During pregnancy, many expectant mothers plan almost down to the last detail, but there are many things that surprise them.
Indeed, no matter how well they’ve prepared, these surprises are well worth experiencing and enjoying.
When you’re pregnant, you leave behind a lot of things you’ve enjoyed – caffeine, high heels, cocktails, fast food…
While it may seem like you’ll never manage to do without these things, believe me, you won’t miss them.
Why won’t you?
Simply because you’re going to be so busy preparing for the birth, you’re not going to think about anything else.
And there’s nothing more beautiful!
So here are the 12 most wonderful things you’ll experience during your pregnancy.
1. The first time you see a positive pregnancy test

Long before you go to the ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy or find out whether you’re having a boy or a girl, there’s an important first step.
When you do a home test and see the two lines appear, it’s a new level of ecstasy and joy you reach.
Things that are completely acceptable after seeing that the test is positive are – screaming so loud the whole neighborhood can hear you, starting to dance around the room and cry, then doing it all over again.
After all, you’re pregnant so anything goes!
2. The first time you say, “I’m going to be a mom!”

There’s nothing better than telling your partner he’s going to be a dad or telling your mom she’s going to be a grandma.
And when you announce to your family and friends that you’re going to be a mom, you’ll feel a happiness you’ve never had the chance to feel before.
3. The first time you realize that morning sickness actually lasts “all day”.

Suddenly, you can’t stand breakfast, lunch, dinner or even the smoothie that used to be your go-to snack.
Before you call all your friends and start complaining that they didn’t warn you what to expect, remember that nausea is a characteristic of the first trimester that will soon pass.
Then, long live the pickles and strawberries!
4. The first time you can’t fit into your favorite jeans

You try to put on your favorite pair of pants, but it doesn’t work!
The zipper’s halfway down and your jeans are stuck on your hips.
But you don’t give up until you’re tired of trying.
When you’re tired, think about the fact that maybe it’s time to try on maternity clothes for the first time, which aren’t as bad as you thought until now.
In any case, you’ll understand it when you try it on, because the only thing that will matter to you is that you’re comfortable.
5. The first time you post a pregnancy photo on social networks

Posting that first “I’m pregnant” photo is a really exciting experience.
You suddenly feel like the main star on social networks, and a little extra attention isn’t something you’d mind, is it?
Who doesn’t love to see support, love and positive comments from their loved ones?
6. The first time you buy something for your baby

Personally, this was my favorite activity.
Even today, when I hear a friend is pregnant, I run to pick out baby clothes.
Whether it’s cute socks or a stuffed toy, the first time you bring home something you’ve bought for your baby, your heart will be full.
It will only intensify that exciting feeling that your family will soon be growing.
All these little things are so cute that you’ll want to buy more and more!
7. The first time you hear your baby’s heartbeat

It’s time for your first ultrasound.
The first time you hear a little heartbeat at the doctor’s office, you’ll be overwhelmed by an eruption of emotions.
That’s right, Mom – a little person is waiting to meet you, and until then, his or her heart beats inside you.
8. The first time you can’t see your feet

This can be embarrassing.
Not only can you not see that you may not have put on two different socks in a hurry, but it will also be harder to bend over.
But remember, the bigger your belly, the greater the chance that your baby is doing well and developing properly.
I’m not even going to talk about waxing when you’re pregnant.
If you haven’t experienced it, I guarantee you’ll have a good laugh.
During the eighth and ninth months of pregnancy, my husband had to shave me!
9. The first time you find out the sex of your baby

Blue or pink?
Many parents look forward to the moment when they discover the sex of their little one.
Then the fun of the preparations just begins.
10. The first time you feel the baby in your belly

This will happen when you least expect it.
While you’re doing the laundry, walking down the street or in the middle of a business meeting.
Whatever the case, your baby will remind you that he’s here around the 20th week.
Stop and surrender to this magical moment.
11. The first time you feel contractions

You know you’re going to have false contractions.
What’s more, when the baby wants to come out, you’ll feel a lot of pain.
But you can also feel intense contractions throughout the third trimester.
Menstrual pain is nothing compared to that.
Take a deep breath and try to relax.
You’ll probably feel these contractions several times before labor begins.
12. The first time you realize you’re in the delivery room

Oh, this will come as a shock!
Okay, you’ve had a few false alarms, but you’ve stopped timing the contractions and suddenly you realize it’s time!
You’ll probably be excited, scared, terrified, but ready or not…
Either way, it’s time!
The next step is to meet your little one.