Those first few weeks flew by so fast, didn’t they?
It’s now month three, and you’re looking for the best activities for 3 month old babies. As your baby’s behavior changes and as they learn and grow, you must also introduce new and exciting baby activities.
Every day brings something new. Your baby’s becoming more aware.
So as to help you stimulate your child’s growth, we have made a list of age-appropriate baby activities that ensure the highest quality of education and development for your precious little angel. But first, you must get familiar with this new stage.
Expect your baby to reach many new milestones.
As they develop socially, emotionally, and physically, it’s your responsibility as a parent to establish the right kind of developmental activities for your 3 month old baby. All of this may seem a little overwhelming, but we’re here to make the process easy.
Keep in mind that your baby is still, well, a baby.
So, expect crying and fussiness in normal measures.
As the world changes for them both internally and externally, revealing its secrets, all of this can seem somewhat scary. Be patient. Make learning fun by introducing exciting baby activities for your 3 month old baby and, in doing so, helping them develop.
Let’s take a moment to preview what lies ahead.
What Milestones Can You Expect?

The first thing you will notice is your baby’s newfound awareness.
The world around them seems less like a confusing mess and more meaningful.
As such, with every new object, person or event, their understanding broadens, but it doesn’t cease to be alarming. The world is still rather scary, so you must ensure that your baby’s feeling warm, safe, and comfortable since they’re still depending on you.
Be willing to adapt to your baby’s growth.
You will be surprised by how quickly they’re growing and changing. With every new change, you have to change your parenting strategy, as well, and additionally introduce age-appropriate baby activities that efficiently help your 3 month old baby develop.
Physically, expect less head wobbling due to your baby’s neck muscles strengthening. Overall, your baby’s newfound strength allows them to stretch, kick and push. At this age, don’t be surprised to see your baby picking up toys for a brief amount of time, too.
Make sure to keep small objects off-limits and beyond their reach.
Observe your baby, and you will discover that they are moving more purposefully, so to say, with a new hand-eye coordination conveying your baby’s intentions.
Your baby will notice your voice more often and turn their head whenever they hear you speak. At this stage, communication is a crucial learning point. Whenever your baby makes a sound, acknowledge it. Communicate with your baby as much as possible.
During this stage, tummy time is an excellent activity for a 3 month old baby because right now, your baby’s learning mobility and flexibility by rolling from tummy to back.
Nevertheless, it’s important to note that all babies develop at their own pace.
So, if your baby isn’t reaching some milestones, there’s no reason to worry. Keep helping your baby develop and practice. However, if the issue persists and you sense something’s not quite right, we advise consulting a pediatrician for further guidance.
Now that you have a better sense of what to expect let’s start exploring baby activities for your 3 month old baby. With so many new developments and milestones on the horizon, every parent would be wise to introduce these activities into their parenting routine.
So, without further ado, let’s get started.
Best Activities for 3 Month Old Babies

Where should we start?
Baby development involves physical, emotional and social activities.
Your baby’s ready to take on new challenges. We’ve prepared a list of fun and exciting baby activities for 3 month old babies that you can incorporate into your parenting strategy and your day-to-day routine in order to secure the best development for your baby.
Besides the fact that these baby activities stimulate growth, they also cultivate bonding.
As a parent, you’re going to have a wonderful time introducing new and varying activities to your baby’s life. With every new day, your baby’s energy levels increase and their brain advances, learning new things. They may pleasantly surprise you in more ways than one.
At the very start of our list, we have tummy time.
1. The Importance of Tummy Time

In regards to motor development, tummy time is significant for your baby.
Before your baby can sit up, crawl, and, eventually, walk, tummy time helps them develop their muscles. Tummy time resembles the springboard of your baby’s physical development because it helps them develop neck muscles and upper body strength.
Even though tummy time starts from birth, it remains the primary physical activity for a 3 month old baby. It’s one of the first demanding physical activities in which your baby completes a movement, which makes it an essential, fundamental exercise.
Babies usually spend a lot of time on their backs. Tummy time is essential to counteract the negative aspects of prolonged rest. It helps your baby build strength and flexibility, which in time leads to your baby learning how to sit up and rollover.
Make sure that you don’t leave your baby unattended during tummy time.
After all, they’re still learning and developing their muscles.
Ideally, you should practice tummy time with your 3 month old baby for at least an hour every day. Keep in mind, also, that tummy time isn’t just about you observing your baby. Use toys, such as shake rattles, or just make sounds to stimulate your baby to move.
Using props is crucial because it encourages your baby to explore, which leads to movement, which leads to muscle strengthening, development and growth.
2. The Art of Grabbing Objects

Soon after the three-month mark, babies start to grab objects.
That means they’re using their hands to complete an intentional, purposeful action. With this milestone, however, you must keep safety in mind, because you don’t want your baby grabbing any small digestible objects and potentially swallowing them.
Make sure to keep your baby’s space safe, tidy and well organized.
When your baby grabs an object such as a toy at this stage of development, they will probably hold it up in front of their face, trying to examine it. You want to use objects that aren’t particularly heavy and that actually fit your precious little angel’s tiny hands.
So, use lightweight and easy-to-grab toys or objects.
Ideally, your baby has to be able to lift the object above their head, too.
Besides the fact that this baby activity improves motor functioning and hand-eye coordination, it also stimulates your baby’s sense of curiosity. Everything fascinates them. That’s precisely why this baby activity is perfect for a curious 3 month old baby.
If your child decides to chew the toy provided, don’t discourage them.
Chewing utilizes your baby’s senses, which adds another benefit to this fun activity.
Make sure to keep things fresh and exciting by introducing variety to the objects and toys you provide for your baby. You want them to experience different colors, shapes and even textures as they work hard to master the art of grabbing and holding objects.
3. Playing Peek-a-boo!

Even as a newborn, playing peek-a-boo has positive benefits for your baby, but the game grows in significance with time. Why? Well, it teaches the lesson of object permanence.
What does that mean, exactly?
Object permanence implies that an object doesn’t cease to exist just because it’s hidden. It’s a crucial cognitive skill that your baby has to learn. To help them accomplish this milestone, make sure to prioritize this exciting activity in your 3 year old’s routine.
Although it’s mostly a one-sided affair, it’s still a fun activity.
You can spice things up as your child starts to get the hang of it. For example, instead of hiding yourself and saying ‘peek-a-boo’ excitedly when you reveal yourself, you can hide your baby’s face with a piece of clothing and say ‘there you are’ when you pull it away.
Additionally, you can hide toys, as well. When your baby starts looking for the toy after you’ve hidden it, it implies that they’ve taken a positive step towards grasping object permanence. This is a huge cognitive leap that you should be proud of and celebrate.
Remember that it’s vital that you capture your baby’s attention while playing this game. You want to keep them completely engrossed while you do this baby activity.
Keep in mind that babies start to properly grasp object permanence only after six months of age and may not fully comprehend it until their first birthday. Nevertheless, the importance of practicing it beforehand can’t be overstated, but it will take time.
As always, be patient because every baby develops at a different pace.
4. Get Your Baby in Touch With Nature

There’s only so much your baby can experience indoors.
Parents often feel that going outside will overwhelm or scare their baby, but the outdoors help your baby learn and grow. It may indeed be overwhelming, but right now your baby’s collecting all the pieces of the puzzle before they try to solve it.
There are no set rules as to when you can take your baby out.
However, we advise avoiding unnecessarily crowded spaces.
Going outside, especially when it’s nice out, allows your baby to observe the world around them and maybe even fall in love with nature. On top of all the benefits babies get from this activity, it goes without saying that being outdoors is great for parents, too.
The outdoors stimulate your baby’s senses. With so many things going on around them, their nose and ears work overtime as the orchestra of the birds and the wind combine.
Every new sensation further boosts your baby’s development.
As such, spending time in nature is a fantastic activity for 3 month old babies and parents. So, ensure to include this activity as much as possible, but remember to keep safety in mind. Dress your child for the weather and never leave them unattended.
Additionally, if you’re going for a picnic, you can bring a blanket and do a little tummy time exercise with your precious angel surrounded by the beauty of nature.
5. Playing With Mirrors

Introducing a mirror works to improve your child’s visual senses.
The reflection in the mirror surely fascinates them, but it will take a long time until they develop the self-awareness necessary to recognize themselves in the mirror. Nevertheless, this baby activity has many other developmental benefits, as well.
First of all, it’s extremely fun.
Watch as your baby reaches out to interact with the mirror. Observe your baby’s expressions. You can also use a mirror during tummy time in order to encourage them to perform physical movements that develop their muscles and motor functioning.
Playing with a mirror grows in complexity as your child ages, but it’s important to keep this activity in your playbook from day one. Every little step in the right direction matters.
Familiarity and consistency go a long way when it comes to their growth.
After all, babies learn through play, and a mirror makes for an excellent toy.
6. Singing to Your Baby

You don’t have to be Mariah Carey to sing to your baby.
Rest assured that you won’t receive any judgment from your child, only a smile.
Depending on the tune and the rhythm of your voice, you can sign songs to your child to calm them. Additionally, singing to your baby helps them develop their communication skills. Whether it’s lullabies or well-known pop songs, it doesn’t matter.
Most babies find it fun and exciting when parents sing.
As you show off your voice in different colors, it promotes bonding, too, because it helps your baby to recognize and fall in love with your voice regardless of its color.
Music isn’t just about songs, though. When you speak, you apply rhythm and harmony. However, you help your child comprehend language by expressing it through rhythmical words when you sing. In doing so, their understanding of communication deepens.
Babies appreciate routine, too.
Therefore, you may want to choose a wake-up song and a bedtime song that you can always sing to your baby, and in doing so, repeatedly create a healthy routine pattern.
On top of all of that, babies associate singing with play, which implies learning.
It’s how they begin their journey into the magical world of music, by hearing you sing, which inevitably develops their listening skills, as well. Singing has so many positives that it’s practically impossible to neglect this fun and exciting baby activity.
7. Exploring Home

You may wrongly get the impression that your baby knows your home.
Yes, they may be familiar with where they sleep, but what about everything beyond their reach? For 3 month old babies, taking the time to give them a tour of the house they live in serves as a wonderful baby activity that significantly promotes sensory development.
Not to mention that it also works to boost your child’s language skills.
As you take them from room to room, make sure you communicate with your baby. Detail the rooms’ purpose, but keep it simple and straightforward.
You don’t want to overwhelm your baby with unnecessary details.
At this stage, it’s also beneficial for your child to learn to play in different rooms. That way they learn that safety, fun and excitement aren’t restricted to but one designated zone.
8. Playtime, Independently

Yes, babies can play on their own even at the tender age of three months.
However, it’s highly important that you’re constantly supervising.
Not even for a moment should you leave your baby completely alone and allow them to play without your surveillance. Safety comes first, after all. Nevertheless, creating a safe and stimulating environment for your baby to play in boosts their development in all areas.
Ideally, you want to combine two things when it’s time to play. On the one hand, you want one-on-one interaction with your baby, but sometimes it helps to create space and observe your baby as they attempt to interact and move around their surroundings.
This allows them to use their creativity. It puts their brains to work.
Above all else, it also sets a precedent for the future, because your baby is going to have to learn not only how to play independently, but how to learn independently, as well.
9. Reading Goes a Long Way

Just like singing, reading to your baby has many positive effects.
With picture books, you get to show your child various colors and shapes, which provides another developmental aspect aside from the fact that you’re teaching language and communication. One sound at a time, your baby learns that words mean something.
When reading, make sure to use different tones to convey emotion.
With reading being so important later in your child’s life, even adulthood, starting off on the right foot and helping your baby fall in love with books can mean so much in the long run. You get to expand their vocabulary and stimulate them to keep learning.
Eventually, that which starts off as a fun bonding and learning experience between parent and child results in teaching the child to respect knowledge, inspiring them to read books, identifying them as sources of knowledge, and preparing them to read on their own.
Ultimately and inevitably, reading ends up being very important. So, make sure to incorporate reading sessions into your daily activities for your 3 month old baby.
10. Dance With Your Baby

Did you know that babies know some amazing disco moves?
Well, it’s high time you find out. Dancing with your baby is a great bonding experience. It also teaches rhythm and movement. So, get up and dance with your baby. Just make sure to hold them close and firmly because, as always, your baby’s safety takes priority.
While holding your baby, make sure to move them around to the song’s rhythm. Up, down and around, but all in moderation, of course, since you don’t want your baby getting dizzy. All of these movements help develop your baby’s vestibular system.
In other words, it helps teach them balance.
Not to mention how fun it is to get up and get your groove on alongside your baby.
11. Explore the World of Textures

This baby activity works well during tummy time.
For a 3 month old baby, it’s important that you start introducing various activities to peak their curiosity and expand their experience. By giving them safe materials to feel, you also develop your baby’s sense of touch in an educational, but interactive way.
From paper to cotton balls to wooden toys, there’s a lot of news out there for your child to get to know. To make it extra safe, you can glue your materials and textures of choice on, for example, a cardboard, so you won’t have to worry about your baby eating anything.
Make sure you don’t use materials that jeopardize your child’s safety.
Also, don’t leave your baby unattended. Be present as your child learns more about the world by interacting with different textures, which also develops their motor skills.
In Conclusion

Now that we’ve covered everything, it’s safe to say that this chapter of your baby’s story is filled with exciting activities. The more your baby grows, the more active they get, the more energized, so you will spend a lot of your time readjusting your parenting strategy.
That’s a big part of the journey, so you have to stay flexible.
If everything is so new and exciting for you, imagine how it feels for your baby. To them, the world’s a mystery. It’s your responsibility to ensure the best developmental strategies for them, so that your little angel can grow efficiently and reach every milestone.
Now that your baby is 3 months old, focus on introducing baby activities listed above. All of them work efficiently independently, but the more variety you incorporate, the more areas of your child’s development you cover. Variety, therefore, goes a long way.
You have to be patient. It helps to repeat it. Every child develops and grows at a different pace. While your baby may not excel at one thing, they may excel at something else. Eventually, all of it falls into place. Try not to be too intense about it.
However, if your child does happen to miss milestones and you sense that something’s off, it’s always the wisest thing to consult a pediatrician. At the very least, they may put your worries to rest, which gives you enough peace of mind to focus on baby activities.

Mother of three and a primary school teacher. I’ve always loved being around children and helping them, so I chose my path as a teacher. It is sometimes hectic with three children, but I am 100 percent into it and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.
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