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Single Mom Struggles – How Difficult Is Their Life?

Single Mom Struggles – How Difficult Is Their Life?

Being a single mom is challenging and complex. The love you have for your child is the only thing that motivates you to keep pushing.

There are so many single mom struggles we could talk about, but let’s mention a few big ones.

I think moms, single or not, put a lot of pressure on themselves trying to balance it all.

It’s NEVER going to be perfectly balanced—the sooner you know this, the sooner you can relieve some of the pressure you put on yourself. – Denise Richards

1. A Single Mom Is Always In Charge

Some people think that being single can be good because you’re in charge of everything.

They think that it’s easier to raise a child when you don’t have to agree on some things with your partner.

Sometimes it’s good that nobody can tell you what to do, but in most cases – it’s exhausting.

As a single mom, you’re in charge and that means that you’re responsible for everything.

You’re responsible for all those smart decisions and wise moves. But, you’re also guilty when you make a mistake.

Everything is in your hands, and this means that you always have to analyze everything and everyone. You have to be extra careful and you have to be brave in so many situations.

Single moms don’t want to be in charge – they have to.

2. Hard Work Is Inevitable

It’s so hard to pay for everything and have a normal life even when you have a partner by your side.

A single mom has to work extra hard because she is the one who has to provide for her kids.

All that hard work is often not enough to afford everything, but she has to keep pushing.

All that hard work is isolating her from everyone, even her kids.

When you’re working all the time because you need the money to survive, you don’t have time for anyone.

A single mom doesn’t have an opportunity to relax and take a break. She has to work hard and she has to focus on her kids.

It’s like her life is on pause. She has to forget that she is a woman, a daughter, and a friend.

As a single mom, she only has enough time to remember that she is a mother.

3. Single Mom Is Often Insecure and Sad

Sometimes no matter how well you’re doing, you will feel guilty for being a single mom.

You will feel sad when your children miss their dad. In some cases, you will be judged and questioned by many people.

A single mom is a single mom for a reason. She didn’t choose that kind of life. She is on her own because it had to be like that.

A single mom knows why her life is the way it is, but she often feels insecure and unworthy.

She is sad about her children and their dad. She is sad about herself and her failed love story.

With all the other struggles, it’s heartbreaking that single moms have to deal with this too.

4. Living Is Hard For A Single Mom

Everything is harder when you’re a single mom. It’s harder to earn enough money to provide for your loved one.

It’s harder to stay in touch with your friends and family. It’s harder to work on self-development and improvement.

Being a single mom is a full-time job, and you always feel like you’re doing it wrong.

You’re always worried, late, stressed, and tired. You feel like you’re in a magical circle and nothing is changing for the better.

5. Single Moms Are Often Judged

Single moms often judge themselves. They feel insecure about so many things and their life is quite chaotic.

Luckily, they don’t have enough free time to judge themselves frequently.

In many cases, a single mom is judged by her family, friends, and even her children.

It doesn’t matter if somebody has a point. It doesn’t matter if that single mom made some huge mistakes.

She doesn’t deserve judgment. She is a human being. She needs love and understanding, but it’s so hard to get all that.

With everything on her plate, a single mom has to endure other people and their opinions. It’s hard for a single mom to move on. People look at her differently.

With all the responsibilities and duties, even when she finds time for friends and romantic relationships, she has to be careful.

Her married friends won’t understand her struggles because they have a partner. Her single friends won’t understand her responsibilities because they have no idea what she’s going through.

It’s hard for her to find a partner. She is afraid of being hurt. She wants a good person in her life because she is not alone anymore.

She has kids and she can’t play games. She doesn’t want to bring the wrong people into her life.

A single mom also has to accept the fact that some people don’t want to be with a woman who has children.

A single mom has to worry about everything and everyone. She is wounded and she needs to heal, but at the same time, she has to be strong and a survivor.

In Conclusion

Every single mom has her problems, and every situation is unique. But, these struggles are something that happens to most single moms.

It’s important to know that single mothers are not alone. Many of us will always support them and praise them. They are heroes of our society and they are true warriors.