Ending a relationship with a narcissist can be a whirlwind of confusion and emotional turmoil. These individuals often exhibit specific patterns that can leave their partners baffled and questioning reality. Understanding these behaviors is crucial for anyone dealing with a narcissistic partner.
By recognizing the signs, you can better prepare yourself emotionally and mentally for the challenges ahead. This article explores eight common tactics narcissists use to manipulate and control the narrative when a relationship ends. From gaslighting to blame-shifting, we’ll provide insights into their mind games and offer guidance on how to cope with the aftermath.
1. Gaslighting

Narcissists are experts at gaslighting, a tactic designed to make you doubt your reality. They’ll insist events happened differently than you remember or deny their hurtful actions altogether. In their world, perception is their reality, and they’ll staunchly defend it to maintain control.
This manipulation can leave you questioning your own memories and sanity. Over time, you may become dependent on them to tell you what ‘really’ happened. It’s crucial to set boundaries and trust your memories to combat this. Documenting events can help anchor your sense of reality.
2. Blame Shifting

Blame shifting is a signature move of narcissists. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions and instead blame you for everything that went wrong. This tactic not only absolves them of guilt but also shifts the focus away from their flaws.
You’ll find yourself constantly defending your actions and decisions, which can be exhausting. To counter this, maintain clear evidence of events and discussions. By doing so, you secure your version of events and reduce the narcissist’s ability to distort the truth.
Remember, it’s not your fault, and holding onto this truth is empowering.
3. Silent Treatment

The silent treatment is a favored tactic for narcissists when they want to exert control. By refusing to communicate, they leave you in a state of uncertainty, amplifying your anxieties about the relationship.
During this time, you might find yourself overanalyzing past interactions, trying to identify where things went wrong. This silence is their weapon, forcing you to chase after them for answers. The key to managing this behavior is patience and self-assurance, recognizing that their silence is a tool, not a reflection of your worth.
4. Smear Campaign

When a narcissist feels threatened, they launch a smear campaign against you. They’ll twist narratives, painting you as the villain to mutual friends and family. This tactic isolates you and positions them as the victim.
You might notice friends becoming distant or cold, influenced by the narcissist’s lies. It’s vital to remain calm and collected, choosing not to engage in their drama. By maintaining your integrity and focusing on genuine relationships, you can counteract the damage of their false narratives.
Real connections will see through the facade, even if it takes time.
5. Love Bombing

After a breakup or argument, narcissists often use love bombing to win you back. This involves showering you with affection, gifts, and promises of change, overwhelming your senses.
Initially, you might feel special and wanted, but this is a tactic to regain control. Their charm is fleeting, often disappearing once they’ve achieved their goal. Remember, genuine change requires time and effort, not just grand gestures.
Recognize these actions for what they are—manipulations—and protect your heart by setting firm boundaries.
6. Playing the Victim

Narcissists are skilled at playing the victim, twisting scenarios to gain sympathy from others. They’ll recount tales of how they’ve been wronged, painting themselves as the innocent party.
This strategy garners support and makes you appear unreasonable or cruel. It’s emotionally draining to witness and can make you question your own actions. Stay grounded by remembering the true sequence of events and surrounding yourself with supportive friends who understand the situation.
Your truth is valid, no matter the narrative they spin.
7. Triangulation

Triangulation involves using a third party to manipulate you, often by creating jealousy or competition. A narcissist might mention how much someone else admires them, subtly insinuating that you should be more appreciative.
This tactic is designed to make you feel insecure and desperate for their approval. Recognize this behavior for what it is—a ploy to control your emotions.
Focus on self-worth and self-validation rather than seeking it from the narcissist. Strengthening your inner confidence diminishes their power over you.
8. Future Faking

Future faking is a technique where narcissists make grand promises about the future to keep you hooked. They’ll talk about shared dreams, like traveling or starting a family, to give you hope and make you stay.
However, these promises rarely come to fruition. They’re a means to keep you emotionally invested while they continue their manipulative behavior. Understand that actions speak louder than words.
Evaluate their history of broken promises and decide if this is the life you want. Protect your future by making decisions based on reality, not fantasies.

Well, hello there!
My name is Jennifer. Besides being an orthodontist, I am a mother to 3 playful boys. In this motherhood journey, I can say I will never know everything. That’s why I always strive to read a lot, and that’s why I started writing about all the smithereens I came across so that you can have everything in one place! Enjoy and stay positive; you’ve got this!