A sudden absence of all pregnancy symptoms may be extremely worrying for many mothers-to-be.
We are constantly taught that we need to suffer and feel uncomfortable throughout our pregnancies, or else, something is wrong.
If you feel like you are not pregnant anymore, you are not alone. Many women may suddenly feel a great change in the way their tummy feels or how they feel.
Even though not feeling anything can be related to miscarriage, mostly there is no reason for concern.
What Are The Signs Of A Miscarriage?

Let us get this clear right away – there are some signs that may indicate miscarriage and the most common ones are:
- cramping
- contractions
- light or heavy bleeding
- pink-white mucus discharge
- harsh back pain
- the sudden absence of all pregnancy symptoms
- tissue with clots
If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to visit your doctor and make sure everything is all right.
However, it does not always have to be a miscarriage and there is a higher chance that you are simply experiencing the withdrawal of symptoms.
Signs That May Make You Feel Like You Are Not Pregnant Anymore
We need to be aware of the fact that no pregnancy is the same. We cannot compare ourselves to others or make it feel like what we are experiencing is a sign of something our friends went through.
Nobody is the same and there are things that may feel wrong but are actually okay.
Again, it is best to check your symptoms with a doctor but here are some that may feel alarming but are usually pretty normal.
1. You Have No Food Cravings

I think we are all familiar with pregnancy cravings and how weird they may be. However, food cravings are not as common as you may think.
Not all pregnant women feel like they need to eat chips with chocolate or they are going to become mad!
If you do not have cravings or you suddenly stop feeling them, it is completely normal.
Be grateful that you do not have to drive or send your partner to the gas station late at night for a watermelon ice cream!
2. You Feel No Morning Sickness
As much as you hear about morning sickness and how common it is, some pregnant women never experience it.
If you do not have it, it does not mean you are not pregnant – you may just be lucky.
3. Pregnancy Symptoms Appear Late

There are many women who feel the symptoms late in their pregnancy. This does not mean they are not pregnant during their first months, it is just a sign that symptoms are late.
For example, morning sickness or even period stopping can appear after the first trimester.
It is wise to check yourself once you feel them so you can act accordingly and start listening to your body.
4. You Are Calm And Content

It is a myth that all pregnant women have mood swings, act emotionally, and feel anxious.
It is far from the truth because many women never experience personality or mood changes.
Pregnancy is always individual and while some women may feel more emotional due to hormonal disbalance, some may never experience it, or very late in the pregnancy.
5. Your Size Does Not Change

When we think of a pregnant woman, the first thing we picture is a huge belly. However, some women may not even look pregnant in their third trimester.
Not feeling your belly grow may worry you and you may not feel pregnant.
But if your frame is smaller or if you already had a belly that was on the bigger side, it is normal that you may not change too much. also, your feet and hands may stay the same.
6. High Libido

You may suddenly feel more attracted to your partner and experience high libido.
Some women think that this is a sign they are not pregnant, but quite contrary, your libido grows during pregnancy.
Our hormones may play games with us and make us feel all sorts of things – it is all pretty normal!
7. Your Sleep Is Normal And You Have Normal Dreams

Some women have reported having weird dreams during their pregnancy and although this is not an official pregnancy symptom, a lot of women may experience it.
If your sleep patterns remain unchanged and you have normal dreams, it is not a sign you are not pregnant – it simply means you are having some good night’s sleep before the little one arrives.
Enjoy it!
8. False Pregnancy Test Results

It is not unusual to do a pregnancy test once you suspect you might be pregnant.
This is usually done during the first trimester when you may feel some changes in your body.
However, your pregnancy test result may be negative. This does not mean you are not pregnant as some of the tests and your circumstances may influence it to show false results.
The best solution is to visit your doctor and let them do all the necessary tests.
9. Sudden Feel Of Happiness

Some women may feel a sudden rush of positive energy which they do not know how to interpret.
It may be worrisome as you might think that it means you are no longer pregnant.
However, this is a normal reaction because once you enter the second semester, your body feels happier and more excited, and it is also known as the ‘honeymoon phase‘.
10. You Do Not Gain Weight

Similar to your belly, your weight does not have to change once you become pregnant. It is a myth that women eat for two and will become twice their size once they are pregnant.
Of course, it is true for some, but the majority of women do not gain a lot of weight.
It does not mean you are not pregnant, it is a sign that your body spends equal calories as it consumes, and that is fine.
11. You Get False Periods

False periods are the reason why many women may think they are not pregnant even after a positive pregnancy test.
Getting a period does not mean you are not pregnant. It is a sign that there are some minor complications, but nothing that may disturb your pregnancy’s normal flow.
However, if you experience heavy bleeding, it is best to contact your doctor.
12. Low hCG Levels

Although low hCG levels may indicate something serious, they are mostly a sign of miscalculated pregnancy dating and that you are earlier in your pregnancy than thought.
Do not be worried and do all the necessary tests to reassure yourself everything is fine.
13. You Feel No Connection To The Baby

It is totally normal not to feel excited or happy once you learn that you are pregnant.
For many women, this may feel like they are not in fact pregnant, but it is okay to feel disconnected with the baby.
Our hormones and psyche are weird and we sometimes cannot make connections that we think are right.
Relax and enjoy your peace, the love will come and you will feel connected more than ever.