done, especially if they know that the broken object was important to Mom or Dad.

Once confronted with the facts, the child continues to deny it.

So what should parents do?

For three hours, forbid him to do something he likes.

He should be punished, for example, by telling him he can’t watch his favorite cartoon.

Quentin, aged 9

7. What should a parent do if his/her child hits his/her brother/sister?

Jealousy often takes hold within siblings.

It’s perfectly normal.

For example, the eldest sibling is losing his or her role as only child.

Or the younger sibling feels that he or she doesn’t get enough attention from his or her parents.

Of course, this passes with age.

Everyone finds his or her place, and parents soon realize that they have to watch their behavior.

However, the aggressive phase within a sibling can last a long time.

So what should parents do?

Mom and Dad should always tell their children that they love them.

Every child needs a hug and a kiss EVERY DAY.

Pauline, 7 years old

8. What should parents do if their children don’t want to do their homework?

If you don’t do your homework, you won’t get into a good university.

Then you won’t have a good job and you won’t be happy!

Loïc, 9 years old

That’s the first response we got.

Honestly, it sounds a lot like something our parents would have told us.

Doing homework with a child is important.

Teaching your child to do homework alone is even more important.

So how do we explain the importance of this obligation?

No student likes getting a bad mark.

So, just tell your child that he’s going to be the class idiot.

Nobody wants to be the class idiot!

Julien, 12 years old