Changing diapers, enduring tantrums, constant sleep deprivation and so much more.
Everything we go through as mothers today, our own parents long ago put behind them – with us!
So it’s time to say “thank you”.
Indeed, before I became a mother, I didn’t realize how difficult and stressful this role was.
I didn’t understand that my mother had made so many sacrifices for me and my happiness.
When I was ungrateful, my mother always said “when you have children, you’ll understand”.
And I thought she was a pain in the ass with her constant lessons and stupid morals.
But she was right!
She always was!
Most of the time, this phrase describes the unconditional love parents feel for their children.

As long as you don’t have any children of your own, this statement quickly gets on your nerves.
Because you find it exaggerated.
Or just plain silly.
But as soon as you give birth, as soon as you hold your child for the first time, a realization hits you.
This is what my mother was talking about!
That’s the feeling she was describing.
But there’s also a second realization.
The one that also has to do with unconditional love – just seen from a different angle.
This realization doesn’t hit you as suddenly as the first.
On the contrary, it creeps into the unconscious little by little, day after day (and especially: sleepless night after sleepless night!).
And it’s only after weeks, months or years that the thought arises somewhere between sleep deprivation, night-time diaper changing and early-morning breastfeeding.
My mother did all that too.
And for me!
And I never thanked her for it…
Mom, thank you so much…

There are so many things I’d like to say to my mother.
But if I started making a list, it would take me three days to complete it.
So I’ll stick to the top ten.
By the way, I suggest you sit down with your mom and share these sentimental moments with her.
1. Mom, thank you for carrying me in your womb.

For nine months, you pampered me.
For nine months, you made my health a priority.
You deprived yourself of the things you loved and did everything you could to make sure I was born healthy.
Pregnancy is difficult, uncomfortable and exhausting.
I know that now…
Thank you for everything!
2. Mom, thank you for giving birth to me.

Now I know what childbirth feels like.
And for this point alone, we’d have to invent a new word, because THANK YOU alone is hardly enough.
Indeed, you bravely went through this painful moment.
And you never mentioned the physical and psychological traumas of birth.
You always referred to it as the happiest day of your life.
3. Mom, thank you for getting up at night.

Parents often talk about the happiness and joys of family life.
Having children is magical and wonderful.
But I don’t often hear about the exhaustion.
In fact, I’ve never heard my mother complain.
Yet every night, if I was hungry, cold or scared, she’d get up and give me a hug.
So I was never afraid of the dark.
4. Mom, thank you for putting up with the fatigue.

Before I had children, I didn’t think that the role of mother also applied at night.
I thought I’d be able to lie back, relax and unwind.
But no!
Yet my mother never complained about sleep deprivation.
Nor did she talk about parental stress and fears.
5. Mom, thank you for always finding the right words.

When I was scared or crying, my mom was always there for me.
Even if she was tired, stressed or on edge.
My well-being was always her priority.
I know, because I see how hard I have to work to calm my children.
I can see how much I have to bite my lip to keep from being rude to them.
And yet, sometimes I feel like exploding.
6. Mom, thank you for taking care of me.

Thank you, Mom, for bathing me, lotioning me, changing me, dressing me and feeding me.
All before she could shower, dress or eat breakfast.
Her needs always took a back seat.
She didn’t care at all about her appearance or well-being.
7. Mom, thank you for putting up with my tantrums.

I remember one day when my mother set the table, but she made a huge fatal mistake, in my opinion.
She had put the orange plate in front of me.
I wanted the yellow plate!
Imagine the tantrum I threw.
But she stayed calm!
Just like the day I put my shoes on backwards and declared that the world was against me.
8. Mom, thank you for taking the time to understand me.

Sometimes a child’s tantrums and unique needs can make communication difficult.
But that doesn’t mean mom loves her child any less.
A mother is patient and listens to her child.
She accepts him as he is.
She finds a way to understand and adapt to him.
9. Mom, thank you for your unconditional love.

No matter what we do, a mom stays by our side.
She doesn’t judge, and she accepts us.
Even if she’s afraid of the choices we make.
Even if she disagrees.
A mom loves unconditionally, and we must reciprocate.
10. Mom, thank you so much!

Thank you for being there for me!
No one can replace a mother.
No one can love like a mom.
So it’s important to remind her every day of the place she occupies in your life.
Tell her “I love you”.
Say “thank you”.

Well, hello there!
My name is Jennifer. Besides being an orthodontist, I am a mother to 3 playful boys. In this motherhood journey, I can say I will never know everything. That’s why I always strive to read a lot, and that’s why I started writing about all the smithereens I came across so that you can have everything in one place! Enjoy and stay positive; you’ve got this!