How to find the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie is probably one of the most common questions when it comes to little ones.
That’s especially the case if your child has recently gone through a tongue-tie release.
Speaking of finding the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie, how can you tell if your tongue-tied baby is suffering from it?
First and foremost, you will notice that your baby is not capable of utilizing a pacifier properly.
That’s the first and most common symptom. The limited movement of the baby’s tongue, along with the high palate makes generating suction a huge problem.
That’s what makes it so difficult for you to breastfeed your kiddo. As soon as parents notice this, they immediately go on a search for the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie.
But before I tell you which is the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie, I would first like to cover the basics to help both parents who are currently dealing with it, and the ones who are not familiar with it yet would like to get some facts straight.
So, let’s cut to the chase and help you hunt down the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie! glow dark
The Benefits of Pacifiers for Tongue Tie
There’s no doubt that pacifiers for tongue-tie babies are a great thing. However, if you’ve never used them before, then it ultimately makes sense first to get yourself familiar with a few things before you embark on a journey to find the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie.
So what are the key benefits of pacifiers for tongue-tie babies?
Decreased Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Although no one is quite sure how these two things are linked, what most healthcare providers concluded is the fact that using pacifiers for tongue-tie babies can be of huge help, and can reduce the risk by more than 50%.
Aids With Baby’s Natural Sucking Reflex
There are infants whose sucking reflex remains even after breastfeeding, and if their needs for sucking aren’t met, they can become very upset and angry. (which isn’t quite a sight for sore eyes)
And that’s when pacifiers for tongue-tie babies come into play! Namely, they fulfill this need, and, at the same time, calm your baby down.
Although it’s a good thing to have the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie within your reach, but remember that it should never serve as a meal replacement!
Stimulates Self-Soothing
In situations when your little angel behaves like a tiny demon, you should definitely turn to this helpful tool.
The best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie is going to appease your child and make him/her feel safe and sound.
And not only is it useful for fussy babies, but for stressed parents as well, because they will finally have some peace and quiet. When will they make pacifiers for adults as well because I could really use one?
An Amazing Distraction During Medical Procedures
If you think that being a newborn is an easy thing, then you’re out of your mind! Namely, they constantly undergo numerous medical procedures, like blood tests to ensure they are healthy, vaccinations, and many other things.
And all of these processes can be highly traumatic for them. Hence, they need some form of emotional support to mitigate all the pain and suffering.
And that’s precisely what the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie will do. It will provide them with a sense of security while they are going through these things. (I may need one too!)
When is the Best Time to Introduce a Pacifier?
In these instances, you must be very careful; otherwise, it may have a negative effect on your newborn.
Namely, it will negatively impact how your baby sucks. The movement of the tongue on the breast is pretty different than the movement on a pacifier.
Therefore, you shouldn’t force its use, particularly if you’re dealing with an infant with a tongue tie.
What’s the worse thing that can occur?
It may impact the speedy return of a normal sucking motion on your breast. The second one revolves around the palate.
When the tongue stays in the roof of the mouth, it shapes the palate into a vast conformation. Breastfeeding is generally always advisable because the breast is moldable, hence the impact on the palate is demulcent.
On the other hand, the pacifier is far from moldable, so once it’s pushed to the palate, you’ll be dealing with pressure in an upward motion, which pushes it upwards, which is going to narrow it.
But at the end of the day, the truth is, the pacifier is necessary, especially if you want to take a break from your little one (because you also have certain needs) to grab something to eat, maybe take a nap, or simply unwind.
So yes, finding the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie, is important as long as you don’t do it prematurely.
So when are you supposed to do it then?
Not before a normal sucking pattern has been fortified. Once that happens, you can slowly introduce this spectacular tool.
How Can You Tell if You Found the Best Pacifier For a Baby With a Tongue Tie?
When searching for the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie, you need to focus on certain factors to make sure your baby is doing great.
So what should be prioritized?
1. Free of BPA, harmful fragrances, and chemicals
2. Huge shield guard with large holes to allow maximum air circulation while keeping the pacifier safe in the mouth.
Furthermore, this lowers the risk of swallowing the pacifier as well.
3. Opt for the molded nipple to fit your baby’s mouth. The best option is orthodontics.
4. A pacifier that can easily be cleaned and is preferably dishwasher-safe.
5. To be in one piece (if possible)
6. If you have an older baby, then purchase a glow-in-the-dark pacifier so they can find it easily
7. The pacifier that’s intended for your baby’s age
What About Flavored Pacifiers?
Here’s another frequently asked question when it comes to finding the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie.
So what do experts think about flavored pacifiers?
Should flavored pacifiers be avoided, or are they safe to use?
I know that flavored pacifiers seem like a great idea and something that your kiddo will adore.
However, keep in mind that flavored pacifiers are full of chemicals, and artificial flavors which can potentially be detrimental to your little angel.
That’s particularly the case if your baby is sensitive to artificial ingredients. I know that you might be tempted to purchase flavored pacifiers, but if you accidentally pick the wrong one, you may cause more harm than good, so it’s better to steer clear of flavored pacifiers.
Finding the Best Pacifier For a Baby With a Tongue Tie
And now, the moment we’ve been all waiting for (I can hear a round of applause in the background, thank you!)! It’s time to finally discuss the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie.
The market is loaded with spectacular pacifiers.
However, since I’m not able to enumerate all of them, I will single out only what I (as a huge baby lover and connoisseur) consider to be the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie.
So, let’s create a list of the best pacifiers for a baby with a tongue tie right now!
Nanobebe Baby Pacifiers – Orthodontic, 100% Soft Silicone – BPA Free
Without a doubt, this is one of the best pacifiers for a baby with a tongue tie in the world. It is developed to fit around your little one’s nose and face perfectly.
One of the main reasons why so many pediatricians recommend it is because it adheres to the American Academy of Pediatrics directives for safe pacifiers, which is why it’s ideal for babies who are 0-3 months old (not for the ones who are 6 months or older)
This pacifier is Phthalate-free and BPA-free and comes with a very soft, skin-like feel that enables the parents to calm their child and soothe the breastfeeding quickly.
Additionally, the Nanobebe pacifiers are generally very easy to wash and sterilize, plus let’s not forget to accentuate the fact that they are dishwasher safe too!
Furthermore, you will also stumble upon a new Stage 2 Flexy Active Pacifier option with open side vents that offer baby an extra flow, alongside ultra-lightweight construction. This is ideal for active infants.
Therefore, if you truly want to buy the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie, then you should definitely give this one a chance.
It will certainly provide your kiddo with a smooth, breastfeeding comfort and it’s going to make him/her very content and calm.
MAM Original Start Newborn Baby Pacifier
Here’s another pacifier that is perfect for tongue-tied infants. One of its hallmarks is the BPA-free silicone nipple, which comes with sleek SkinSoft material, as well as a symmetrical shape that’s going to impact the teeth and jaw development positively.
The nipple shape is very flat yet symmetrical and is a great option for kids who have restricted movement in their mouths.
Since this pacifier is made from soft silicon, you can easily sterilize it, plus your baby will love its texture and will surely thoroughly enjoy it!
Are there any downsides?
To be frank, this is truly an outstanding pacifier.
However, the only thing that may represent a problem is the fact that it may be difficult for your baby to employ it if he/she has already gotten used to a pacifier that has a different shape. But other than that, it’s worth every penny!
MAM Pacifier with MAM Pacifier Clip
Here’s another sensational baby pacifier that’s not only ideal for tongue-tied babies but also BPA-free and will perfectly fit a baby’s mouth.
So what do we know about the mam pacifier?
The mam pacifier consists of a traditional three-piece pacifier design that represents a spectacular combination of something that’s both inventive and functional.
That’s precisely one of the reasons why this mam pacifier is a great baby pacifier for tongue-tied infants.
Since it features a high-quality design, it’s going to let your baby’s face normally breathe, even if it’s been used for a longer period of time.
Furthermore, its nipple is made from BPA-free, and medical-grade silicone that’s extremely smooth, providing your kiddo with the ultimate coziness.
Plus, it’s worth mentioning that this baby pacifier can positively affect a baby’s jaw and teeth development.
Moreover, this pacifier for tongue-tied babies has a clip with a sliding plastic lock that ensures that it is safe if, by any chance, your baby accidentally loses it.
Besides that, this clip prevents the pacifier from falling and ending up in places that are hard to reach.
So it comes as no surprise why so many people define it as one of the best baby pacifiers in the universe since it’s not only safe but also hygienic for your child’s use.
Your tongue-tied baby will absolutely adore it!
Is there anything that should be noted when it comes to its flaws?
Well, since it is one of the best pacifiers for a baby with a tongue tie in the world, it would be hard for me to mark off the negative sides of it.
The only thing that’s maybe worth mentioning is the fact that you might melt the clip ring while boiling it (due to sanitization). But other than that, it’s truly a spectacular pacifier that’s perfect for breastfed babies.
Tommee Tippee Breast-Like Pacifier For Night Time
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce a BPA-free pacifier that not only glows in the dark (hence it’s perfect for night time) but is also perfect for breastfed babies, who are transitioning from breastmilk.
More experienced parents will tell you that Tommee Tippee is one of the most eminent brands in the world, that’s also widely known for making first-class feeding bottles for babies.
And now, they’ve decided to take things to the next level by making a soft silicone-made pacifier that glows at night.
In addition, they developed a pacifier that comes with a bigger tip that will correctly fill your infant’s mouth in a way that your nipple would (a truly perfect nipple shape).
That’s why if your little angel deals with suction actions that are not as efficient, then you should definitely obtain a Tommee Tippee pacifier.
Apart from them, as previously stated, it also offers a glow-in-the-dark feature (nothing better during night time) which is a great thing because your baby will be able to find it easily at any given moment since it glows at night.
NUK Orthodontic Pacifier
Now, here comes a pacifier that has been added to the list of some of the best pacifiers for a baby with a tongue tie several times.
So what’s so spectacular about it?
Well, what makes it so amazing is its scooped bottom shape, which is the main reason why it’s perfect for infants with tongue ties.
With it, they can easily move their tongues and in time, get used to numerous mouth shapes, which is generally good for normal development.
Aside from that, this pacifier can be put in both the microwave and dishwasher and can be found in various patterns, quantity packs, and colors.
Generally speaking, it’s definitely something I would recommend to parents with tongue-tied babies. However, if there’s one thing that I could define as a “flaw” (not in a real sense), it would be the fact that at times, it can be difficult to attach pacifier clips to it.
Extraordinary Philips Avent Soothie Snuggle Pacifier
Okay, now here’s an orthodontic pacifier that I would gladly buy for myself whenever I need something soothing.
I mean, who could ever resist an orthodontic pacifier that has an adorable and soft toy that your little one can hold while using a pacifier?
And this toy is not here only to keep the pacifier in place, but also to keep your baby company and make him/her feel safe and calm.
The Phillips Avent pacifier is made from medical-grade silicone that’s completely BPA-free, which makes it perfectly safe for your child’s use without negatively impacting its durability.
But is this Phillips Avent pacifier difficult to clean?
Luckily, the answer is no.
It’s far from that.
In fact, both the toy and the pacifier are very easy to clean, due to the fact that the push toy can quickly be detached from the pacifier, enabling you to clean both of them thoroughly.
Boon Jewl Orthodontic Silicone Stage 2 Pacifier
If you’re searching for a pacifier that is intended for babies older than 6 months, then this one is definitely worth considering. Babies of this age (6 months) will love it.
In these instances, the brand has joined forces with a pediatric dentist with the goal to create something that’s going to stimulate healthy oral development.
The necks are quite narrow, while the shields are flared to offer your little one a more convenient suck. In addition, these pacifiers are pretty easy to clean, and you can even put them in the dishwasher if you want to ensure that the pacifier is one hundred percent clean.
And it’s safe to say that they are not only very safe for babies, but also look very cute (which isn’t a factor that should be overlooked).
Since it comes in a beautiful blue color, it is ideal for children who are true fashionistas.
After discussing the best pacifier for a baby with a tongue tie, the only thing I could ask myself is – Why don’t I have one?
After all, who says that adults cannot have a tool that’s going to help them fly into the dreamland?
But all joking aside, all of these pacifiers for tongue-tied babies are truly magnificent.
They will definitely help your little one fall asleep, maybe even in less than 40 seconds, as if he/she doesn’t have a single care in the world.

Well, hello there!
My name is Jennifer. Besides being an orthodontist, I am a mother to 3 playful boys. In this motherhood journey, I can say I will never know everything. That’s why I always strive to read a lot, and that’s why I started writing about all the smithereens I came across so that you can have everything in one place! Enjoy and stay positive; you’ve got this!