Nobody can argue with the fact that breastfeeding is the best option for feeding your baby.
However, life and motherhood are much more complicated, and sometimes it’s better to give up breastfeeding.
The society expects a lot from new mothers and everything can feel so pressuring. This article will help you to see the bigger picture when it comes to breastfeeding.
1. Think About Your Child’s Age

If you’re thinking about giving up breastfeeding because your baby isn’t a baby anymore, it’s probably time to give it up.
There is something special about breastfeeding time, but if your baby is older than one year, and you’re tired of breastfeeding for some reason, it’s okay to quit.
It’s recommended to breastfeed for one year, but even six months is good enough if the baby is eating solids.
When your baby starts to eat most of the food, there is no physical need for breast milk.
In most cases, mothers keep breastfeeding because it’s comforting for their little ones.
If your baby is still small, but you’re still thinking about giving up breastfeeding, keep reading to make your decision.
2. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Some women like to brag about their breastfeeding experience. Their milk supply was amazing and they were able to donate their milk.
My experience with breastfeeding my first daughter was great. I wasn’t tired, she was always full, she latched easily, and I had no problems with my supply.
My experience with my second daughter was completely different. I had trouble with finding the best position for breastfeeding, my supply was low, and the baby was hungry all the time.
Guess what? It was great once I embraced the formula. Every baby is different, and there is no need for comparison between us mothers.
You need to stop caring about the comments and listen to your body. It’s important to feel comfortable and satisfied.
If you can’t breastfeed even after you ask for help from a lactation consultant, you’re good to go. Buy some formula and move on.
If you don’t want to breastfeed even though you can, you’re still a good mom. You have your reasons, and other people shouldn’t question you.
3. Understand the Pros and Cons

Breastfeeding is healthy and it’s often the simplest and the cheapest way to feed your baby. It’s also a great way to develop a bond with your child.
Exclusively breastfeeding your baby is quite easy since you don’t need bottles, pumps, or anything else to feed your little one.
Breastfeeding and pumping can be a good solution if you’re busy and you can’t breastfeed every time. In this case, a bottle of your pumped breast milk is a perfect solution.
Formula feeding is quite pricey compared to breastfeeding, but it also allows other people to feed your baby.
Therefore, if you want to sleep through the night while your partner feeds the baby sometimes, formula is your best friend.
You don’t have to worry about milk production, your diet, your schedule, or anything similar.
Your breasts won’t be leaking and you will feel more comfortable physically if you’re using formula for feeding.
Formula feeding is also an option if you’re afraid of breastfeeding for some reason.
When you think about all these things and details, you will know if is it better to stick to breastfeeding or give it up.
There is always a choice, and every one of these options is good for your child.
4. Don’t Rush Things

Being anxious and nervous will negatively affect your baby.
If you can breastfeed, but you’re thinking about giving up, keep doing it until you’re completely sure that you want it.
If you can’t breastfeed but want to, and you’re not sure what to do next, just make sure that your baby isn’t hungry and keep trying.
Many tricks can help you with breastfeeding, so don’t give up right away. Consult with a lactation expert.
If you can’t breastfeed and you don’t want to, then relax and enjoy. Don’t be stressed over it and don’t listen to other people.
A happy mom means a happy baby. Pay attention to your child. If your baby is full, that’s all that matters.
5. Be Kind To Yourself

Breastfeeding is truly wonderful and it can be hard to let it go. It can be hard to accept a different reality.
But, your feeding method doesn’t define you as a mom. You’re still the same mom who loves her baby.
You should enjoy this time because they grow up so quickly. It’s so silly to worry about these things.
Doing what you want and feel is the most important thing and listening to your gut, and everything else should be ignored. Analyze your situation before making the final decision, and you won’t have any regrets.
Hi all, I am Sidney, an accountant, a hobbyist photographer, and a mother to two sweet girls who are my motivation. I love sharing the tips and tricks I gained all these years I’ve been a mother. I hope it will help you!