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What Is A Bonus Mom?

What Is A Bonus Mom?

What is a bonus mom? This question is quite common among people who were raised by their biological parents.

A bonus mom is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a mom who didn’t give birth to her kids, but she’s raising them.

Stepmom vs bonus mom? What’s the difference?

A bonus mom can be a stepmother, adoptive mom, aunt, or another family member who takes care of the children.

It’s possible to have a bonus even if the real mom is still there. A bonus mom steps in when the real mom is busy.

People don’t have to be family by blood to love each other unconditionally. Children remember little things and they don’t care who loves them, as long as they’re loved.

What Is A Bonus Mom?

Since you have the answer to the question of what is a bonus mom, let’s talk more about this topic.

A bonus mom is a woman who is kind, caring, and generous. Her heart is so big, and she can love people deeply.

A bonus mom doesn’t care that she is not someone’s biological mom. She just wants to protect the children and be there for them.

Her love doesn’t need a DNA test to grow. A bonus mum is connected to the kids with a special bond.

So, now that you know what a bonus mom is, you’re probably wondering what it’s like to have a bonus mom or be a bonus mom.

Being A Bonus Mom

If you’re a bonus mom or you’re planning to become one, it’s important to know how it feels to be a bonus mom and what is a bonus mom.

A bonus mom is someone who will be there for another woman’s kids no matter what happens. She will sacrifice herself and her time just to help the kids.

This is something that only a great woman can do. Being a bonus mom is a challenge and it’s a never-ending job.

Being a bonus mum is a hard task and you should be one only if you truly want it. There will be hardships in your life as a bonus. But, being a bonus mom has many advantages.

You Are Loved And Cherished By The Kids

It doesn’t matter I you have biological kids or only bonus children. When you dedicate your life to providing love and support for the children, you will be loved.

There will be times when you will feel like a failure. You will feel unappreciated because kids will have those moments when their biological mom will be missed.

But, kids can feel love, care, and kindness. They are thankful for your care and support. Therefore, a bonus mom is an important role that can bring you so much happiness and fulfillment.

Your life is enriched by your bonus family and your heart is filled with love. Having love and family is essential for a happy and peaceful life. Having amazing children as a bonus to your life is truly fulfilling.

You’re Making Someone’s Life Easier

We all like when we make someone’s day better. We like to surprise our loved ones, and we like to be there.

It’s even more precious when you do nice things for children. Their pure honesty and innocence are always heart-touching.

A bonus mom is a difficult role to accept, but it pays off. You get a family. You feel better and useful.

The best of all, you’re helping the little people. You’re there to support the kids, comfort them and protect them.

You’re making their life easier just by existing and doing your thing. Your simple deeds are much more significant than you think.

After all, grand things happen only a few times in our life. Those small things that are present every day are more important.

When you’re picking the kids up, or making dinner for them, you’re doing much more than that. You’re making their day easier and complete.

You’re there to prevent complications. Time goes by fast, but you’re here to help them find happiness and peace. You’re there to please them and remind them how great they are. They deserve to be pampered and loved.

You’re A Big Part Of Someone’s Life

Most bonus moms are happy to be there for their bonus children. They simply want what’s best for the kids, and they want to make their lives easier.

Some bonus moms start doing everything because they’re close to the family or they’re stepmothers.

It’s okay to be there for different reasons. Nobody goes from home to home looking for kids who need a bonus mom.

Destiny connects a bonus mom with her bonus daughters and bonus sons. It takes time to create an unbreakable link inside this bonus family.

It doesn’t matter why you became someone’s bonus mom. You wanted to become one and you shouldn’t take it lightly.

You’re not there only to cook food and drive them around. You’re not just an addition to the family. You’re one of the few people who will shape those kids. Your influence matters and you matter more than you think.

If you want to be a bonus mom, you have to be more responsible and you have to set a good example.

The future of your bonus kids is partially in your hands. You’re in control much more than it feels, and you’ve got this.

Just be who you are, show your big heart and you will become their best friend, not just a bonus mom. Try to teach them new things and be there for them. Talk to them about everything and create a trustworthy relationship.

You could be responsible for raising extraordinary people if you make an effort. One day, you will be a proud bonus mom whose hard work will be rewarded. Pay attention to your actions and words, and you will be a positive influence in the life of your bonus kids.

Your right way of raising them will make you a better woman, and their lives will also be blessed when someone is taking good care of them.

Having A Bonus Mom

Having a bonus mom can be difficult in the beginning, especially if you don’t even know what is a bonus mom.

Many kids who get a bonus mom think that she’s going to ruin their lives. They think that she’s there to make herself feel better or to replace their real mom.

But, a bonus mom can be a great addition to your life and family.

You Have An Extra Person To Love You

Some children can’t wait to get an extra mom because their biological mother isn’t in their life for some reason. But, most kids are afraid of opening up to someone new.

If you have a bonus mom or you will get one son, there is no need to be hostile toward her. It will take time o become close to her, but don’t be skeptical.

I know that there are bad stepmothers and bad women in general, but they’re rare. Take it slow, and allow yourself to meet someone.

Having a bonus mom means someone is there for you and your family. You will have someone to support you, love you, and cherish you.

So, don’t be judgmental, and open your heart. It’s always wonderful when your life is filled with people who are there for you in every life situation.

We’re all strong, and I am sure you can handle many things on your own. But, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

It’s okay to be vulnerable and it’s okay to accept people into your life. It’s good to ask for help, and it’s even better when there is someone who will be more than happy to help you.

Your Family Has Someone Reliable

A good bonus mom is a blessing to the whole family. If you have brothers and sisters, they could use someone loving and caring.

If your bonus mom is your stepmom, your dad is also happier. So, even if you’re not so thrilled about the idea of having a bonus mom, your family members could benefit from it.

People are different, and just because you need time to open your heart, doesn’t mean other people won’t be glad to welcome another family member.

If you have a bonus mom and you’re not so amazed by her, try to think about her from other people’s perspectives. What does your dad, or your sister think?

Is she so bad, or do you simply don’t get along with her?

You Have A Close Friend

It’s much harder for biological parents to be true friends to their kids. When it comes to bonus parents, this is much easier.

Even when a bonus mom is worried, she will be much more flexible and trustworthy. It’s easier to tell certain things to your bonus mom than it is to your biological mother.

When you let her know that you have faith in her and that she is a reliable person to you, your relationship will be better than ever. She will feel extra special.

So, if you think that it’s great to have someone who is going to be there for you when it’s time to share all personal things, then you should be happy with the idea of bonus mothers.

Bonus Mom Troubles

Being a bonus mom, or having a bonus mom is rewarding in most cases, but I’ve mentioned it’s also hard.

Every bonus mom wants to be accepted and loved. On the other hand, everyone who has a bonus mom is often confused.

These relationships are beautiful and difficult at the same time. It takes time to build trust, but when you do it, you will see that all troubles are worth it.

If you have problems because you’re a bonus mom, or because you have a bonus mom, you have to change your perspective.

You have to take a step back and see your mistakes before you judge the other person. Some things can’t be fixed, but in most cases, everything can be solved if you show understanding.

In these types of relationships, forgiveness and tolerance are also essential. You can’t expect someone to be perfect, because you’re not perfect either.

Honest talk and putting yourself in someone’s shoes will work in most problematic situations.

Life gets hard, and sometimes we have to work hard to have a good relationship with someone. Keep in mind that your persistence, patience, and efforts are always rewarded if you wait long enough.

Everyone is different and there are different parenting styles. Don’t give up too soon.

Don’t give up on building something meaningful. You deserve to have more love in your life.

Bonus Mom Quotes

Everything is always better with some heartwarming quotes.

Some mom inspirational quotes might help you to understand the significance of a mother figure in your life.

Also, some heart-warming bonus mom quotes should explain why having a bonus mom is a good thing.

I use the word bonus mom because I feel like it’s a blessing in my life. I feel so lucky that I got to have an extra, wonderful little angel in my life. – Gisele Bundchen

Family is family, and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart. – C. Joybell C.

Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation. –  Robert A. Heinlein

Being a parent wasn’t just about bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life. – Jodi Picoult

Becoming a blended family means mixing, mingling, scrambling, and sometimes muddling our way through delicate family issues, complicated relationships, and individual differences, hurts, and fears. But through it all, we are learning to love like a family.  – Tom Frydenger

Half and full should be used in math, not in relationships. There are no half-mothers, only complete families. – Unknown

Anyone who ever wondered how much they could love a child who did not spring from their own loins, know this: it is the same. The feeling of love is so profound, it’s incredible and surprising. – Nia Vardalos

Family isn’t blood. It’s the people who love you. The people who have your back. –  Cassandra Clare


Now that you know what is a bonus mom, I’m sure you’re aware of the fact that different people make our lives better.

People are better than no people. Additional love, support, and protection are always a great boost in our life.

Being alone doesn’t mean being unhappy. Having just a few important people around you doesn’t mean your life is not good. But, bonus family and bonus friends are good for us in most cases. Having a bonus dad and a bonus mom is precious.

Marcey Walsh

Monday 12th of June 2023

My kids fortunately had an 'Alterna-Mom and an 'Alterna-Dad'! My best friend, Lisa, and her husband, Ken, gave the my kiddos the stability my often rocky marriage couldn't offer. In fact, our theater family provided that for SO many kids over the years. Our Drama-Mama, Lisa knows the impact she has had for so many . These days I always reach out to help families, kids and teens because I know how it feels to not be able to be there 100% when my kids needed me.

Mama Bean

Tuesday 13th of June 2023

Hi Marcey! Thank you so much for sharing your story. We hope your story will encourage others to help too! Stay safe!

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