Motherhood took on its unique form, after which it expanded into many smaller categories.
Maybe you are a mom of a girl, maybe of a boy, maybe both. Every woman takes the role of a mother in a different way and each type of a mother has its pros and cons.
Here are some types of moms, so maybe you recognize yourself.
1. Calm Mom

A calm mom can rarely be thrown off track. The appearance of a rash on the baby, appetite, the fall of the child…there is no situation that can throw her out of tact.
In every situation, she keeps calm and acts flawlessly.
Having such a mom as a friend is invaluable because she will calm you down at all times and will easily bring you down to earth whenever there is a need for it.
2. “Indifferent” Mom

For this mom, someone else’s opinion doesn’t mean anything, and she is not tormented by remorse.
Actually, she knows that everything she does, she does to the best of her ability. So, in the evening when the children fall asleep, she doesn’t ask herself if she has done everything right and how it is for the child.
Such a mom has self-confidence, so she is an ideal friend if you need a conversation that is not connected with a child.
This confident mother is not too interested in such topics about children, but she will be happy to talk about all other topics for which she has little time.
3. Optimistic Mom

These optimistic moms are truly rare.
They are full of positive energy, thoughts, and hope. There is no situation in which they will not say “Everything is ok, we got this.”
They see the positive side in everything, which helps them with many difficulties in life.
4. A Straight Mom

It is good to have a mom like this one as a friend. She won’t lie to you about anything, just as she won’t “decorate” any situation for you. She will always tell you exactly how the situation is, and what you need to expect.
Such a mom will know how to take criticism at her expense.
So, if you want to have a completely honest relationship, this mom will be your true friend.
5. Non-Judgmental Mom

A mom who doesn’t judge anyone is good with everyone because she doesn’t have a bad opinion of anyone and accepts everyone as they are.
She doesn’t think that everyone has to be a mom in the same way, nor that only her way is right.
If you want to have a person by your side who accepts you as you are, and who won’t mind you about anything, then such a mom is the perfect choice to be your friend.
6. Influencer Mom

These moms like to post everything on social networks, especially Instagram. They seem to know everything, they do everything, they have everything, they dress the best and they are the first to get all the latest products.
But, “behind the scenes“, it is a common misconception that their photos are just short sketches of their lives.
There is actually a lot of work behind it.
Nothing is as easy and glamorous as it seems.
7. Cool Mom

Topics to talk to them are not related to diapers, rashes, teething, and other things related to children or babies.
So, spending time with such mothers is really valuable. They will bring you back to reality and show you that you are not just a mom.
It will remind you that you are still a person who likes going out, movies, socializing, music…
8. A Mom With Experience

The title says that this is a mom who has already gone through everything you are going through now. So, because of that, she may be able to advise you in many situations.
Even if you need help in making some decisions, you will always be able to rely on a mom like this one.
9. Depressive Mom

This type of mom may be very undesirable.
This is a mom who sees only negative and bad facts in every positive story. So, she is not the best company.
Everyone has enough worries even without a mom who thinks that every random passerby is a child abductor or that something can happen to a child in the sand.
10. The “Perfect” Mom

Everyone is trying to avoid this type of mom. This mom always feels that she needs to advise those around her.
Seeing you for the first time will not be an obstacle to not giving you a lesson on what you’re doing wrong in raising your child.
This mom is a mom whose child has the most expensive toys, eats only organic snacks, and looks “perfect” at all times.
11. Know-It-All Mom

When it comes to raising with a know-it-all mom, you won’t need the internet, a manual, or a book. Such a mom is informed about everything that has to do with the child.
So, if you take her word for it, she will help you save hours looking for an answer to a question.
12. Mom Who Complains All the Time

In this example, it doesn’t come to a mom who needs a little support because of some bad situations, but a mom who constantly whines.
Has it ever happened to you that you go to the park with your child and hope that you will not meet the mom from yesterday?
She is dissatisfied with her time, her marriage, her child, her health, and mostly the whole world.
So, stay away from people like this. No matter how much energy you invest, you will not make them optimistic.
13. A “Warrior” Mom

When they give birth to a baby, it becomes the center of their attention. These moms are real fighters, warriors who do everything for their children, and they never talk about it.
They overcome all obstacles on their own, without much drama or mentioning it.
Although they encounter many difficulties, they go through it very bravely.
14. Modern Mom

In the time of expansion of social media, there are more and more women who want to be “in” everything. This is exactly the case with parenting and motherhood.
So, there are more and more moms who follow the trends related to raising children. They follow everything associated with children, motherhood, parenting, family…
They simply want to be in trend.
On the other side, this can be very helpful. Even if you are not so interested in all the latest research on these topics, moms who are fully versed in everything could help you.
15. Mom With “Thick Nerves”

You surely know a mother who has “thick nerves” about everything that has to do with children. Sometimes you can’t understand it because it is not the case with you.
Such calm and patient moms are really rare. Most often, they are those who have more children, and therefore more experience.
They simply don’t panic about everything.
Sometimes, it would be great if you tried to apply this way of thinking that calm mothers have because they know that panic and nervousness have never been helpful to anyone.
16. Fitness Mom

These moms like to advertise the brands, clothing they use, diet shakes, protein bars, smoothie recipes, and many more things. They do all those things that you can become a real mom exerciser.
You can recognize them by the fact that she “sweats” on all social networks. Their life choices are exercise and movement.
On the other side, some moms don’t exercise, but they want to give the impression that they are “fitness moms“.