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How Do You Raise A Difficult Child Without Losing Your Head!

How Do You Raise A Difficult Child Without Losing Your Head!

It’s hard to define a difficult child…

First of all, it depends on the type of person you are: some people are more flexible and some people are strict.

Maybe you’re a modern mom who allows freedom in your home; maybe you’re on the traditional side and have your rules.

Whatever your parenting style, you’re a good mom.

Don’t doubt it for a second!

A difficult child can be untamable, clingy or shy.

A child who is aggressive, noisy, disrespectful or rude can also be considered difficult.

If you’re having problems with your child, even if you’re trying to be a good parent and give them everything they need, you’ve got a difficult child.

Parenting a difficult child is a big challenge.

The love you feel for your child is unconditional and it’s almost impossible to be harsh and strict.

Unfortunately, that’s life: children can’t be adults, and they can’t know everything.

Whatever your child’s age, it’s up to you to show them the right path in life.

But how?

Raising a difficult child should be an organized task.

You have to accept that your child needs a different approach.

Even if you have other children who respond well to your current parenting style, you have to accept that it doesn’t work with this child.

If your child is breaking the rules, causing problems for everyone, you can’t let that go.

Dealing with this problem is difficult, but it has to be done.

Of course, it all depends on your child’s age.

It’s not the same for a one-year-old and a fourteen-year-old.

1. Accept the problem

It’s hard to admit that your child is difficult.

However, it’s the first step in raising a difficult child.

You have to understand that no matter how much you love your child, there is a problem.

You can’t give up, because your child will suffer in the future.

2. Identify the problem

You’re so busy with the problems your child is causing that you haven’t had time to think about what’s causing the behavior.

Take some time and analyze it.

Try to remember when it all started, when you first began to notice these seemingly unimportant changes.

Children are little people and they go through a lot every day.

You need to talk to your child and be there.

Be open-minded and supportive.

3. Stay calm and patient

If you know the reason for these problems, it’s time to talk about solutions.

Even if you don’t know what the real cause is, you have to keep going.

The most important thing when raising a difficult child is to stay calm and keep your cool.

If your child is really difficult, your anger and shouting will make the situation worse.

Tell your child that you understand everything, even if you don’t. Just open your heart and relax.

Simply open your heart and relax.

After you’ve been gentle, it’s time to get back to problem-solving.

Tell your child that no matter how much you love him, you can’t allow certain behaviors.

Tell him that you’d like him to behave better and that you’ll do everything in your power to make that happen.

4. Be persistent and stick to your rules

I understand that all the rules, punishments, foundations and discussions with them are difficult.

When you’re raising a difficult child, you have to stand firm.

Maybe you don’t have the strength for another argument.

It’s all perfectly understandable, but if you go soft before it’s time, you’ll make the situation worse.

5. Show your love no matter what

Dépression : pourquoi se sent-on mieux le soir ?

When you’re raising a difficult child, it’s essential to stick to your routine.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a loving parent at the same time.

Even if you have anchored your child, try to express your love and compassion.

It’s important to be gentle even when disciplining your child.

6. Reward your child

Talking, punishing and all the rest is perfectly normal if you’re raising a difficult child.

It’s something that has to be done, and that’s that.

But, if your child improves or does something good in general, reward that good behavior, even if you wouldn’t normally reward it.

You need to show your child that you have a softer side too.

Positive reinforcement is an effective way of improving a person’s attitude and self-esteem.

These are some of the essential steps you need to take when dealing with your problem.

How can I stay calm when dealing with a difficult child?

Everything is a challenge and an ordeal when raising a difficult child, but being calm and patient is extremely difficult.

Deep breathing, shouting when you’re alone, running or anything else that will take your anger away is necessary now.

Maybe your anger will change things for the better.

Maybe your child will get scared and obey you when you start yelling and screaming.

But, in the long run, that’s not what you want.

A scared child won’t tell you anything.

You’ll miss out on a lot of important things.

So how do you stay calm?

1. Consider professional help

There are professionals who can help you, and there’s no shame in that.

You know you’ve done your best and now it’s time to take a different approach.

Perhaps your child has special needs that are difficult to understand without the help and instruction of a professional.

Besides, seeing a therapist is something everyone should do.

Talking about your feelings with someone who can be objective is really beneficial for your mental health.

Conversations between your child and therapists are private, but if your child is a minor, you’ll know a few basics.

2. Consider family therapy

After a few sessions between your child and the therapist, talk about a family session.

Of course, this may not be necessary if your child has problems with certain things that aren’t related to your family.

However, it can’t hurt.

Family therapy is a great way to reconnect and share feelings.

This can be done at home, but a therapist will be there to guide you and give you some tips to improve your communication and your relationship in general.

3. Involve the whole family

Your partner and the rest of the family should be involved.

This is no time to be secretive or unconcerned.

You’re doing something important that needs to be done, and you need to talk with everyone.

If your partner isn’t on the same page, you need to resolve that.

You need to compromise as soon as possible and move on.

Parenting a difficult child is harder for mothers, but you need to explain your concerns and opinions to your partner.

If you have other children, you need to let them know.

Don’t exclude or neglect them.

What if nothing works?

Unfortunately, some children lose their way.

Perhaps you’re the parent of an extremely difficult child with too many problems.

Maybe you have too many problems and these methods for raising a difficult child seem ridiculous and outdated.

And I understand that!

Life happens and sometimes you’re in a situation where there’s nothing you can do.

Of course, this scenario usually occurs with older children.

You have to remember that you did everything in your power to change the situation.

So don’t minimize your parenting strategies.

Your love and care have always been there.

So be patient and don’t give up!

I feel like my child hates me

Unfortunately, the feeling of being hated by your own child does happen.

Even if you’re not the parent of a difficult child, you may feel this way.

Children don’t know much, and they’re still learning and growing.

They don’t appreciate their parents enough, and this is even more present when they’re teenagers.

In most cases, this feeling disappears.

Children grow up to be gentler and more understanding.

However, if you’re raising a difficult child, you probably feel that your child hates you all day, every day.

But your child doesn’t hate you!

It’s a confusing time and some things get left behind.

If your child knew something important, he wouldn’t behave like this.

Don’t take it to heart and try to concentrate on solving the problem.