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The 7 Steps To Getting Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes

The 7 Steps To Getting Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes

These 7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes will give you hope that it is possible to have a baby even if you’re struggling with infertility. There are different diagnoses for female infertility, but the most common problem is blocked fallopian tubes.

In this article, I will give you some suggestions that will help you to start your path toward pregnancy and motherhood. Pregnancy can take some time, but if you and your partner have been trying for a while now, you should run some tests and see what’s going on.

Whatever happens, don’t worry. Blocked Fallopian tubes are common, and they can be successfully treated. You just have to commit yourself to solving this problem and everything will be fine.

Your dedication and hard work are essential for this process to work. Because of this, prepare yourself for a turbulent stage of your life.

7 Steps To Getting Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes

There are many things you can do to get pregnant with blocked Fallopian tubes. However, this ultimate list will be beneficial and instructive. So, let’s go over it.

Step 1

Do your research! If you’ve been to the doctor’s and you know that you have blocked Fallopian tubes, you have to learn about this. You have to know what are Fallopian tubes, what their job is, and why can’t you get pregnant.

If you don’t understand why Fallopian tubes are vital to get pregnant, it will be hard to understand and accept the treatment. Besides, don’t allow yourself to be treated without knowing some basics.

What Are Fallopian Tubes?

Fallopian tubes or uterine tubes are a part of your reproductive organs. There are two of them on each side of the uterus. Fallopian tubes connect the uterus with the ovaries. The eggs from your ovaries go through fallopian tubes into your uterus. They’re like a passage for an egg.

The tissue inside the Fallopian tubes is muscular. There are also structures called cilia that look like hairs. Thanks to the muscular tissue and the cilia, the egg can successfully travel from an ovary to the uterus. The most significant role of the Fallopian tubes is the fact that the fertilization of an egg with a sperm happens inside them.

Step 2

Now that you know what Fallopian tubes are and how they work when they’re healthy, it’s time to learn more about blocked Fallopian tubes.

What Are Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

When it comes to understanding the term “blocked tubes,” it’s quite simple. There is a blockage and the egg can’t travel through the Fallopian tubes into the uterus.

Sometimes the main reason for blocked Fallopian tubes is a genetic factor. However, the most common reason for this condition is frequent cervicitis. Cervicitis is an inflammatory disease of the cervix.

Some other reasons for blocked Fallopian tubes are frequent bacterial infections, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), yeast infections, sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, HPV…), endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, fibroids, scar tissue, or long-term use of birth control pills.

Scare tissue and sexually transmitted diseases can obstruct your fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancy happens when the implantation of fertilized egg happens in the fallopian tube, instead of the uterus. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is the inflammation of one or more reproductive organs.

Sometimes, the reason behind this unfortunate state is an operation in the area of the abdomen or some medical treatment for FalSome women went

There are women who went through this condition after having a uterine infection due to a miscarriage. As you can see, there are many reasons for this condition. Blocked fallopian tubes are the most common reason when we talk about female infertility. Luckily, they can be treated.

Keep in mind that it’s possible to get pregnant naturally if only one of your Fallopian tubes is blocked. If the other Fallopian tube is working properly, there is a high chance of pregnancy.

There are cases where blocked tubes aren’t completely blocked. When the blocked tubes are just partially blocked, the treatment is easier. It’s even possible to stay pregnant, but that kind of pregnancy could be risky (ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage…)

Sometimes, the treatment is easy and fast. Sometimes, it’s difficult and long. The point is, you should educate yourself before going through everything.

The problem with this condition is the fact that usually there are no symptoms. There are no missed periods, pain, different vaginal discharge, or anything that could mean that there is something wrong.

Most women find out about this when they try to have a baby and after it doesn’t work, they visit the fertility clinic. For this reason, it’s important to go to the doctor’s office as soon as possible.

Step 3

It’s time to choose and contact a fertility clinic and a fertility specialist. Since blocked Fallopian tubes are not uncommon, many experts successfully treat this condition.

However, it’s important to do your research and ask around. Just like with everything else – some people are better than others. This will be the start of a difficult journey, and you need someone who is the best.

Choose someone who is a professional. Choose a doctor with a great staff and the best equipment for fertility treatments and procedures.

Take your time, because this is an important decision. However, don’t wait for too long, because blocked Fallopian tubes are something that needs to be treated as soon as possible.

Step 4

It’s time to prepare yourself for your first consult. You’ve probably read everything about blocked Fallopian tubes, but unless you’re medically educated, you probably have some doubts.

That’s why it’s important to prepare questions for the doctor. Don’t be ashamed to ask things. You won’t sound silly. It’s important to understand everything you will be going through and a good doctor won’t have a problem with explaining.

On your first consult, you will give the doctor your complete medical history. Also, you will go through detailed infertility exams and tests.

After your conversation, exam, and tests, it’s time to hear out the doctor’s opinion on your treatment. If you agree, you will get a plan for the fertility treatment and detailed instructions about everything that’s coming.

Step 5

After your first visit, it’s time for another one. This time, you will go through some detailed tests that will determine how the level of blockage or damage.

The doctor will give you an injection of dye and after that, a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) will be used to view your Fallopian tubes. With the help of the dye, it will be easy to see how serious the blockage is and if there is any damage to your Fallopian tubes.

This test will decide about the future fertility treatment.  It’s an X-ray that helps the doctor to see your tubes, uterus, possible scar tissue, or any other abnormalities. The fertility specialist will suggest the best treatment option.

Step 6

After everything you’ve learned and heard, it’s time to choose your treatment plan. I strongly suggest listening to your doctor’s suggestions.

Tubal Surgery

When it comes to the treatment of blocked Fallopian tubes, tubal surgery is an option. Sometimes, a blockage or damage is located on the part of your tube where is possible to repair it with surgery.

If your doctor suggests tubal surgery, don’t be scared. This surgery is usually done with laparoscopy, which means it’s minimally invasive. They make a small incision, and they do the work using a small telescope.

Laparoscopic surgery has more risks than classical surgery. That’s why it’s so highly recommended. On very rare occasions, tubal surgery is done with laparotomy, which is a traditional open surgery with complete surgical cuts.

Both types of surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. Recovery is fast, with some mild discomfort during the first 24-48 hours. Unfortunately, after the tubal risk, the risk k for ectopic pregnancy is slightly higher.

Tubal surgery is also done on women who had tubal ligation. Sometimes, they wish to have ligation reversal, and they undergo this surgery.

Tubal ligation is a form of female sterilization. Tubal ligation reversal is complicated and done only by experts. Laparoscopic surgery is possible in this case.

In Vitro Fertilization – IVF treatment

IVF treatment is longer and more complicated. Even though the surgery has its risks, it’s quite simple to go with it and if it’s successful you will just try to naturally conceive a baby.

However, in some cases, tubal surgery is not an option, and only in vitro fertilization treatment could help. Also, if your partner is also struggling with infertility, IVF is the way to go. Male infertility is also quite common.

Sometimes, even after the tubal surgery, an IVF treatment is necessary. IVF treatment is not only for women with blocked Fallopian tubes. It’s also for women who have some other infertility conditions.

In vitro fertilization treatment has a few phases, and every one of them is important if you want to solve your problem. But, let’s start from the beginning.

“In Vitro” means “in a glass”. This means that the egg and the sperm are combined in a glass container, in the laboratory. The egg is not fertilized by the sperm inside the body.

If you want to go through this process, you have to listen to your doctor carefully. First, you will have to use a lot of fertility medications. The doctor will give you hormonal drugs to stop your natural menstrual cycle. Then, you will go through hormonal therapy which will induce the production of eggs in your ovaries.

If this step is successful, you will have to use medications to preserve the eggs and medications to prepare your uterus for embryo transfer and implantation. After this, if the eggs are good enough, the doctor will perform egg collection. Egg collection is also called retrieval.

In the meantime, your partner will have to give a sample of his sperm. After taking your egg and your partner’s sperm, it’s time to combine them. It’s time to fertilize the egg with sperm. A fertilized egg is called an embryo.

If your ovaries produced a lot of eggs, it’s possible to freeze some of them. It’s also possible to freeze the embryos. Frozen embryos are common in IVF treatments.

It’s quite common to transfer more than one embryo to increase the chances of getting pregnant. That’s why many women have twins or triplets as a result of IVF treatment.

After the embryo transfer, you will be monitored for about two weeks to see if the implantation of the embryo happened. The embryo has to attach itself to the wall of your uterus in order to become pregnant. Be sure to learn everything about positive signs after the embryo transfer so you could be sure.

Of course, if you decide to go through IVF treatment, the doctor will give you a lot of information. It’s not easy and it will cost a lot of money, but it’s worth trying. IVF can help you to beat your infertility and have your baby at last.

Step 7

After all these tests, options, and decisions, it’s time to follow your chosen plan to treat blocked Fallopian tubes. You have to commit yourself to the treatment plan. Your stability and patience are essential to succeed.

So, you have to take this seriously. Don’t miss your appointments, and take your medications religiously. This is something grand and you have to give your 100%.

What Else Can I Do?

The 7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes will bring you success, but it’s good to be interested in additional options. Caring for your health and strength is important if you want to fight this condition and get pregnant.

As always, a good diet can do wonders for your health. Food is something you consume every single day. It is important and you have to take care of your diet.

Nowadays, it’s easy to find out how to have a healthy, balanced diet. However, I will suggest some great foods that can improve the health of your Fallopian tubes:

  • Vitamin C-rich foods
  • Herbs
  • Green Vegetables
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Castor Oil
  • Maca Powder

It’s important to eat organic food without additives and artificial flavors. Overall, a healthy lifestyle is desirable if you’re trying to have a baby.

Experts suggest a good diet and a healthy lifestyle even when somebody who doesn’t have fertility problems wants to have a baby. You want to be in the best condition when the pregnancy happens.

In addition to this, exercise is more than welcome. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and improve strength and blood circulation.

Mental Health

If I had to choose, the most important part of your healthy lifestyle would be taking care of your mental health. Everybody has issues, and it’s hard to stay sane these days.

However, you’ve just received some hard news and there is a battle ahead of you. That can be devastating and scary. Of course, it’s okay to be scared and nervous. It’s okay to be doubtful and lost.

However, you have to get back in shape as soon as possible. You have to take care of your mind. Stress is your worst enemy. If you’re too stressed and worried, your fertility treatment will be even more difficult.

I know that it’s hard to relax when you’re in this situation. Firstly, you’re not completely healthy. Secondly, you want a baby but can’t have one until you get treated for your condition.

You’re probably tired and this is just the beginning. You will search for other people’s experiences. You will ask around. There will be days when you will be optimistic about the outcome.

There will also be days when you will be broken and lost. This is a hard period for you, but you’re not alone. You have people in your life who love you and support you.

You also have tons of strangers in this world who are unaware of your existence, but they are cheering for you and every other person that is fighting infertility.

I know that it’s almost impossible to relax. You know that maybe you won’t succeed. You know that fertility treatment could fail. But, there are other options and there are still other reasons to be happy.

You’re an amazing woman and you will be an amazing mom. Until that happens you have to enjoy life. Your child needs you to have amazing experiences and a fulfilled life.

Having a condition like this will change your life. It will bring you some difficulties and struggles. You will have to change your habits, routines, and schedule. But, you have to find something to hold on to. You have to find your strength and motivation to feel happy.

If you make an effort, I am sure that you will find many women who will confirm that their mental health was the key factor during their battle with infertility. Your mind and your brain control everything.

Find a way to remove stress from your body. Do some yoga, exercise, or find an interesting hobby. You have to help yourself.

Consider Joining Organization or Support Group

There are many people with similar problems. They all want one – to get cured and have a baby. That’s why you should find some kind of support group. You could encourage and comfort each other.

Also, you can fight to get some funding and support from the government. Finally, together you can create a wonderful community that is filled with love, understanding, and support

Should Your Partner Do Something?

Unfortunately, all the hard work will be in your hands. The 7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes are all about what you should do.
But that doesn’t mean your partner can’t help. As I’ve said before, your mental health and attitude are crucial in this phase of your life.

To be strong and positive, you will need a lot of support. That’s something that your partner can give you. It’s common for the other side to not get included so much, but you should change that.

As soon as you get your diagnosis, talk with your partner about the possible options and outcomes. When you make the final decision, don’t be afraid to speak up.

Tell your partner that you need a lot of support and encouragement. If you chose the IVF treatment, you will be under a lot of hormonal medications which can make you even more sensitive and fragile.

Prepare yourself and your loved one for some hardships. Your partner should be the backbone in this procedure. Share your deepest thoughts and emotions, and I am sure that you will receive a lot of love and encouragement.

This will make you more resilient and your relationship will be stronger than ever. Just be there for each other no matter what happens. You need love to heal from everything negative in your life.


I have no doubts that this article will be helpful and inspiring for you. The 7 steps to getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes will change your life and give you hope that you will succeed.

If you follow the steps from the lists, you will accomplish a goal and you will receive your miracle baby. Stick to your fertility treatment, work on yourself and stay stable no matter what.

Infertility is filled with disappointments and you have to find something that will help you through the ups and downs. This list will be your guide through this challenging phase of your life.

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