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Teenage Parent Quotes

Teenage Parent Quotes

Quotes about parenting a teenager will help you endure all the challenges of raising a teenager.

In general, life quotes, parent quotes, teenager quotes, and inspirational quotes can positively affect your mindset. Teenagers are little people. They are children who are currently going through the process of becoming adults.

This is a difficult time for parents and children. Children are often confused and overwhelmed by all the physical and mental changes. Parents can’t help with everything and they feel useless sometimes.

Raising teenagers has never been harder. We simply live in a different era. Life and everything in it is constantly changing. There are so many temptations and the modern world is difficult for young people.

In the past, some things didn’t even exist. The style of parenting was different. People weren’t so interested in all the changes. Nowadays, people are aware of puberty and everything that comes with it.

Parents are aware of challenges and hardships, and they want to be supportive. They want to help their children to overcome everything without being strict. Raising a teenager is a big challenge because this is the time that will shape your child. In this article, I will try to strengthen you with some encouraging teenage parent quotes.

Some of the quotes about parenting a teenager will help you as a parent, but some of them will also be great to tell your child.

Best Quotes For A Teenage Parent

Before diving into these amazing quotes for parenting a teenager, I want to warn you that you will be touched by many of them, but you will also laugh a lot while reading some of them.

“Adolescence is a new birth, for the higher and more completely human traits are now born.” – G. Stanley Hall.

This teenage parenting quote will remind you that this period is all about your teenager becoming an adult. There will be ups and downs, disappointments, and sadness. However, there will also be happiness and pride.

No matter how all of this makes you feel, it will go away. Just remember, it’s harder for your kid than it is for you.

“Sometimes I’m left with the distinct feeling that I am outnumbered by my only child.” – Colleen Ferrary Bader

Everything about having and raising a child is quite difficult. Even though you’re older and smarter, it can be hard to handle your child. Sometimes it feels that your child has so many emotions, thoughts, and problems, that you need another version of yourself to help with everything.

Don’t worry. You’re not alone.

Most moms feel this way.

Even if you have more children, you feel that you can’t do it all.

The reality is that you can.

You can and you will.

You need to take a break from time to time.

“The young always have the same problem — how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another”. – Quentin Crisp

This particular teenage parenting quote will remind you that you’re a great mom. It’s hard to feel like a great mom when your child is like your enemy. However, almost every teenager is like that.

They just feel better when they’re rebellious. They think that it’s necessary to misbehave. Also, they like to follow other teenagers. So, if your child is doing what all the other kids are doing, stay calm. Every phase has a beginning and end.

“Teenagers today are freer to be themselves and to accept themselves.” – John Knowles.

As I said at the beginning of this article, things are different nowadays than they were in the past. That’s a good thing. Just remember yourself when you were younger.

You probably wish that you had enough freedom to talk more about your problems and concerns. Unfortunately, no one listened. Today, people understand that being a teenager is hard and that teenagers need love and understanding. This is something that helps those kids to accept their nature. They can build their confidence easily.

“I have this sense that I didn’t really start growing up until my twenties.” – Winona Ryder.

This teenage parenting quote is great for parents and teenagers. Maybe you think that your child should grow at a certain age. Some kids grow up faster than others.

However, you have to give them time.

Everybody is different, and don’t rush anything.

Things will happen on their own, and sometimes those teenage years last a little bit longer.

In addition to this, this quote about parenting a teenager is also great for them. When your child is being immature or if he or she wants to grow up as soon as possible, talk about this quote. Explain that some things take time, and one day they will feel different and better.

“Good habits formed in youth make all the difference.” – Aristotle.

Inspirational quotes for raising a teenager will make you feel stronger and more stable. It’s good to be understanding and flexible. It’s good to be there to support your child.

However, it’s also important to keep your authority. This is the time of your child’s life that will mean a lot in the future. You have to make sure that you teach your kid some positive habits.

“One of the cruelties of teenagehood is that you’ll never know what your parents were really like at your age, and they’ll never accurately remember.” – Una LaMarche.

This teenage parenting quote will remind you that everybody went through this stage. Raising teens is hard, and we often forget that just like them, we were also young and irresponsible.

This particular quote for raising teenagers is meant for them, but it will serve you better. Besides, kids will probably try to use something like this against you.

The point is that life has many different stages. It’s hard to remember that something was real. It’s hard to remember that those feelings were strong. Right now, we all remember that we don’t care about certain things the way we did as teenagers.

It’s important to keep that in mind.

When you tell your child – “It seemed important, but it wasn’t”- you will sound like someone who doesn’t understand anything.

Be there for every little problem, because it means the world to your teenager.

“Teenagers. Everything is so apocalyptic.” –  Kami Garcia

I think that this quote for raising teens is quite connected with the previous one. Teenagers feel everything. Everything is highlighted and they feel so much all the time.

With all the hormones raging in their bodies, it’s normal. So, don’t try to change this. You’re in charge of controlling the situation because you can’t stop anything.

“When you’re a teenager, ‘No’ is a complete sentence.” – Anonymous

I know you’ve waited for your child to be old enough to talk to you. You want to know everything and you want to share everything. The problem is that they don’t like talking.

There are some exceptions, but most teens don’t like talking with their parents for a long time. So, try to understand that. Don’t be annoying and don’t push it. They will usually give short answers that won’t be good enough for you as a parent, but accept that from time to time.

Teenagers and adults are not the same, and that’s why your kids don’t see the world the way you do.

“When your children are teenagers, it’s important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you.” – Nora Ephron.

This is a funny quote about parenting a teenager that will remind you that sometimes kids are not good at showing love. Teenagers will often hurt you with their words and actions. They will seem uninterested in you and your life.

You will feel like the worst mom in the world. Just don’t let that feeling go on for too long. That’s normal. That happens to every parent who is raising a teenager.

“Nothing makes me more nervous than a text from my teenage son that says ‘How soon will you and mom be home?” – Travis Bone.

This is another funny quote for raising a teenager. You shouldn’t feel like you’ve failed when it comes to parenting teens. Parenting teenagers is a task. It’s a test and a challenge.

Teenagers tend to create problems.

They will probably do some things that will get them and you in trouble.

It’s what they do.

They don’t know better, and you shouldn’t feel like a bad parent.

They will try to hide things from you, and they will lie to you. That doesn’t mean that you’ve made mistake. That doesn’t mean that your child is a bad person. It just means that they’re teens.

“The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant, and let the air out of the tires.” – Dorothy Parker

Parenting teenagers is all about responsibility and patience. They will do stupid things, but you will be there to erase their mistakes and forgive them.

It’s important to show your support and love.

That way, your child will feel safe in your home.

He or she will come to you for help.

“You can be a mess and still be a good mom. We are allowed to be both.” – Katie Bingham Smith

When you think about parenting teens, you think about their confusion and problems. It’s hard to think about yourself as a parent from time to time.

These teenage parenting quotes will help you to be more confident. You’re not a teenager, but you’re also allowed to make mistakes. Sometimes you will have a wrong reaction to something. Sometimes, you will be too strict.

Maybe you will even raise your voice.

Whatever it is, don’t worry.

You’re not alone.

Parenting teens can make you feel like a complete mess.

“Bribes are the glue that kept the teenagers and the parents connected for generations.” –  Gayle Forman

When you have a teenager, there will be times when you’ll feel like an ATM. Your child is older now and he or she needs more money for their activities. Since that is the case, there will be times when you will give them money in return for something.

There will be times when you will try to control them with money. That’s not a great solution, but sometimes it’s efficient. And as a parent of a teenager, you have to use different tricks to get through your kid.

Sometimes, you will use something else to get what you want.

With teenagers, you have to make deals in order to survive.

“Thankfully, persistence is a great substitute for talent.” – Steve Martin.

Nobody’s perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect parent. When parenting teenagers, if you solve a certain problem quickly, you’re probably just lucky.

Just because you struggle with your teenager, doesn’t mean you’re not a good parent. The point of good parenting is not being perfect. It’s about working hard.

Be persistent and don’t give up on your child.

Don’t give up on teaching your kid something important.

One day, your hard work will pay off.

“I know I’m supposed to be preparing my teenager for life and all, but it’s hard when they already know everything… “-  Playdates on Fridays

A funny parenting quote like this will make you laugh without a doubt. Teenagers are often too confident and they think that they’re so smart. Sometimes it’s impossible to explain that something is not true.

As I’ve said, every teenager is like that. Try to stay calm, and don’t be stressed because they have certain opinions that seem crazy. Kids need this phase of their life when they’ll feel super intelligent even though they’re not.

“If you just watch a teenager, you see a lot of uncertainty.” – Jamie Lee Curtis.

As mentioned in a previous parenting quote, teenagers have certain opinions that can’t be changed. They believe they know it all. However, if you take some time to observe a teenager, you will see a lack of true confidence.

Teenagers are great pretenders and they can fake a lot of things. However, they can’t fool everyone all the time. So, when you think that your child is too confident and unreasonable, just watch him or her. You will see a lot of insecurities.

“As parents, we have a tendency to overprotect; it’s okay to try and show them all positives but we cannot forget that the real world has teeth.” – Johnnie Dent Jr.

Teenagers will create problems. As a parent, you shouldn’t overreact, and you should be there to help them and guide them on the other side. However, in some situations, you have to leave your child alone.

The real world is hard, and if your child is constantly making severe problems, you must teach them about responsibility.

Sometimes, you shouldn’t run to save your kid.

Sometimes, it’s more important to teach them a lesson.

This is painful for a parent, especially for a mother. But, it’s important if you have a lot of issues with your kid. Sometimes, kids need a little bit of toughness.

“Conscious parenting is not about being perfect, it’s about being aware. Aware of what your kids need from you to reach more of their full potential.” – Alex Urbina

Every child is different. It’s easier if your kid shares your passions and interest. It’s easier when they remind you of you. However, sometimes your child will be an enigma for you.

Sometimes, you will struggle to find the best parenting style. You have to realize that it’s not possible to be perfect. It’s not possible to please everyone, including your child.

Even if you don’t understand your teenager, keep trying. Find the best path for that. Sometimes you will have to do some unusual things to unlock your child’s potential.

Sometimes, you must do weird things to meet their true nature.

Don’t be afraid of trying different things to get results.


Teenage parenting quotes will remind you that you’re not alone. Every parent feels confused and that’s normal. We love our kids unconditionally, but we also have to turn them into good people.

We have to teach them a lot of important things, and sometimes that’s hard. Teenagers are specifically difficult to handle. They tend to be problematic and mysterious. It’s easy to feel nervous and anxious when you’re living with a teenager.

From my experience, the best thing to do is to relax. You can’t be perfect and you will make mistakes. Some of them will be small, and some of them will be big. The point is, you and your child are both humans.

Be understanding and forgiving. Sometimes it’s okay to spoil your children, and sometimes you have to be strict. You have to find the balance. Share your worries with your partner and friends.

Find something that will motivate you to stay calm and positive. Find some inspirational, love quotes that will remind you about the importance of family. Family is everything, and you have to stay optimistic.

Quotes about raising a teenager, teenager quotes, and family quotes will bolster your spirit and give you the strength to keep going even when you feel lost as a parent. Faith and love will help you endure this challenging part of your life.

teenage parent quotes

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