In today’s busy world, a person barely has enough time to devote to themselves.
It’s common for a modern family to entail two working parents, one or two children busy with school and hobbies, leaving very little time to be spent together.
However, with a little organization and a few simple ideas, everyone can squeeze in a few hours of quality time with their loved ones.
The Importance of Spending Time With Family

A British-American anthropologist Ashley Montagu once said that the family is the basis of society.
On a smaller scale, it’s also the basis of our ability to live fulfilled lives, be comfortable in our own skin and be able to develop good relationships down the line.
Children who often get to spend quality time with their parents and relatives have a larger support system and are more likely to be good communicators.
They get to grow up knowing they’re deeply cared for and wanted.
Likewise, parents who consciously make time to have fun with their partner and children are sure to be fulfilled and happy.
One Day a Week Is Enough

Everyone is busy during the working week. There’s work, school, extracurricular activities, chores and so on.
But setting aside an afternoon or a Sunday to spend solely with family is more than possible and its longterm effects are wholly positive.
It’s necessary to plan ahead so no one double books or becomes unavailable.
Mind you, the grown-ups will have to persist in these plans, as the youngsters of the family are more likely to follow their immediate urges and go off playing video games by themselves.
What to Do?
So, you’ve gathered the family, but don’t really know how to make the time together fun and fulfilling?
Your teenage child is in the room but not quite present, the younger one is restless, you and your partner both overworked.
You’d probably like nothing better than to comfortably rot on the couch to some white noice.
So, can everyone be accomodated and how?
Let’s check out a few simple ideas.
Good Old Board Games

Though they may be oldfashioned, board games are a family-friendly way to have fun. They allow four people or more to partake together, and they’re a lot of fun.
You may easily find good interactive board games to introduce to your family.
Through them, you can have a blast together, talk a bunch and make fun of the sore loser.
They’re the simple and easily available at-home fun that could be turned into a weekly routine if you stick to it.
Dinner With the Extended Family

Gather the grandparents and your kids’ favorite aunts and uncles to dine together.
It’s still family fun, but you all get to change your surroundings and enjoy your time with extended relatives.
Not only will this make sure you don’t get bored with your own routine, but your children get to develop communication skills and open up to others.
They may also have a chance to make great friends with their peer cousins.
Physical Activity

Whether you have a garden of your own or you take a walk to the local park, physical activity and sports are a great way to stay healthy and spend time with the family.
Whether it’s volleyball, football or something as childish as dodgeball, your family is in for a plenty of fun as well a healthy lifestyle.
Being physically active is not only good for our bodies, but it causes a release of various happy hormones such as endorphine and dopamine.
Doing Chores Together

This is a good idea for when you feel like combining business with pleasure.
Housework gets done, and it’s not at the expense of your time with your loved ones.
Getting your children to help with chores not only promotes healthy habits and responsibility, but you also get to all spend time together.
Wether you choose to talk, joke or listen to music while working is your choice, but they’re all good ways to bring you closer.
A Family Trip

Change of scenery is wholly beneficial for everyone. New experiences are very important for you as well for your partner and children.
They allow them to see new things and meet new people, and you to forget your daily obligations for a little while.
Children may not always be keen to go on family trips, but from personal experience, those more often than not turn out to be the fondest childhood memories.
A Picnic in Nature

A good picnic is truly an underrated form of spending time together and having fun.
It’s as easy as walking to the park – you just need to pack some drinks, snacks and a blanket.
A modern family, especially if you live in the urban or suburban areas, usually misses out on spending time in nature.
It can be truly a healing experience both for you and your children. You get to move away from the bright screens and white noise of the modern life.
Gather your partner and kids, lie down on your blanket and observe the clouds together.
Understand Each Others’ Obligations

Children can often overlook all the effort we make to provide them with all they need – and adults in return dismiss how difficult growing up can be.
Taking you children to your workplace and introducing them to your colleagues can be an eye-opening experience for them.
They may come to see that you don’t just disappear for half a day to do nothing and come back with their pocket money, but that you work very hard.
On the other hand, you can make the effort to help with their homework and hear out what it is they do for school these days.
This could help you stay involved in each other’s lives and develop mutual respect. Same goes for your partner.
Watch a Movie Together

Another easy one for when you don’t feel like leaving the house – sit down on the couch and watch a movie with your family.
You may need to be a little flexible and give in to your kids’ choice more often than not, but as they grow so will their interest in movies broaden.
In Conclusion

Quality time with the family is of utmost developmental importance for children.
Children who don’t get to experience their parents often making time for them may internalize it in various negative ways.
They may subconsciously feel unwanted and experience low self-worth, which can be catastrophic for them when they’re older.
They may also start to isolate themselves or turn to other role models – especially those on the Internet whose integrity and influence are questionable at best.
On the other hand, showing to your family they’re worthy of your time and vice versa is sure to bring you closer and make you happier.